I’m emerging from the hole I’ve been in for the last few weeks (someday I’ll fill you all in), psyched that I’m pretty much done work for the year (a teleconference tomorrow morning, and an outline to review) and SOOOO happy to be home with the boys! Still need to finish Christmas preparations, but we got a good start this morning when we came across an unexpected 50% off our total purchase, including stuff that was already on sale. 🙂
I think I’m going to try to put a batch of cookie dough together tonight in a bit.
Yay! Sounds like good things are afoot at the Boo household:)
For me, 5 more work days to go. I leave office on the 31st and take office in the new job on the 1st. Thank FSM the new one is part-time and not so intense!
The lovely lighting and terrain in the photo above seems strangely familiar to me.
Enjoy the Christmas lights without crowds of people.
I think we’ll probably go over to the park and hike on Christmas day. Talk about peace and quiet — it’s really wonderful to have 15,000 acres all to ourselves (human-wise, of course).
Sounds like a lovely way to spend the day. We have out Christmas Eve dinner tonight (which I’m not exactly prepared for yet), and then
tomorrow is a litt]e more relaxing.’//]
Good morning.
Christmas vacation coming up.
Just checked my airline’s pages and Heathrow is back to almost normal – and my flight is among those scheduled today 🙂
Thanks for all the good wishes.
My flight from Heathrow to JFK is still on schedule – but I am still in Geneva. My connecting flight from here was seriously delayed and could not make the connection. Made an attempt to reroute via Munich, but then snowy conditions there made our incoming flight (to Geneva) delayed as well.
Now booked with a different airline via Brussels very early tomorrow (light snow in the forecast for Brussels overnight…) – nature is playing havoc with holiday travelers all over the continent. Right behind me in one of the many lines I had to queue up in at the airport was a couple who had just been stranded in London for 4 days and now they could not get out of Geneva (I believe they were returning to Chicago).
Heard at work about someone trying to get home to usa for work last week from Europe, achieved it by changing planes about 10 times, routing through Spain then Africa, at considerable personal expense.
Still stuck in Geneva 🙁
I could get to Brussels, but all flights out of there were canceled – at least for two days, they thought.
No other rerouting available today. Trying again tomorrow via Frankfurt – but then, now it started snowing here…
(Deutsche Welle) – Snowy weather and freezing temperatures continued to wreak havoc on thousands of travelers in Europe on Saturday, December 25, with many being forced to spend Christmas at crowded airports.
German weather forecasters are predicting more heavy snowfall and icy conditions to hit southern and central parts of the country. “A white Christmas is 100-percent certain.”
Belgium’s main airport in Brussels was hard-hit by snowfall …
I am happy that NORAD has nothing better to do than track Santa’s global progress. I hope they never have anything more interesting to do.
What I want to know is whether Santa will have to go through the TSA you-have-no-secrets X-ray scan or if he’ll opt for the more intimate if-you’re-going-to-touch-me-there-you’d-better-buy-me-dinner pat down.
Hi All –
Hope you all had a warm and cozy Christmas! On to a Happy New Year!!
Just hanging out – waiting for ask to make it in – trying to keep a positive attitude that tomorrow will be the day. Maybe I’m delusional.
We had a very cozy day here at Chez Cabin (most of us never bothered to get out of our pajamas).
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the bog storm holds off long enough for ask to make it in for the rest of he holiday break. What a mess he’s been dealing with, and for days now. Hang in there!
Thanks to you all for your positive energy – I think it might have worked! No distress calls or messages from Frankfurt and no news is good news in this situation :). Hopefully, ask will land in NY before too much accumulation and not get dropped off in Bangor, Maine!
I once stopped at Goose Bay, Labrador to refuel on the way to Frankfurt. Not a region for warm weather lovers. Here’s hoping ask will be with you soon.
Update: It wasn’t quite that simple. When getting to the airport in Frankfurt yesterday am, the big board showed that all flights to NY would be canceled because of the coming storm. No seats available until the 29th at best.
