You know that phrase, “except in cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother”? Well, if the House Republicans get their way, you are going to have to change that to “except in cases of forcible rape, incest with a minor, and the life of the mother.” They are introducing a bill that makes these new distinctions for anyone who might use any federal funds to procure an abortion.
…the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” a bill with 173 mostly Republican co-sponsors that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has dubbed a top priority in the new Congress, contains a provision that would rewrite the rules to limit drastically the definition of rape and incest in these cases…
…for example: If a 13-year-old girl is impregnated by a 24-year-old adult, she would no longer qualify to have Medicaid pay for an abortion…
…Given that the bill also would forbid the use of tax benefits to pay for abortions, that 13-year-old’s parents wouldn’t be allowed to use money from a tax-exempt health savings account (HSA) to pay for the procedure. They also wouldn’t be able to deduct the cost of the abortion or the cost of any insurance that paid for it as a medical expense.
Let’s set aside the issue of expense and focus on the principle of the thing. What the Republicans are clearly saying here is that it is okay to force a mother to carry her rapist’s child to term in all cases except where clear physical force is used. Implied force wouldn’t be enough. The use of drugs of alcohol to stupify a women into submission would not qualify. Statutory rape that didn’t involve physical force would not qualify. Blackmail wouldn’t qualify. Mental retardation or diminished capacity wouldn’t qualify.
And the question I have about this is rather simple. If you are going to have any kind of exceptions, why draw the line here? The legislation is sloppy, in any case. There is no extant definition of ‘forcible rape’ in the criminal code, and this bill doesn’t provide one. It seems to me that the Republicans are trying to establish the principle that it’s wrong to have an abortion if anyone can possibly construe the woman to have the slightest responsibility for her pregnancy. And I do mean slight.
To me, this transcends the issue of federal funding or even abortion itself. This is a view of womankind as basically duty-bound to carry anyone’s sperm to term no matter how fucked up the circumstances of her pregnancy. The only exceptions are in cases where you removed all possible agency, like by holding a gun or knife to her neck, or by beating her into submission.
Even if you are pretty solidly in favor of embryo-rights trumping women’s rights, this is a horrible way to view women. Somehow making these kind of distinctions seems worse than banning all abortions with no exceptions. I mean, not as policy, but for what it says about the people advocating the policy.
What do you think?
“What do you think?”
I think we are so fucked in this country.
Heh, we already hashed out an argument about this before so I don’t particularly want to have it again, but to me a lot of these lines are arbitrary. Hell, the birth of the baby is an arbitrary line, too, and it has not been even a cultural universal that newborns are regarded as fully human.
Making excuses for “just rape and incest” just shows the misogyny of these assholes, but this takes it a step further and acts as if not all rape is “really” rape.
Regardless, when “life” begins is a moot argument anyway. You can’t force me to donate blood to save a life even if I’m the only person who could save them, and even if I were the one who put them in that position to need the blood. You also can’t force a woman to have her body held hostage against her will.
What I really want to know is how miserable the wives of these Pukes are. And if they aren’t, why are they trying to make everyone else miserable and pissed off?
Abortion is a poor people’s problem. The rich can just have a doctor come to the house, or fly out to another state/country.
Exceptions will be made.
precisely because they are so miserable.
Power. Control. That’s all this shit is about. That’s all it’s ever about.
“Forcible rape” is a redundancy except in some cases of statutory rape. Seems like what they’re doing here is introducing a radical redefinition of the whole concept. Is date-rape forcible? Does it count if it was accomplished by intimidation but not violence? The whole difference between sex and rape is precisely the use of force.
Of course this isn’t about “life” or anything else that might make sense. It’s just another way to get the god-addled troops into a frenzy and keep the GOP at the trough. What a country.
they are who we thought they were. stop pretending that they’re not. they are misogynists who want to control women and their wombs.
What do i think?
BooMan, I think you are a good man. Thank you for writing this.
This is and has always been about rolling back birth control.