Juan Cole took the gloves off this morning and dug deep to analyze the reasons why seven pro-democracy activists died last night in Tahrir Square, Cairo. Many more will no doubt follow, as Mubarak and Egypt’s elites have no intention of allowing Egypt to become a representative democracy any more than Israeli PM Netanyahu intends to allow a Palestinian state to come into existence. Following Netanyahu, yesterday Mubarak gave Obama the bird, apparently knowing that he would wimp out in any confrontation.
To be sure, it is not Obama’s fault that the American presidency has become so weak and submissive toward Israel, a pattern Egypt is now following. It has almost become a tradition that goes back at least to Clinton when was browbeaten by Netanyahu in the oval office during his first term.
When Wikileaks published its expose of the phony Israeli-Palestinian peace process a few weeks ago, it merely repeated what skeptics like Cole knew all along.
Here’s Juan Cole:
It should be remembered that Egypt’s elite of multi-millionaires has benefited enormously from its set of corrupt bargains with the US and Israel and from the maintenance of a martial law regime that deflects labor demands and pesky human rights critiques. It is no wonder that to defend his billions and those of his cronies, Hosni Mubarak was perfectly willing to order thousands of his security thugs into the Tahrir Square to beat up and expel the demonstrators, leaving 7 dead and over 800 wounded, 200 of them just on Thursday morning.
It might seem surprising that Mubarak was so willing to defy the Obama administration’s clear hint that he sould quickly transition out of power. In fact, Mubarak’s slap in the face of President Obama will not be punished and it is nothing new. It shows again American toothlessness and weakness in the Middle East, and will encourage the enemies of the US to treat it with similar disdain.
The tail has long wagged the dog in American Middle East policy. The rotten order of the modern Middle East has been based on wily local elites stealing their way to billions while they took all the aid they could from the United States, even as they bit the hand that fed them. First the justification was the putative threat of International Communism (which however actually only managed to gather up for itself the dust of Hadramawt in South Yemen and the mangy goats milling around broken-down Afghan villages). More recently the cover story has been the supposed threat of radical Islam, which is a tiny fringe phenomenon in most of the Middle East that in some large part was sowed by US support for the extremists in the Cold War as a foil to the phantom of International Communism. And then there is the set of myths around Israel, that it is necessary for the well-being of the world’s Jews, that it is an asset to US security, that it is a great ethical enterprise- all of which are patently false.
On such altars are the labor activists, youthful idealists, human rights workers, and democracy proponents in Egypt being sacrificed with the silver dagger of filthy lucre.
Mubarak is taking his cues for impudence from the far rightwing government of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, which began the Middle Eastern custom of humiliating President Barack Obama with impunity. Obama came into office pledging finally to move smartly to a two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Netanyahu government did not have the slightest intention of allowing a Palestinian state to come into existence. Israel was founded on the primal sin of expelling hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes in what is now Israel, and then conniving at keeping them stateless, helpless and weak ever after. Those who fled the machine guns of the Irgun terrorist group to the West Bank and Gaza, where they dwelt in squalid refugee camps, were dismayed to see the Israelis come after them in 1967 and occupy them and further dispossess them. This slow genocide against a people that had been recognized as a Class A Mandate by the League of Nations and scheduled once upon a time for independent statehood is among the worst ongoing crimes of one people against another in the world. Many governments are greedy to rule over people reluctant to be so ruled. But no other government but Israel keeps millions of people stateless while stealing their land and resources or maintaining them in a state of economic blockade and food insecurity.
The policy of the United States has been for the most part to accommodate this Israeli policy and to collaborate in the maltreatment of the Palestinians. Those states and groups that refuse to acquiesce in this egregious policy of epochal injustice are targeted by the US Congress for sanctions and branded terrorists and aggressors. As a sop to all the hundreds of millions of critics of the serial rape of the Palestinians, the US at most occasionally makes noises about achieving a “state” for them, which, however, would have no real sovereignty over its borders, its land, its air or its water. The price of such a eunuch state would be for the Palestinians to renounce their birthright and acquiesce in their expropriation and reduction to the flotsam of the earth.