Managed to get on a flight to Dulles/Washington and a late train to NY. No luggage arrived.
Got to Penn Station NY and had the sense to not even go out – just got on the subway up to Bway and 96. No bus or taxi service and had to walk across from the west side to here (about 2 miles).
I’ve had a number of ‘interesting’ travel travails because of my work travels, but nothing ever like this.
Thanks Jim.
It was just after midnight that I finally arrived here – caked in snow after my cross-town trek in the blizzard.
A warm shower and 7 straight hours of sleep does wonders, though.
Just got a call from my airline, luggage is located (now in Washington) and they think they can deliver it some time tonight. I do not have too much confidence in that prediction considering the troubles all transportation means face in the current conditions in our area.
Hope all is well – greetings to both of you.
Good to see you, ask. Glad you made it!
Quiet streets in a snowy New York might just make it all worth it. It’s a lovely place to be under those conditions — provided you don’t actually have to get around.
Hi ww,
The subway service was not much disturbed, but there is no crosstown service uptown. I could probably have got off at Times Square and taken the shuttle to Grand Central and then the east side line uptown, but even then there would have been a good walk to get to the apt.
Let me add that in younger years I did a lot of the wilderness stuff in the Norwegian mountains winter time. Have been out in much worse blizzards, stayed overnight in snow caves we dug out, once spent an entire Easter holiday in an igloo (at the place where the Star Wars ice planet Hoth shots were made a few years later. Finse – another link – Hardangerjøkulen).
So in a weird way, I was enjoying the walk in the snow and knew that the end of the travel ordeal was close.
So pleased you could enjoy your walk — obviously nothing like the treks you’ve done before. Also, if NYC is ever truly magical, it’s during a snowstorm, imho.
Still relatively light here so far. Warmer than it has been. Quite lovely, really. The first snow plow’s just gone by.
I wouldn’t travel unless there was absolutely no choice. Be safe tonight.
Just south of us was the maximum, 18-20″. I think we’re around 12′. It’s quiet now, but supposed to be v. windy later today. I’m taking a snow day and really need the rest!
Amazing! we have some drifts, but nothing like that and we never got the wind they predicted. Much of the public transportation was down or intermittent. I think most ppl went the snow day route. I figure if I’m going to have an adventure trekking around in the snow I want it to be in Norway and i want to sleep in a snow cave while I’m at it but not a snow cave in Manhattan, NY.
Now I’m imagining a grizzly bear all snuggled up in cave with a large, sunken den, a lovely view of Central Park West, and 100 pounds of schmaltz herring from Zabar’s in the pantry.
Very cozy!! my eye estimates of the snow were way off (obviously I was letting the shovel do the work while watching it from indoors, otherwise I could not have so underestimated the amount of snow) – it varies alot, 20″ around here, 29-32″ a few miles from here. One person reported 20″ in their front yard and some 30″ in the backyard iirc! Public transportation may be somewhat functioning today, who knows? it’s very difficult to get around on foot and no one can get their car out anyway.
Is that the kind of shovel that lets you sit inside & watch?
Can I get one too?
Actually, we didn’t do too badly here snow-wise — probably got about 6″, with drifts up to a foot. The wind’s outrageous, though. Air temperature of +2 F feels like -10.
I’m emerging from the hole I’ve been in for the last few weeks (someday I’ll fill you all in), psyched that I’m pretty much done work for the year (a teleconference tomorrow morning, and an outline to review) and SOOOO happy to be home with the boys! Still need to finish Christmas preparations, but we got a good start this morning when we came across an unexpected 50% off our total purchase, including stuff that was already on sale. 🙂
I think I’m going to try to put a batch of cookie dough together tonight in a bit.
What are you all up to?
Yay! Sounds like good things are afoot at the Boo household:)
For me, 5 more work days to go. I leave office on the 31st and take office in the new job on the 1st. Thank FSM the new one is part-time and not so intense!
