Wow. Like the century. he’s taking it to eleven.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is openly admitting that he couldn’t cancel his family trip to Disney World to deal with the massive snow storm because he is pussy-whipped. That is not something a wise pol advertises.
When it became clear that the storm was getting worse, Christie said his wife warned him to not “even think about” canceling the trip.
So, even though his state was clearly entering a state of emergency, the governor got on a flight for Orlando. And his lieutenant governor was on vacation in Mexico. Clearly this guy is presidential material. The best part is that he blamed local officials who actually stayed and worked to clear the roadways (which are still not clear).
When asked about mayors who said they were forced to divert their resources to unplowed state roads instead of clearing local roads Christie said, “I know who these mayors are and they should buck up and take responsibility for the fact that they didn’t do their job.”
And then the cherry on top. Never apologize.
“I wouldn’t change the decision even if I could do it right now,” Christie said. “I had a great five days with my children. I promised that.”
ALSO: Just got back from a New year’s Eve beer run up Route 35 into Monmouth County. There are still – five days after the storm – unplowed patches of the state highway where a five-foot wall of snow encroaches on the travel lane. Those driving in the right lane can find themselves suddenly forced into the left lane. When will the state finally finish the plowing job? After the snow melts, I guess.
There is no reason to vote for a Republican ever. I’m serious. This is the type of government you get. 9/11, Katrina, snowstorms, it doesn’t matter. They are not interested in governing, only looting. Chris Christie is no different.
Can we admonish him to “man up”?
And also: there’s PLENTY of reason to vote for republicans, so long as you don’t much like brown people.
That’s what Repubs are good for.
It’s time for NJ Democrats to kick it into gear and work to recall Governor Pugsley McJobkill.
I was thinking that too, and contributed a couple comments on an orange diary to that effect, but now thinking of that old saying which I cannot actually remember, but something to the effect of if your opponent is driving off a cliff do not get in his way (or whatever). The thing about Lt. Gov is that position was just created last year, so Kim G is the first ever Lt. Gov of NJ (at expense to taxpayers of course) to cover instances when gov is out of state or whatever (in the hospital – Corzine, being blackmailed by lover – McGreevy, hiking on the Appalachian trail, whatever). So why is newly created Lt Gov also hiking on the Appalachian trail?
because her parent is dying of cancer, and she wanted to spend one last Christmas with said parent, Errol.
This makes him odds-on favorite to win the GOP nomination.
Ceteris paribus, the nomination goes to the best hater. (Nixon’s Law)
Lard-ass fat shits.
His eyes are on the national level, not Jersey. Everything he’s done has been to give meat to Tea Baggers.
Kill unions, pensions, eduction and jobs; and then botch a blizzard response. The only thing he’s interested in is yelling at people and posting videos on youtube.
material. he’s pardoning or reducing sentence of someone convicted of gun possession – yes, he also thinks he’s presidential material.
Hate America—vote Republican. Love to steal and cheat at will—vote Republican. Hurt as many people as possible all in the name of money—vote Republican. The GOP is like an evil spirit haunting the land. Time for a national exorcism.
Government that governs least, and whatnot…
To be fair, the LG was apparently in Mexico visiting her dying mother. I can give her a pass. Christie, on the other hand…
yes, if the gov said ok for her to leave, he should have stayed. no point in paying a lt. gov to take over it they’re both going to leave town. – oh, wait. let’s fire some teachers to cover her salary.
New reality show: Jerseyslushious.
The chorus of Sir Robin
Brave Sir Christie ran away – No!
Bravely ran away, away – I didn’t!
When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled – No!
Yes, brave Sir Christie turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, Sir Christie
Except he’s a fat pig unlike Sir Robin.
I betcha everyone in the northeast, both Republican and Democrat, have at least one of these in their garage.
So these pansies up in that liberal land of New England all need to get out there and help themselves. Stop waiting on the government to do everything for you. Why even that liberal governor in Pennsylvania said we’re turning into a nation of wussies.
By god, the Chinese don’t wait on the government to come out and wipe their noses when it snows. Take a long, hard look at this, America! They take responsibility for themselves when disaster strikes.
So stop your damn whining and get used to being self sufficient. Just like our founding fathers intended. Get off your dead ass and go shovel some interstates. Take back your country from the nanny state Obama liberals! Our forefathers warned us that tyranny would ride into this country on a snowplow.
A new low for you? Using the phrase pussy-whipped to describe a man sharing that he would respect the wishes of his wife? Really? Yer a fucking idiot if there ever was one.
Here’s his next tone deaf line: “So that’s why I’m such a jerk to constituents: shit rolls down hill.”