(by permission)
The article is too long to reprint in its entirety, but it is recommended for anyone interested in understanding the background of what is going on in Egypt today. Click HERE to continue.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Anyone who could write “Mubarak’s slap in the face of President Obama will not be punished and it is nothing new.” is living in cloud cuckoo land. Obama..or his handlers…sent the quasi-spook Frank Wisner to “talk” to Mubarak. The next day? Camel-mounted killers with swords attempted to spread terror amongst the crowds in Tahrir Square.
Please. Get real. As I wrote in one of my two posts on Professor Cole’s website regarding this:
Go there to read those posts if you so desire. (If of course the 2nd one…which is quite strong in tone…even gets published on the site. If it doesn’t I will publish it here. Cole’s website has a “moderation” feature. We shall see what gets “moderated” and what does not. If he is in line with the current practices in academia, once threatened with information that counters his own he will simply decertify it. We shall see.)
Arthur, I don’t want to suggest that I know what was going on between Obama and Mubarak, but here we are 12 days into the rebellion, and Mubarak is still there, allegely too stubborn to leave.
To publically slap Mubarak in the face as Obama did could not have helped the situation. A thirty year president of Egypt told to resign by an upstart American president who was just brushed aside by Netanyahu.
Just recently, an Egyptian blogger was jailed for ‘insult’.
“An Egyptian court has sentenced a blogger to four years’ prison for insulting Islam and the president. Abdel Kareem Soliman’s trial was the first time that a blogger had been prosecuted in Egypt. He had used his web log to criticise the country’s top Islamic institution, al-Azhar university and President Hosni Mubarak, whom he called a dictator.”
Aside, I’ll take the analysis of an expert in the Middle East like Cole any day before….
Neither do you, apparently,
First you write:
“Mubarak’s slap in the face of President Obama will not be punished and it is nothing new.””
Now you write:
“To publically slap Mubarak in the face as Obama did could not have helped the situation.”
That’s a whole lotta face slapping going on. Have you gotten confused? Who’s slapping whom in your little worldview??
I think that you should take a nap and start over. Your age is showing.
Oops. Cole wrote that first quote. Nevertheless…more on Frank Wisner. (Follow the link just to see his fat, lying spook face. If a picture is worth a thousand words then a video is worth a million lies.)
My point? We have a permanent government that is “not co-ordinated with the [official] US government,” and Wisner is speaking for that PermaGov.
If Obama actually sent him, there are only three possible interpretations of that action:
1-Obama ‘s got his head so far up his ass that he doesn’t even know for whom Wisner really works.
2-Obama was told by his superiors to send Wisner. (They exist, those superiors. Bet on it. Superior firepower/money power if nothing else.)
3-Obama is running a masterful international diplomatic game…faking left, moving right, sending up so many smoke signals that no one knows what the fuck he’s really going to do.
With a fourth possibility that actually makes a great deal of sense as well…almost no one in Washington knows shit from shinola about anything, and all they’re doing is just running around like chickens with their heads cut off waiting for the inevitable roasting pan to come get ’em.
DC business as usual.
This country is so broken!!!
Frank Wisner in Cairo — The Empire’s Bagman
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Silly Arthur. Wisner looks like George Clooney…in the movie version.
No doubt.
And that vicious, ugly, scowling thug Mubarak?
He’ll be played by someone like Donald Sutherland under a load of brownish makeup.
Bet on it.
P.S. A picture is worth a million words with people like that one. A barracuda. A predator of a man.
Your analysis is as good as any.
“That’s a whole lotta face slapping going on.”
That’s right Arthur. Now you understand. And you would do well to read Cole a little more closely, as you might learn something, even though Cole, as far as I know, doesn’t play sax.
Face slapping.
Politics as melodrama.
Grow the fuck up.
You and Cole both.
These are mass murderers about whom we are speaking and you are using images from another era. Ain’t no face slapping going on, and not much attempt at face-saving, either. Just the bloody business of power at its most primal level.
The one with the most guns and money always wins eventually. Sometimes it just takes longer. Watch.
Behind the curtain on US policies:
And some interesting comments:
God, how the zionists must hate the internet.
I hate the fact we live in an occupied country.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Go here to read my direct responses to Professor Cole on this matter. I posted a third one but so far it hasn’t been put up on his site. Nothing has been added from late yesterday (Saturday, 2/5) onward. If it doesn’t show by late tonight (Stuporbowl Sunday) I will post it here.