The lovely lighting and terrain in the photo above seems strangely familiar to me.
I’ll be there was a lot of that light and snow going on around here. Next time there’s a new snow, I ought to go take some pictures of Salt Creek.
Sounds like a good start to the holidays — especially the cookies. 🙂
Jim is off from school till January 3rd. No big plans here — just relax and enjoy.
Enjoy the peace & quiet, that is, if Bebo will allow;-)
Enjoy the Christmas lights without crowds of people.
I think we’ll probably go over to the park and hike on Christmas day. Talk about peace and quiet — it’s really wonderful to have 15,000 acres all to ourselves (human-wise, of course).
Sounds like a lovely way to spend the day. We have out Christmas Eve dinner tonight (which I’m not exactly prepared for yet), and then
tomorrow is a litt]e more relaxing.’//]
It is. In all the times we’ve done it, we’ve only run into 2 other people.
Hope your holiday brings all of you great joy and that Finn has a great time ripping up wrapping paper.
Good morning.
Christmas vacation coming up.
Just checked my airline’s pages and Heathrow is back to almost normal – and my flight is among those scheduled today 🙂
Happy holidays, ask.
Are you going to England or is that a stop on your way to NY or somewhere else?
Safe journey, ask (with no delays). Hope you have a good holiday!
happy holidays! safe travel!
Thanks for all the good wishes.
My flight from Heathrow to JFK is still on schedule – but I am still in Geneva. My connecting flight from here was seriously delayed and could not make the connection. Made an attempt to reroute via Munich, but then snowy conditions there made our incoming flight (to Geneva) delayed as well.
Now booked with a different airline via Brussels very early tomorrow (light snow in the forecast for Brussels overnight…) – nature is playing havoc with holiday travelers all over the continent. Right behind me in one of the many lines I had to queue up in at the airport was a couple who had just been stranded in London for 4 days and now they could not get out of Geneva (I believe they were returning to Chicago).
Heard at work about someone trying to get home to usa for work last week from Europe, achieved it by changing planes about 10 times, routing through Spain then Africa, at considerable personal expense.
Hope you are well on your way by now.
Hoping you’ve arrived and are sleeping in this morning!
Still stuck in Geneva 🙁
I could get to Brussels, but all flights out of there were canceled – at least for two days, they thought.
No other rerouting available today. Trying again tomorrow via Frankfurt – but then, now it started snowing here…
sorry to hear, hope your flight gets rescheduled soon!
Oh ask, I am so sorry. I hope things turn around for you very soon.
Oh, what a mess! I hope they get things cleared up so you can get on your way soon!
Have a Peaceful Christmas, wherever you are staying the night!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
happy holidays, all!!!
You too, Errol! We have a half day here. Sometimes it pays to be an underpaid civil servant.
Happy Holidays to you both! We labored for the people today, but no more until Monday:)
Right back atcha!
I’ll be sort of a reverse Shabbos goy when I post Top Comments at dkos tonight. How funny is that.
very nice!
You’re such a mensch!
Happy holidays to you too!
Wishing everyone a very happy, warm & beautiful holiday! Enjoy!
Happy Holidays! Hope your friend and you are warm & cozy up there on your mountain.
Yes, thank you! Good neighbors, good food & a roaring fire do help. Alas, the chores multiply.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday season as well?
Do you have much snow?
Thanks for good wishes, Andi! Not much snow on the ground right now, but we may see about a foot by Monday. We’ll see.
Hope your holiday’s been merry.
curious, it’s important info from NORAD’s santa-tracking setup
I am happy that NORAD has nothing better to do than track Santa’s global progress. I hope they never have anything more interesting to do.
What I want to know is whether Santa will have to go through the TSA you-have-no-secrets X-ray scan or if he’ll opt for the more intimate if-you’re-going-to-touch-me-there-you’d-better-buy-me-dinner pat down.
And what does he do with all those packages?
