Somewhere north of 84% of the people who watched the State of the Union last night approved of the president’s proposals but it caused blood to spurt from Glenn Beck’s ears and eyes and his wife had to take him to the hospital after only ten minutes of viewing. Or, so he claims.
This shock-jock, I think, has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for black people or the black culture I don’t know what it is.
I’m not saying he doesn’t like black people. I’m saying he has a problem. He has a — this guy is, I believe, a racist.
A truly shocking revelation.
I can’t be the only one who immediately thought “damn, too bad it wasn’t fatal” before remembering that I should be a better person than that.
I had the same reaction whenever W. or Cheney talked.
I’m saying he has a problem. He has a — this guy is, I believe, a racist.
Maybe it makes me an a–hole, but you only realized this now?
I just can’t get my finger to press the arrow in that blue box. 🙂 I lost a very good friend in 2007 when I found out that she was a racist. I had NO idea. She had a very good travel job, lived in a urban big city and was a democrat, raised Catholic but non-practicing, very well educated and well read and liberal minded. However, when Obama decided to run, I thought she would be very excited as I knew she didn’t care for Clinton too much and was lukewarm on Edwards but instead, out of nowhere, she said she couldn’t vote for him as she had watched Glenn Beck (he was still on CNN back then as she didn’t watch Fox) and Beck said he was the anti-Christ and she thought it was true. Now, she’s too smart to really believe something that bizarre so the only explanation was that she was using this as her rationale for her underlying racism that I didn’t know was there.
saying that Beck is a racist is like saying water is wet.
the only response can be is ‘ DUH’
Those of you going "duh" do realize Booman is ironically quoting Beck speaking about Obama, right?
Beck was taken off a NYC radio station because his ratings tanked. It could be that he is starting to go downhill. His peak was probably at his disappointing rally.
Beck is indeed racist as are other right wingers that spout this type of garbage on cable tv and talk radio.
They are haters.
I am concerned about the haters using the public air waves. It seems that the bar for allowing racist, violent and hate talk has been lowered to the point that someone can say almost anything and only has to say gee, I’m sorry, if called out on it.
I’m not getting it. We all know that since the Johnson administration and the Civil Rights Act, the payback was the loss of the racist south to Democratic politics. Reagan began his first presidential campaign with a racist tour of the south intended to exploit the “southern strategy” proposed by Nixon.
So now we realize that a prorightwing Republican like Beck is racist.
Well here’s the news: all Republicans are racist. It’s at the core of the Republican party. It is what makes the modern Republican party what it is.
OT, but can you set the White House video link so that it doesn’t autoplay?
It about blew my speakers out when I opened this site.