Wow. Like the century. he’s taking it to eleven.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is openly admitting that he couldn’t cancel his family trip to Disney World to deal with the massive snow storm because he is pussy-whipped. That is not something a wise pol advertises.

When it became clear that the storm was getting worse, Christie said his wife warned him to not “even think about” canceling the trip.

So, even though his state was clearly entering a state of emergency, the governor got on a flight for Orlando. And his lieutenant governor was on vacation in Mexico. Clearly this guy is presidential material. The best part is that he blamed local officials who actually stayed and worked to clear the roadways (which are still not clear).

When asked about mayors who said they were forced to divert their resources to unplowed state roads instead of clearing local roads Christie said, “I know who these mayors are and they should buck up and take responsibility for the fact that they didn’t do their job.”

And then the cherry on top. Never apologize.

“I wouldn’t change the decision even if I could do it right now,” Christie said. “I had a great five days with my children. I promised that.”


ALSO: Just got back from a New year’s Eve beer run up Route 35 into Monmouth County. There are still – five days after the storm – unplowed patches of the state highway where a five-foot wall of snow encroaches on the travel lane. Those driving in the right lane can find themselves suddenly forced into the left lane. When will the state finally finish the plowing job? After the snow melts, I guess.

There is no reason to vote for a Republican ever. I’m serious. This is the type of government you get. 9/11, Katrina, snowstorms, it doesn’t matter. They are not interested in governing, only looting. Chris Christie is no different.