Here’s a list of disloyal jerkoff Democrats who didn’t vote for Pelosi as Minority Leader:
Conservative Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC), who announced his run for Minority Leader before Pelosi even made her decision, garnered 11 votes, including his own. Democratic Reps. Jason Altmire (PA), Dan Boren (OK), Jim Cooper (TN), Joe Donnelly (IN), Tim Holden (PA), Larry Kissell (NC), Mike McIntyre (NC), Jim Matheson (UT), Mike Michaud (ME) and Mike Ross (AR) joined him.
Other Democrats voted more randomly: Reps. John Barrow (GA) and Gabrielle Giffords (AZ) voted for Rep. John Lewis (D-GA); Reps. Dennis Cardoza (CA) and Jim Costa (CA) voted for one another; Rep. Ron Kind (WI) voted for Rep. Jim Cooper; Rep. Daniel Lipinski (IL) voted for Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH); and Rep. Kurt Schrader (OR) voted for now-Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MC). Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA) voted only “present.”
Pete DeFazio didn’t vote. I hope Pelosi crushes these idiots and makes their lives miserable. I’m not kidding.
She should, definitely.
If they do not want to support Pelosi, I guess that is fine maybe but these are overwhelmingly the same Corporate tools that will vote with GOP and against the President’s agenda every single time.
And every republican voted for Boehner. A intraparty leadership struggle is fine but when that is over and it becomes time to vote as a block then there is no excuse not to do so.
The nitwits in the first list have been voting against leadership procedurally for some time. They might as well not be in the caucus at all; they don’t pull their weight.
So out of the Democratic caucus she has about 10% who don’t like her. Not bad at all for someone whose caucus just went from controlling the chamber to minority status.
And, being Democrats, they can’t even organize any kind of opposition for their symbolic vote. It might be kind of newsworthy if the 20 members who didn’t vote for Pelosi all got together and voted for Shuler (or other symbolic candidate of their choice), but they didn’t. Shuler gets a tiny coalition and meanwhile everyone else casts “WTF?” votes. I especially like the Tweedle brothers who voted for each other.
I wonder how many of the folks who didn’t vote for Shuler and didn’t vote for Pelosi made some promise during the election that they “wouldn’t vote for Peolosi for Speaker” and are following through with that as a Minority Leader vote.
“And, being Democrats, they can’t even organize any kind of opposition for their symbolic vote.”
Watch the first bunch campaign on the fact that “I didn’t vote for Nancy Pelosi for majority leader” in the 2012 campaign. And watch it not matter.
symbolic vote- i don’t really care.
This is really nothing compared to the senate dems who refused to vote procedurally with their leader in the last Congress. Disloyalty is really about how you vote when YOUR vote matters. By that measure, there’s about 5-10 senate dems who are true benedict arnolds. Weird that many in the village consider them to be bold independents, rather than irrelevant backbenchers like these 19 idiots.