I was kind of out of the loop yesterday. In the morning, I took a dog to the vet, and then in the afternoon I had another cavity filled. Then I had to entertain the boy while his mother was on interminable conference calls. So, I was aware that Bernie Sanders was making a very long speech on the Senate floor in opposition to the tax deal, and I became aware that Bill Clinton had retaken the roll of president for the White House press corp in support of the tax deal. What they actually had to say? I still don’t know.
I see that progressive groups like PCCC and DFA are aggressively raising money off this controversy. DFA actually boasted of causing a measly 12,000 phone calls to be made. I’d be embarrassed to ask for money based on that record. Do you mean 12,000 calls in a single congressional district?
Meanwhile, Obama’s decision to make a deal on the tax cuts has begun to cost him dearly with his base.
Overall, just 42 percent of registered voters approve of how he’s doing his job, while 50 percent disapprove.
Obama’s standing among Democrats dropped from a month ago, with his approval rating falling to 74 percent from 83 percent, and his disapproval rating almost doubling, from 11 percent to 21 percent.
Among liberals, his approval rating dropped from 78 percent to 69 percent and his disapproval rating jumped from 14 percent to 22 percent.
It’s fair to say that we didn’t work so hard to get Obama elected so that he could preserve Bush’s tax cuts for his whole first term. But, then, we used to have a decent employment situation in this country. We used to have control of the House of Representatives. We used to have a Senate that would show at least some deference to the White House on the management of foreign policy and the economy, and not obstruct and vilify everything.
I don’t even much care what happens with the tax deal. I would like to see the START treaty ratified, the DADT policy repealed, and new stimulus for the economy. And I’d like see millionaires and billionaires pay to balance the budget. They had a free ride for the last thirty years and caused this problem. Let them clean it up right now. Don’t cut anyone’s Social Security. If we hadn’t subsidized the rich’s lifestyle with low taxes, we’d have no shortfall in the money promised to Social Security. Politicians spent our Social Security money rather than tax rich people. How about we get paid back now?
In a complete and total vacuum, I’d push to pass this tax cut deal. However, what cost are we going to have to pay in the future? What about after that, and then the next time after that? This is where the line should be drawn. I don’t mind swallowing a pile of shit if the other side is negotiating in good faith; they’re not, and they never have. Obama was obviously so taken aback by the backlash that he had to bring in the Big Dog to try and calm people down. Clinton handled the conference like a pro, but why the fuck was he the one taking the questions? Who’s president again?
It seems like you’re changing your mind on any SS deals…
And god I love Bernie Sanders. I caught wind of it around 4 hours in, and went back and forth until he finally stopped. At around the 6 hour mark, he sounded and looked like he was high on some serious drugs and was about to pass out. Whether or not he accomplished anything in realtime is irrelevant. What he did needed to be done and said. I saw Republican friends cheering him on. Why? They feel like he actually gives a shit about them. I’m not saying the President doesn’t. In fact, I feel like he cares so much. People just can’t feel it.
I’m just talking about what I’d like to see. I’d like to see the people who become millionaires over the last thirty years pay off the national debt and do it tomorrow. Of course our country doesn’t work like that.
Meanwhile, Obama’s decision to make a deal on the tax cuts has begun to cost him dearly with his base.
The (nominally) Democratic Senate, and not its Republican rump, continues to be the biggest obstacle facing the country, and Obama. If the election were held today, he’d be punished dearly for the actions of his friends, only 1/3 of whom, give or take, would be up for election, and many, if not most, of whom, have safe seats. The election would come down to “Someone’s getting spanked — it’s him, or us.”
I’ll take ‘him’, and the points. The Democratic Senate Caucus will have problem covering the spread on this one.
The movie version of this is called “King John” or “Magna Carta” or something like, and the barons win.
…and the barons win.……big
well, this isn’t going to do much to shore up his support in the base, or on main street with its mysterious “independents”. Obama to Convene CEO Summit:
this is wrong on so many levels, and the optics are terrible. he must think the corporatocracy is even interested…they’re doing just fine, thank you very much… why would these guys even think about hiring and ramping up production, or whatever services they provide when there’s no demand?
what’s he going to give up next?
it’s really beyond my comprehension what they must be thinking.
They are panicked by all that anonymous corporate cash that went into the midterms almost exclusively for Republicans.