As I said earlier, I am posting my response to Juan Cole’s piece Egypt: I ask Myself Why because I had a feeling that he would not publish it himself. And indeed, he has not although he has published a number of favorable and/or ineffectually critical responses that were offered after mine.
Why did I have that feeling?
Because he is a tenured academic in the totally rotted American academic system. That’s what they do. They shuck and jive; they play politics; they deny exposure to their critics. As above, so below. So does the government; so does the media. But…in the spirit of Wikileaks…I defy them to silence me.
Go read Cole’s weak, faux naive take on Egypt’s position first.
Then read my answer.
The bullshit is everywhere.
So it goes.
Wake the fuck up.
Here is my response.
Bet on it.
Arthur Gilroy
Looks like you only touched the surface, Arthur.
The truth of the matter is that this is the best, most honest information that I can possibly write on the subject, shergald.
You don’t get it?
I’m not surprised. Not many people will “get it.” The pall of disinformation that hangs over most of the world is so deep that most people will never be able to penetrate it. But the ongoing fact of the matter is that “morality”…whether it is the morality espoused by the far right, the far left, the various and sundry religions, so-called “conservatives” and “progressives”, etc. simply has no practical use in the real world of power politics except as motivation for cannon fodder and the unconsciously enslaved working and bourgeois classes.
In that world, might makes right. (Military might and/or money might. They are inseparable.)
Now on a broader level, Martin Luther King Jr.’s statement “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice” holds perfectly true. True “justice” is evolution, and evolution continues on this planet on every level…including the human level…without any need whatsoever for the creatures on any of those levels to understand what is happening. But over the relatively short term, Mao Zedong had it right.
And…there is plenty of morality to go around, too.
Hitler had his and so did Mother Teresa and Al Capone, just to cherrypick a few prime examples.
But when push comes to shove, it’s about power.
Hitler learned that. The hard way.
So shall we.
Bet on it.
It’s a life script, Arthur: None of us get it. Only Arthur gets it.
Chris Floyd “gets it.” So does Joe Bageant. So do most of the the contributors to Counterpunch . That’s why you do not see or hea rmuch from them on mass media disinfo programs. So did Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, eventually. (Author of War Is A Racket. Read it if you have not. The truth of the matter straight from the mouth of an ex-enforcer for power.) So do many of my friends. Lots of people “get” this, shergald. Particulary amongst people who have seen the truth of this sort of false morality up close and personal.
Many Holocaust survivors and those who have been close to them see this very clearly. This is the single most important reason why Israel currently leads the world in the vicious practice of realpolitik while it continues to claim high moral ground. “Never again” refers to believing the bullshit. Problem is…how to not believe it and simultaneously not become it. Israel has failed miserably in this attempt.
African Americans who grew up during the time after they were (so-called) “set free” in America get it…many of whom graciously educated me on the facts of life regarding what power says and what it really does. It is the the distilled survival wisdom of the streets. Bet on it.
Malcolm X said:
He was talking about just this dichotomy between what power does and what it says it does.
Bet on it.
He “got it” and at the same time began to rise to power, and greater power killed him for it.
Fidel Castro “got it”, too. Mao Zedong. Ho Chi Minh. Lenin. John Brown. Martin Luther King Jr. Jesus Christ. Mahatma Gandhi. Probably Abe Lincoln too. Each of them tried to deal with this knowledge and still themselves wield sufficient power to get something done along real moral lines. Each more or less succeeded and/or at the same time failed in doing so. Each of them managed to get something done along the lines of truly evolutionary “morality” only to see it turn into that which they had been fighting.
Coopting at the highest level.
There is nothing new here, shergald. The I Ching warned us of this syndrome over 2000 years ago. (Hexagram 43 of the I CHING-Kuai / Break-through [Resoluteness])
And you don’t get it.
You are definitely in the majority, though.
Majority rules.
Democracy in action.
Real democracy, at least the late 20th/early 21st century version thereof.
That’s where a wealthy and powerful minority manipulates the minds of said majority until…much like yourself and Professor Cole…they have very little real mind left. Their only real freedom lies in choosing which predigested and hypnomedia-dispersed myth they wish to espouse.
So it goes.
And so I go as well.
Dream on.
I have said my piece.
Dream on.
to be diaried – JVP leader is targeted ‘for Treason and Incitement against Jews’.
Do you have time to make a write-up?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
seen this?