I believe in Scandinavia they do buy you dinner if you opt for the second
and a joyous day to all of you.
and from me as well! Our Christmas chaos with the grandchildren was last night, so its relaxation with friends from here on.
Happy relaxing.
I was really happy when I woke up this morning and saw we didn’t get all that snow.
Thanks! I hope you have a wonderful hike today.
I seem to have come down with something, so I’m looking forward to a nice nap this afternoon (Finn already started his).
We had a great hike — did about 6 miles of up and down and down and up and were happily tired at the end.
Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. Hope you get over it fast.
Rest & feel better soon, CG!
Merry Christmas to all!
Now stuck in Frankfurt until tomorrow…
Sorry to hear, ask. Hope you will be on your way soon & that there is something Merry in store for you today:)
I hope that you can get out of there soon. BTW, they’re expecting a big storm to hit the east coast starting on Sunday. Sorry to break the bad news.
hope you get a flight out tomorrow – maybe via Scandinavia and the free dinner or at least the Swedish massage going through security.
I am so sorry, ask. I hope your travails are about to become your travels.
Hi All –
Hope you all had a warm and cozy Christmas! On to a Happy New Year!!
Just hanging out – waiting for ask to make it in – trying to keep a positive attitude that tomorrow will be the day. Maybe I’m delusional.
We had a very cozy day here at Chez Cabin (most of us never bothered to get out of our pajamas).
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the bog storm holds off long enough for ask to make it in for the rest of he holiday break. What a mess he’s been dealing with, and for days now. Hang in there!
Sending good vibes to you, ask, and the weather gods. I hope he got out this morning before the snow in New York could mess things up.
No visible snow here on the western edge of the ny metro region. hoping ask arrived already without any more adventures en route.
Thanks to you all for your positive energy – I think it might have worked! No distress calls or messages from Frankfurt and no news is good news in this situation :). Hopefully, ask will land in NY before too much accumulation and not get dropped off in Bangor, Maine!
Thanks again – fingers crossed!!!
Adding my good wishes to the rest, curly! Keeping fingers & chilly toes crossed.
I once stopped at Goose Bay, Labrador to refuel on the way to Frankfurt. Not a region for warm weather lovers. Here’s hoping ask will be with you soon.
Update: It wasn’t quite that simple. When getting to the airport in Frankfurt yesterday am, the big board showed that all flights to NY would be canceled because of the coming storm. No seats available until the 29th at best.
Managed to get on a flight to Dulles/Washington and a late train to NY. No luggage arrived.
Got to Penn Station NY and had the sense to not even go out – just got on the subway up to Bway and 96. No bus or taxi service and had to walk across from the west side to here (about 2 miles).
I’ve had a number of ‘interesting’ travel travails because of my work travels, but nothing ever like this.
Wow, I’m glad you made it, but what a roundabout way to get there. Geneva to NY via Brussels, Frankfurt, and DC…
Hope you and curly and the asklets are enjoying some quiet time snuggling up at home today – the trip sounds completely exhausting.
So glad you got in.
Thanks Jim.
It was just after midnight that I finally arrived here – caked in snow after my cross-town trek in the blizzard.
A warm shower and 7 straight hours of sleep does wonders, though.
Just got a call from my airline, luggage is located (now in Washington) and they think they can deliver it some time tonight. I do not have too much confidence in that prediction considering the troubles all transportation means face in the current conditions in our area.
Hope all is well – greetings to both of you.
So glad you made it.
This is the kind of thing that will make a great story — four or five years after the event when it finally stops being painful.
yes, glad to hear you made it! enjoy a cozy restful day indoors.
Thanks Errol,
Just went out for a brief walk – so nice with the quiet streets.
Good to see you, ask. Glad you made it!
Quiet streets in a snowy New York might just make it all worth it. It’s a lovely place to be under those conditions — provided you don’t actually have to get around.
Ask, I’m mystified that you had to walk. No trains either?
Hi ww,
The subway service was not much disturbed, but there is no crosstown service uptown. I could probably have got off at Times Square and taken the shuttle to Grand Central and then the east side line uptown, but even then there would have been a good walk to get to the apt.