That’s what they’re thinking. And the Village has been pushing the line that Obama has not been accommodating to business. Which scares them more.
that’s probably as believable an interpretation as any. but what’s the upside to this strategy?
l don’t see one.
all that anonymous corporate cash is going to be back for 2012, and once again, it will still be going almost exclusively to the ratpublicans.
this is lose lose, imnsho.
l honestly believe he really doesn’t want a second term, nor is he likely to get one if this line of action[s] continues.
The markets are moving overseas and corporate expansion plans do not include our bankrupt nation. Google and their 2.6% corporate tax rate. Facebook setting or has set up the same scam. Hah! Obama will be wasting his breath talking to them. What will this achieve?
Maybe he will negotiate an indentured servant program for us. Then get pissed off if we don’t think its a just wonderful. Come to think of it we are already indentured servants trying to pay off 14 trillion in debt for our freedom.
I don’t see an upside in reality.
Maybe some of the folks in the White House can explain it.
I watched Bernie on C-SPAN for a while. At the time he had been talking for something like 5 hours. You could tell he was tired. Occasionally he would lose his train of thought in mid-sentence and repeat himself. And still he made more sense than anyone I’ve heard on C-SPAN in a long, long time.
At some point Gamer Son wandered through room, stopped to see what I was watching, and stood transfixed for a good 15 minutes, listening to Bernie speak. He finally said, “Hey, that guy is making SENSE!”
Somebody suggested we ought to launch a Sanders for President movement. They were probably joking and he wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell, but I would vote for him.
Repetition is good in politics.
W thought it “catapulted the propaganda”. And it sure seems to have.
My 16 yr old watched him too. I asked him to take a few minutes and that I felt it was important for him to listen and understand what is happening to our nation.
Obama is just embarrassing himself now. It is really quite pathetic. I mean, dragging in Bill Clinton? Really?
Bernie rocks. I just wish it could have been a real filibuster with legislation on the floor.
We’ll see come Monday what happens. That said, I know some people here don’t care for those new fangled things like Twitter(I didn’t either at one time) but it was fascinating to watch Sanders speech and the reaction on Twitter. At one point, he was two of the top ten trending topics. The semi-Socialist from Vermont!! 😉
Obama senses the wheels are coming off and he has now screwed up big time.
the wheels are indeed coming off, and he knows it…he’s finished, it’s over.
perhaps the realization that the faustian bargains he made to achieve his meteoric rise are coming to their inevitable conclusions, as witnessed in his precipitous fall, may have something to do with it. too bad it’s not just his soul that’s in peril.
“I don’t even much care what happens with the tax deal. I would like to see the START treaty ratified, the DADT policy repealed, and new stimulus for the economy.”
Now hang on, how can you be concerned about the economy and not care what happens with the tax deal? From here, that’s the single largest factor that I can see stretching out over the short and long term. I dig that there are a multitude of smaller factors that in the aggregate can push the numbers in the short term, but we can’t afford to prolong tax cuts that we haven’t been able to afford since they were enacted.
And does anyone else besides me remember all the retroactive tax rebates that were enacted via policy during the early Bush years?
The most remarkable thing about the last month or so is Herbert Hoover becoming a Democratic idol.
Davis, I’ll admit it, I don’t know what your comment has to do with anything I said. And Hoover is no idol of mine. Care to explain? I’m not too proud to ask.
Does Obama not get it? Does he really think the banksters are going to save him? I mean, as I think we all know, FDR basically ran in balancing the budget(aka austerity of the time), but grew into the office and became more of a people’s champion as time went on. Granted, FDR was born wealthy and all that. But when is Obama going to wake up? Taking Larry Summers advice is a recipe for disaster. Does he not realize the optics of Orzag going to Citibank look really bad too? I’m just not sure anyone at the WH grasps the magnitude of the economic crisis we are facing.
Obama is rolling out the ex-Presidents. He has George H. W. Bush using his Rolodex to build support for the START treaty. The Maine twins apparently have committed to vote for it. Are there any Democrats opposed?
Amen. Let’s build a society for the 95-99% of us who aren’t GOP clientele.
I really hope this tax deal fails. Let the Republicans add to the debt when they are in control. If it does pass make the Republicans vote first. Because common sense tells me they will vote against their own tax deal to blame the Democrats for increasing the deficit.
I listen To Sen. Sanders while at work yesterday. A lot of common sense in these uncommon days. I think Obama is still playing Chicago politics which does not work in DC, appeasement only makes your opponent to want more.
Obama is rolling out the ex-Presidents. He has George H. W. Bush using his Rolodex to build support for the START treaty. The Maine twins apparently have committed to vote for it. Are there any Democrats opposed?
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