Here’s a list of disloyal jerkoff Democrats who didn’t vote for Pelosi as Minority Leader:

Conservative Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC), who announced his run for Minority Leader before Pelosi even made her decision, garnered 11 votes, including his own. Democratic Reps. Jason Altmire (PA), Dan Boren (OK), Jim Cooper (TN), Joe Donnelly (IN), Tim Holden (PA), Larry Kissell (NC), Mike McIntyre (NC), Jim Matheson (UT), Mike Michaud (ME) and Mike Ross (AR) joined him.

Other Democrats voted more randomly: Reps. John Barrow (GA) and Gabrielle Giffords (AZ) voted for Rep. John Lewis (D-GA); Reps. Dennis Cardoza (CA) and Jim Costa (CA) voted for one another; Rep. Ron Kind (WI) voted for Rep. Jim Cooper; Rep. Daniel Lipinski (IL) voted for Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH); and Rep. Kurt Schrader (OR) voted for now-Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MC). Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA) voted only “present.”

Pete DeFazio didn’t vote. I hope Pelosi crushes these idiots and makes their lives miserable. I’m not kidding.