The American left’s ongoing credulity is never less than entertaining.
Here’s the deal, folks.
Several deals, actually.
A change of rulers is the joy of fools.- Romanian proverb
Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us.-Leo Tolstoy
Revolution is not a dinner party, nor an essay, nor a painting, nor a piece of embroidery; it cannot be advanced softly, gradually, carefully, considerately, respectfully, politely, plainly, and modestly. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.- Mao Zedong
Read on.
Do you really think that a primarily spontaneous, leaderless set of riots is going to seriously change the situation in Egypt for the better? Where is their Mao, their Long March? Where is their Castro? What are their strategic goals? Their real tactical plans?
This is a Facebook-inspired charge of the lightest brigade. A bloodied twittering of the desperate, nothing more. It will be co-opted before it even begins to be a “revolution.”
I got their “Castro.”
Right here!!!
Mark “Facebook Boy” Zuckerberg.
A revolution as real as digital sex.
Only much more expensive.
Mubarak will go down.
He’s just another front man, really.
Someone else will be propped up in his place.
Token changes will be made and then business will continue as usual.
Any real change?
Only perhaps in terms of alliances, quite possibly to the detriment and ongoing consternation of the non-Muslim world.
And this particular set of riots…along with the ones in places like the Ukraine and Newark and Detroit and Watts…will eventually be remembered (and finally all but forgotten) as simply another fruitless flareup of violence among the permanently dispossessed.
A real pan-Arab/pan-North African/pan-Islamic change?
Don’t hold your breath.
There is not enough anger in the hearts of all men to overcome the truth of Tolstoy’s observation.
Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us.-Leo Tolstoy
Not without careful tactical planning there isn’t.
Not without real leadership. And with “leadership” what else invariably appears?
They don’t call ’em “revolutions” fer nuthin’, folks. Sooner or later they wind up right back in the same place. Different song, same players.
I repeat:
A change of rulers is the joy of fools.- Romanian proverb
Rest assured…there will be another government. To paraphrase that ever-popular male catchphrase:
Can’t live with ’em; can’t kill ’em.
Bet on it.
Our “government”…the PermaGov…is presently trying to figure out how best to spin this event to its subjects. It’s all been over the place with the idea, but seems to be settling on a position that sounds a lot like “Y’know…secretly we’ve been hoping all along that this will happen. Helping it along, actually.”
See the following lick from The Telegraph for more on that spin. (And yes, Virginia, British newspapers take part in our PermaGov’s web spinning, too.)
Egypt protests: America’s secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising
The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising who have been planning “regime change” for the past three years, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
Yeah, right.
It’s been said that the Lord giveth with one hand and taketh away with the other?
So does the PermaGov.
Bet on that as well.
The PermaGov has supported Mubarak’s violently repressive, totally corrupt regime for 30 years. Now that said regime has reached a state of incompetence that renders it useless? Why, the cry of “The King is dead!!! Long live the King!!!” echoes through the DC/Langley halls of power and out into the waiting ears of its sheeple.
Wake the fuck up.
Do not believe the news.
Any of it.
If it has anything to do with any subject that is more important than say the price of duck breasts in Brooklyn and it appears in the NY Times, The Washington Post and the Network News, it is a lie.
Station WTFU signing off.
With its seemingly eternally necessary catchphrase.
Wake the fuck up.
Local riots on the streets of Pleasantown, U.S.A?
Still believe the hype?
I got a bridge to sell you.
A bridge to nowhere.
Wake the fuck up.
Are you still trying to sell that bridge? It has been securatized to the point that its bringing the whole damn shebang down with it. Anyway, I own it. Mubarak go, long live Mubarak. Obama and Clinton stay, Obama and Clinton…. But then where would they go? There are no greater and more glorious human institution on the face of this glittering god-given earth than those they control, presumably partly because god is their side. I’m so absolutely sick of the whole facebook social scam. Now I’ve got that off my chest. TwEEter comes in second. This is more than a generational gap because I’m only 65.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
“Omar Suleiman has played an active role in the peace process”
…what peace process? Did I miss something?
an idea for Egypt and beyond.
There are also interesting things afoot with the help of Anonymous.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if new channels of information flow were carved out, ones that keep flowing information OUTSIDE of the control of the Controlled Media??
What possible reason would they have for letting that happen?
no reason they’d want to let it happen. But there are subversives who might find all the North Africa turmoil to be inspirational to make it happen in SPITE of the powers that be!
Excellent point. I am sure both sides are scrambling as we speak.