Surprise, surprise, surprise. Guess who’s back? I’ll give you a hint: He was the “First” African American President:
HuffPost’s Howard Fineman appeared on MSNBC’s “Hardball” Friday evening to discuss former president Bill Clinton’s surprise appearance at President Barack Obama’s press conference Friday, and the return of Clinton-era personnel to a central role in White House policymaking.
“They came to the fore in the last week or so in terms of handling this tax thing,” Fineman told host Chris Matthews. “They knew they could sell it to Republicans because it involved cutting taxes.”
Here’s the video link.
Can I have a Hallelujah? What? I can’t hear you!
I sure hope that’s snark.
of course it is.
funny, no one except those awful firedoglake people want to talk about how clinton wanted to privatize social security. or how he shipped a lot of jobs away. or how he passed the commodity futures act which put us in the boat we’re in now.
and THIS is who they trot out to push for the Bush tax cuts (a guy who pals around withe the Bushes).
that must have been one heck of a christmas party obama had to go to. it’s not like he’s the leader of the country or anything.
A cynical awful comment: Are we now fessing up to the fact that this is the ninth George H. W. Bush administration? 1980-2012. 32 years. That’s quite a run for controlling the US government.
47 years.
Same interests that Bush represented right down the line since the JFK coup. No one who will not totally ally with the wishes of those interests even gets nominated in either convention. Can’t even mount an effective primary challenge. The expense of a campaign plus the connivance of the media ensure this.
Bet on it.
I thought you were on strike.
But I understand your reference. It has to do with this:
J. Edgar Hoover Memo, 11/23/1963 and the reported connections between Zapata Overseas, of which Bush was President, and CIA operations related to Cuba. Not sure how influential a 39-year-old Bush was in those days. The torch must have been passed to him from someone else, or alternatively he reached up and grabbed it.
I’m not on THOUGHTSTRIKE!!!, Tarheel.
Bush Sr.? Just another hired chef. A Rent-A-Cop.
Just like every other president since JFK.
Let me tell you a story about power. This is a paraphrase of something Gore Vidal once wrote.
Vidal comes from old political money…his grandfather was Senator Thomas E. Gore (Gore. Ring any bells? It’s a small, small world…) from Oklahoma and his father was connected w/FDR. As a fairly young man, he was invited to lunch at David Rockefeller’s mansion somewhere deep in the New York woods. He was flown out in a helicopter, seated at a sumptuous table laden w/only the finest wines and food, and being a very political and idealistic young man himself, talked politics w/Mr. Rockefeller for some time.
Apparently at the end of the meal Rockefeller decided that he had not made his point sufficiently and said “Gore, I trust you found this meal to your satisfaction?” Vidal answered that it was indeed perhaps the best meal he had ever eaten. Rockefeller then answered “You must understand…I hired someone to cook this meal. That is what politicians do. They cook the meal that they are hired to cook.”
Now that is realpolitik.
Believe it.
JFK was hired by the wrong rich folks to cook he wrong meal.
Look where it got him.
And look where it got us as well.
Serious question: Was this a White House stunt to make sure that Bernie Sanders’s 8.5 hour speech was definitely buried in the news cycle?
He’s obviously desperate.
Obama appears to have believed that he would attract independents with this clueless betrayal of Democratic ideals. FAIL
“The biggest reason for Obama’s fall: a sharp drop in approval among Democrats and liberals, apparently unhappy with his moves toward the center since he led the party to landslide losses in November’s midterm elections. At the same time, he’s gained nothing among independents.”
Read more:
I think he has sunk his presidency. He won in 2008 by attracting the independents. They are not compelled by feckless cowardice. He won by gaining the enthusiasm of black voters. No information here, but the Congressional Black Caucus is not backing his tax betrayal. He won by attracting students and the youth. They will not back this shit he is putting up.
He won’t get independents. And it is laughably idiotic to think that Republicans will vote for him. At this point, they hold him in great contempt, since he can be rolled by making loud noises. They will certainly not follow a weak leader, which is the most charitable way of describing this feckless eunuch.
I think it’s his last hope, really.
They won’t impeach him.
Too messy.
Plus…he’s gone already. Why go to all of that trouble?
P.S. Obama looks a little sick these days. Anybody else notice? I don’t mean his as a joke, but…his color’s off a little. Kinda ashy. For a couple of months.
A couple of months, eh.
The financial reform act was passed in July. Elizabeth Warren appointed September 17. A couple of months would go back to around the first-to-middle of October. Right about the time they were monitoring the anonymous money going to Republicans.
I think that he looks physically ill.
Emotionally based?
It appears to me that the depth of America’s rejection of him and his party/policies in November ( which was powered by the centrist media, by the way) …a rejection which was plainly apparent by the end of the summer for anyone with half an eye…shocked him. He’s always been the wunderkind. Now suddenly he’s the loser kind.
Depression breeds illness.
Another charmed life has the mirror broken.