As a traveler who simply loves to discover every corner of the most famous cities all around the world, I am often seduced by the idea of taking part in a train adventure all over Europe so that I can discover how Europe developed and how people tend to live in those countries. Keeping this in mind, I have been recently reading some interesting articles on travels from UK to France and other glamorous countries all over Europe so that I can have a more precise idea of what I can expect to find in those countries and which spots I should definitely avoid missing if I intend to take full advantage of my trips.
As a matter of fact, I have been reading some interesting news about the St. Pancras railway station and other station to airport possibilities that may allow me to take full advantage of fast services that will easily make it possible for me to travel from city to city in short periods of time! Moreover, if you decide to go from St Pancras International, London to any destination across Europe that has always attracted you, then I would personally advise you to take some time to visit the websites to which I have linked above and where you may discover more about the great possibilities that you have this winter all across Europe but mainly in Paris and Brussels as they are just a few hours away if you choose St. Pancras railway station to get there. So, have you always wanted to do some shopping for Christmas anywhere across Europe or would you like to enjoy some festivals in Europe during the winter? If that’s the case, then I am more than sure that you will definitely benefit from having a look at the website to which I have linked just above and where you will be able to get many and interesting information about these trips.
Mike, as an earlier Democratic president said, I feel your pain.
I hate to be the bearer of more bad tidings, but the country has always been run by more powerful interests. (Check out the power of trusts in the late 19th century.) There have always been those staunchly opposed to social equality. (Remember the lynchings under Redemption and Jim Crow governments.) There have always been those who hated immigrants. (See: the Know-Nothings of the 1840s and 50s, the Chinese Exclusion Act of the 1880s, the racist immigration laws in effect from 1924 to 1965.) The tax system has almost always been unfair to poor people. (Recall that wealth inequality was as bad in the 1920s as it is today.) And you didn’t even mention the lunacy that is opposition to passing the new START treaty.
I’m glad Bernie Sanders gave his speech. I’m glad some progressives opposed the tax deal, if only because it’s a marker laid down for future battles in the next Congress.
But the President still has my vote—despite the mistakes he’s made and the failures he’s had.
Cutting a deal to save UI benefits for two million people shows me he’s still fighting for the right things. For all the problems with the health care bill, over 30 million Americans will get health insurance and you can’t lose (or be denied) your insurance for getting sick. I’m not happy Afghanistan was escalated, but I knew that was coming from what he said during the 2008 campaign. He’s kept his promise to draw down troops in Iraq—we’ll see if he’s able to start reducing troops in Afghanistan next summer. Guantanamo is still open because Democrats in Congress fought the administration on closing it. And, as much as my wonkish heart thrills at the thought of a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank, failure to include it in emergency legislation 22 months ago isn’t going to swing my vote one way or the other.
Finally, why do you want a progressive challenger to Obama when the most loyal, most progressive quarter of Democratic voters (i.e., African-Americans) still support him almost unanimously?
I’m sorry if I sound harsh, but we progressives have to (in my view) remember our history and toughen up. That’s how progressives in past generations won the victories we take for granted.
He’s lost my vote. It’s not the incompetence and ineptitude of the 250K tax extension. It’s not his disparagement of Dirty Fucking Hippies.
It’s that he’s incompetent at being a centrist. And for all the betrayals that have occurred so far, all I see is more betrayals to come. It’s betrayals all the way to the 2012 election, and never even an attempt at a fight.
So, I’m off the Obama wagon.
Progressives need to “toughen up”? I don’t think so.
The jellyfish in the White House? Absolutely.
In the Democratic Party there is not retribution for those who fail to vote the party line. Without 5 Dems voting against the DREAM ACT the Republicans would have won. Where is the punishment for those DEMS who vote against the Ideals of the Party. Will the DSCC withhold funding, will the lose their Senior status in the Senate.
Nothing, nada, no retribution for those DEM Senators who voted against the Party Line. Where is the Bi-Partisanship Obama was touting so much yesterday.
Why is it so difficult, for DEMS, to stand-up for those who need the help the Most.
the new Obama:
Also, the whole cast of “Morning Joe” is now embracing Obama as one of their own. That’s right, Obama is now aces with Joe and Mika and that whole sorry crew.
Maybe someday we can get a President from the democratic wing of the Democratic Party. But that day isn’t today.