Month: January 2011

Huntsman Needs to Make a Decision

I agree with James Fallows. Jon Huntsmen needs to shit or get off the pot. He cannot continue to serve as our ambassador to China while gearing up to run for the Republican nomination for president. If he isn’t going to...

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Neo-Nazi had 12 IEDs built for Max Carnage

No one wants to talk about the Nazis (or in the case of Fox News, admit that they do). Bad form and all that. Yet, we have real people inspired by the Nazis who live in our society and they are indeed a real and present danger....

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Wanker of the Day: Rep. Stephen Lynch

I think it is safe to say that progressives did not cause the loss of a single seat in Congress through the use of primary challenges to incumbents or moderate candidates. But that isn’t stopping some people from whining....

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Gov’t Hating Terrorist Foiled in Bomb Plot

A white male Californian named Roger Stockham was arrested earlier this week when he was caught by police in Dearborn, MI with explosives. Stockholm has been charged with “one count on a threat of terrorism or false report...

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