He’s not even Speaker yet and Boehner is already shirking work off on others.
When John Boehner takes over one of the most powerful jobs in Washington this week, he says his first order of business is to make himself less powerful.
In vowing to share power as House speaker, Boehner is promising a package of rule changes to decentralize control and give minority party members more say.
On Wednesday the new speaker of the House of Representatives plans to offer a package of rule changes that, he says, will give minority-party members more of a say and decentralize power.
I think he just wants to get his drink on before 8 o’clock.
Did I miss something? I really don’t see how Orange Julius is going to share power. It’ll be interesting to see how many days the House stays in session this year. My feeling is not very many. He’ll just let the car thief and other clown shows have all their fun with the investigation nonsense.
you are too funny BooMan
No he’s serious. Only he left out the time Boehner will need in the suntan lounge. In the future, we should be able to assess Boehner’s commitment to the job on the depth of his suntan.
This will be interesting
Surely he is only attempting a preemptive strike against the corrupting effects of power.
They are changing the rules to say that certain budget busting laws are not the same as others. It’s the same moronic shit that Bush pulled, putting the war off-budget.
Probably to blame the Democrats about something.