“It’s fucking three a.m. fuck sakes don’t even think of answering that fucking phone!”
this man will NEVER admit when he has failed. I’m from Chicago, and being from the city that threw out a Mayor because of his inability to handle a snowstorm, I have absolutely no sympathy for this clown.
he NEVER accepts responsibility for his actions.
just like the EDUCATION GUY he threw to the wolves, after it was plain and clear that CHRISTIE is the one who fucked up their Race to the Top money…
he was gonna let the Lt. Governor swing, until she said , hold up, I was with my DYING FATHER.
Christie really is a loathesome turd.
Seattle also threw out its mayor more recently – 2009 – due in part to a botched snowstorm. (Some major arterials weren’t plowed or sanded at all for two weeks; snowstorms are rare in Seattle, but. Still.) Given that most large-city mayors are Democrats, I don’t know that it’s a liberal/conservative phenomenon per se.
Meantime, I’m wondering what the pejorative equivalent to “pussy-whipped” would be if it had been, say, Whitman that was still governor. I doubt there is one, which tells you it’s a problematic phrase, Booman. “Irresponsible” and “buck-passing” would have covered it.
Too bad there are not pics of him hanging out in Disneyland.
there probably are, but we won’t get to see ’em….
Private Family Moments and all….
Not a married working class /RatPub voter out there who isn’t afraid of his wife.
Not a one.
With good reason.
That sad joke?
That’s the truth of the matter among the lower middle class/working class/scared, middle class, no-production office jerkoff white motherfuckers who vote for sad, gluttonously obese fools like Christie.
He’s pandering to his audience.
Bet on it.
Like dat.
Like dis.
Bet on that as well.
Just politics as usual.
America is SO fucked!!!
You think Obama’s wife can’t kick his ass?
He can ‘t even control his own party.
America is so fucked!!!
I’ve got an idea!
Hillary and Michelle in 2012!!!
What the fuck? May as well.
The men ain’t doing shit.
Hillary and Michelle in 2012!!!
Let’s get it real.
I don’t know what it works like where you guys come from, but highways always have first kick at the cat for plows here in Alberta north of the 49th. Municipalities are done by the county, so we have the odd situation of rural streets being done while city streets are rather half-assed – though the main thoroughfares are cleared.
So. What should have been done differently – and do you think he was going to drive a plow ? ( That’s a hairy job. I see 7 plows with chains were stuck in the NYC storm ! )
The plows were stuck in NY b/c usual procedure is to declare state of emergency as storm begins and begin plowing main routes right away. Mayor Mike did not do this, so by the time they started plowing, a day after the storm began, cars and buses had been abandoned in the middle of all the main routes and plows could not get through. The tragedy is that ppl died, including one infant whose mother gave birth in a cold doorway while trying to get to hospital. Infant died from cold. Mayor Mike is officially a baby killer in my book.
I wasn’t clear from the post who made the beer run on Route 35 in Monmouth County. Christie?
Talked with my mom, who lives on the other side of Monmouth County. She was snowed in for days.
it’s the reporter who wrote the column Boo posted from. follow the link and read the entire column, it’s amazing. the guy is a conservative btw and mentions that several times in his column.
apologize, his references to being a conservative are not in that column, check some of the columns linked on the side – I looked but could not find the sentence I was looking for (along the lines of as a conservative, wants value for money, i.e. tax $; some references to democrats in this column; will post if I find it later though, (work, alas, now)
Add to this that Sweeney (President of the Senate, 3rd in line, who takes over when the Gov and Lt Gov are out of town) only got a call at the last fucking minute that Christie and the Lt Guv would both be on vacation and he would be in charge.
Apparently, no one bothered to coordinate their vacation plans, even though neither were exactly last minute plans.
And the storm was predicted for days in advance though admittedly it did start to look worse in the last 36 hours. But the possibility of a winter storm in December? Naw that would never happen.
Oh Boo. Christie isn’t whipped. That’s called having “family values” and a “work/life balance”
Booker totally kicked his ass on this. He was tweeting 24/7 as he was out actually digging his citizens out.
Too bad they are such good buddies 😉
yes, Booker was terrific – also going to the pharmacy for ppl’s meds, if I read the reports correctly. Also, btw, Bloomberg asked NJ first responders to help with NY – first responders from Camden county!
I am SO tempted to be mean.
But because it’s early in the new year and I’m fighting the good fight, suffice it to say that Corey Booker makes him look really bad. Nothing moves people like being stuck.
Oh, and pussy-whipped? You say that like it’s a bad thing. LOL!!!!
No, really! I will be laughing all damned day about this!