I’m not sure who is writing the New York Times’ unsigned editorials these days, but they are demonstrating once more a lazy support for thoughtless imperialism. We are all happy that the Iraqis have cobbled together a government nine short months after their elections, but that’s not the real point of this column.
The administration deserves credit for goading Iraqis into a political deal. But the long delay and Iraq’s daunting list of problems is a reminder that, even after the troops come home, Iraq will continue to need American attention, support and pressure.
Why will Iraq “need” American attention, support, and pressure after all our troops come home?
At this point, Iraq’s most dangerous fault line may be the oil-rich region of Kirkuk, which is claimed by Arabs and Kurds. Washington must press Iraqis to find a solution, making clear that a Kurdish secession or a grab for Kirkuk would mean the end of American support.
President Obama has rightly promised to withdraw all American troops from Iraq by the end of 2011. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal that was published on Tuesday, Mr. Maliki insisted that that deadline is firm. Still, the two leaders need to consider whether some number of forces — American or from the United Nations — should remain temporarily as a buffer in Kirkuk.
The whole point of having a government is so you can peaceably resolve internal disputes like “who owns all this damn oil anyway?” If you can’t resolve them peaceably then you resolve them with force. But you don’t “need” attention, pressure, or support from outside powers to do these things.
One of the more disturbing pathologies of the American mind is our ability to go blow the crap out of a country, ruin all its institutions, cause irresolvable internal conflicts, and then argue that we’re absolutely essential to fixing everything we’ve screwed up. No, we’re not. We’re really not. We’re responsible. We’re liable. We’re not essential.
The intrinsic right to tell other nations what to do and how to do it – and to blow them to help them along – is one of those bipartisan givens among political sophisticates, especially in the East. Our elites frequently assume and exercise this right despite the fact that it has never been especially popular with us common folks. The most repugnant part is the moral smugness with which American foreign policy continues to be conducted, almost as if we were a nation which had never kidnapped, falsely imprisoned and tortured people and then failed to legally punish that conduct.
I’m not sure who is writing the New York Times’ unsigned editorials these days, but they are demonstrating once more a lazy support for thoughtless imperialism.
Did you read the editorials from the Philly Inquirer yesterday? I know Tierney was a RWNJ, but the new crew is even worse.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Well it’s logical, like the bankers and speculators who have been assigned to cleaning up the mess they caused in the first place. It’s a lot like the kids cleaning up after themselves.
al Maliki said today that the US forces won’t be in Iraq after 2011 and that Iraqi forces will be able to provide security to Iraqis.
The NYT editorial is your basic ‘the Iraqis are stupid children’.
I commented at AlterNet where this was reposted. That positioning has always pissed me off. Look out.
Let’s get real – quickly. The movie website viewable online ‘Leading to War’ covers the trail of shifting lies. At opitslinkfest.blogspot.com in the Topical Index under Documents Post-Saddam Iraq ( Secret ) and State Dept documents outline plans to break the Middle East stability which Saddam Hussein fostered ruthlessly.
Greetings From the Belly of the Beast
The Real Victor in Iraq: Monsanto
Eyewitness to the Wreckage of Iraq
Blood Money Project – PNAC – New World Order
Bush knew Iraq likely to be divvied up
The Empire’s New Middle East Map
ethnic cleaning and petroleum geography
Think the Unthinkable: Partition Iraq
Partition Iraq? Over Their Dead Bodies
Invisible War: How Thirteen Years of US-Imposed Economic Sanctions Devastated Iraq Before the 2003 Invasion
Depleted Uranium – Killing the Troops
George W. Bush – Terrorist in the White House – War Crimes
Cheney intervened in CIA Inspector General’s Torture Probe
Obama vows to prosecute torture – but there’s a catch
Clinton Is The WorId’s Leading Active War Criminal
Iraq’s “Hidden War” – Real Iraq
Bush is trying to impose a classic colonial status on Iraq
Geopolitics and Sweetness
And somewhere I’ve stashed a translation of the Iraqi oil agreement from Raed in the Middle http://raedinthemiddle.blogspot.com/