The president is currently more popular than he’s been since November 2009. I guess everyone will have an argument for why that is the case. The White House thinks it’s because they had a very successful lame-duck session and were able to get some bipartisan support for the first time of Obama’s presidency. Some people will point to the Dow Jones at nearly 12,000. Others might point to Obama’s wonderful speech at the memorial for the victims of the Tucson Massacre. Still others will point to recent hires at the White House that indicate a more business-friendly attitude…a “move to the center,” if you will. Another possibility is that voters are experiencing a bit of buyer’s remorse after seeing what assholes the new Republicans turned out to be.

You know what? I have no clue why Obama’s polls have suddenly soared. And no one else does, either. Maybe Nate Silver can figure it out. All I know is that our country is insane. As Bob Dylan said:

Ain’t no use jiving
Ain’t no use joking
Everything is broken.

That’s how I feel about our country. There is no relationship between the president’s performance and his poll numbers. None. I’m happy that his poll numbers are up, but you can’t point to anything real and say “this is the reason why his numbers are up.”