Let me add that in younger years I did a lot of the wilderness stuff in the Norwegian mountains winter time. Have been out in much worse blizzards, stayed overnight in snow caves we dug out, once spent an entire Easter holiday in an igloo (at the place where the Star Wars ice planet Hoth shots were made a few years later. Finse – another link – Hardangerjøkulen).
So in a weird way, I was enjoying the walk in the snow and knew that the end of the travel ordeal was close.
In an odd way, it was probably a good thing you didn’t have your luggage to haul with you…
Absolutely. And apart from some winter clothing in the luggage, I have everything needed here.
So pleased you could enjoy your walk — obviously nothing like the treks you’ve done before. Also, if NYC is ever truly magical, it’s during a snowstorm, imho.
I wish all of you a terrific holiday together.
Peace on Earth…Good Will towards All…
Bless everyone…and Merry Christmas!
We saw Exit Through The Gift Shop last night. It reminded me of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
Heavy snow here. I would put an exclamation after that but the key has stopped working on this old Mac. Sigh.
Here also. Went out for supplies, shopkeepers talking about closing early.
Still relatively light here so far. Warmer than it has been. Quite lovely, really. The first snow plow’s just gone by.
I wouldn’t travel unless there was absolutely no choice. Be safe tonight.
click for larger
Will follow that trail!
How much snow have you got?
Just south of us was the maximum, 18-20″. I think we’re around 12′. It’s quiet now, but supposed to be v. windy later today. I’m taking a snow day and really need the rest!
I think you have it worse; we only got about 5 inches or so, and my driveway is already plowed.
That’s good to hear! I think the center of it was in mid Jersey and especially along the coast. Evidently Cape May had alot.
A person over at my blog that lives in New Jersey said she had a drift on her porch that was taller than she was.
Glad it’s only moderately terrible there. 😉
Amazing! we have some drifts, but nothing like that and we never got the wind they predicted. Much of the public transportation was down or intermittent. I think most ppl went the snow day route. I figure if I’m going to have an adventure trekking around in the snow I want it to be in Norway and i want to sleep in a snow cave while I’m at it but not a snow cave in Manhattan, NY.
I heard on the news that 20 inches fell in Central Park — I’ll bet there’s a nice snow cave somewhere in there.
I’ll bet it’s taken, too.
Now I’m imagining a grizzly bear all snuggled up in cave with a large, sunken den, a lovely view of Central Park West, and 100 pounds of schmaltz herring from Zabar’s in the pantry.
Very cozy!! my eye estimates of the snow were way off (obviously I was letting the shovel do the work while watching it from indoors, otherwise I could not have so underestimated the amount of snow) – it varies alot, 20″ around here, 29-32″ a few miles from here. One person reported 20″ in their front yard and some 30″ in the backyard iirc! Public transportation may be somewhat functioning today, who knows? it’s very difficult to get around on foot and no one can get their car out anyway.
In keeping with the holiday spirit of it being better to give than receive, I am delighted that you got all that snow and not us.
Great shot, Andi! Quite the familiar scene.
Wonderful shot!
In his new monster shoes:
Adorable boots! for cutest Finny!!!
Oh my. Pictures please!
Got to try out the new powershovel today. Things were a bit easier but there is a lot of snow out there.
Is that the kind of shovel that lets you sit inside & watch?
Can I get one too?
Actually, we didn’t do too badly here snow-wise — probably got about 6″, with drifts up to a foot. The wind’s outrageous, though. Air temperature of +2 F feels like -10.
Can’t wait for that warm front later this week!
Hope everyone’s staying comfy today.
Maybe you also have the wind we didn’t get.
I think we have everybody’s wind. Too bad we don’t have turbines!
Heh. I wish that it would. The wind was probably worse than the snow. We lost power and it was getting mighty cold here for a while.
Back at work but at least it will be a very quiet day and a very short week.