Things that make Republicans see red (and not in a good way) about the Tucson Memorial:

Blue T-shirts, the crowd cheering (it was, after all, a Nuremberg-like rally) and Obama telling everyone Gabby Giffords opened her eyes. Well, I suppose if they couldn’t attack the speech Obama gave (then again, some of them did anyway), they had to find something else to keep their rage and victimhood memes alive. By the way, liberals’ stole Rush Limbaugh’s free speech rights because they forced him to take down this billboard sign in Tucson displaying bullet holes.

Liberals are so uncivilized. And intolerant. And they hate America, too. How dare they exercise their own free speech rights to condemn the free speech rights of Real Americans? Jeez, talk about your overreaction to some “lone nut” (like so many lone nuts before him) using his god-given second amendment rights to remedy the problem of liberal tyranny.