I was at the book store two days ago and I noticed that there was an entire table dedicated to adoring books about Ronald Reagan. I thought that was odd until I saw a sign indicating that the 100th anniversary of Reagan’s birth is coming up this weekend. I guess there’s no better time to sell some of those warehoused books on the Gipper. So, I guess we’ll get treated to another round of b.s., where we all pretend that Reagan was a decent president.
If it wasn’t obvious by his scandal-plagued second term in office, it should be obvious by now that Reagan bequeathed nothing to the country but debt, crime without consequence, and a movement of idiots who have by now morphed so radically to the right that, if he were president today, they would primary him while questioning his manhood and perhaps even his citizenship.
So, let Peggy Noonan talk about his characterological sweetness. His kids know better.
Reagan screwed us.
I have had bouts of diarrhea that were better for the US than Ronald Reagan. I hope he’s burning in Hell, boiling in a cauldron stirred by all the children he had murdered in Nicaragua and El Salvador.
when I was a kid, the hardcore band MDC put out this album .
Inside were liner notes and graphic photographs of what the US was doing in Central America: dead nuns, dead children, that kind of thing. I think I was 14 or 15, although the record was released in 1983.
Imagine how my parents, who already disliked Reagan, explained THAT one.
I have nothing to add to your comments, Brendan. I’m glad you said something because I can’t handle a celebration of Reagan.
I’m glad he’s dead. My only regret about Reagan was that he didn’t die in the street, homeless, forgotten, and cold.
It’s why I continue to believe he was the worst president in history. I despise him.
Yes, and it’s always worth mentioning that he displayed active signs of Alzheimer’s eating away at his brain for over half his presidency.
Have you read Ron’s new book? I’ve heard it more or less confirms what everyone basically knew: that Reagan lost it much during the presidency–lost it literally and figuratively.
This is why they wanted shrub. Reagan didn’t run things, Poppy Bush and the spooks did. Ronny didn’t even know it, they just used him. This laid the groundwork for electing Jr and letting a guy who shoots old men in the face run things. I guess that’s why the Dick bought a place to live essentially on the Langley grounds.
I’ve had to defend my formulation of Nixon’s Law (Ceteris paribus, the GOP nominates the best hater) on the basis of Reagan’s ‘characteriological sweetness’.
I always maintain, and Gary Wills’ Reagan’s America put me on to this, that Reagan was a walking bundle of insecurities waiting to compensate on anybody’s ass who got in the way just as much as Nixon was — maybe more so, because of the movies, and watching that slip away. Nixon may have gotten beat by Jerry Brown’s dad, but he came back in politics. It wasn’t compensatory.
That’s an interesting take via Wills (who sometimes is right, sometimes well off the mark in analyzing political leaders), which I’d like to see fleshed out a bit, though I don’t find it convincing so far.
I don’t think Reagan had much more than garden variety personal insecurities — something w/n the range of normal — and wasn’t remotely in Nixon’s (or LBJ’s) league in terms of insecurities, feeling unfairly victimized, the inner beseiged subconscious always seeking a way to compensate and doing so in rough-hewn, often destructive ways. Nixon (and Johnson) were inner-driven mostly by negative forces of ambition which were relentless; both were determined that nothing or no one would get in their way to the top.
Reagan was mostly a passive type and a useful vehicle for others to drive, economic and conservative forces who saw a great prospect for political office who could be their front man; they found their horse, trained him, and rode him hard for years. And as it turned out RR was hugely lucky in terms of the political timing of each major move: 1966, 1976 and 1980 all were either greatly favorable for Repubs or involved going up against a fairly weak incumbent.
And Reagan’s movie career? Royalty in terms of the B-pictures, maybe, but never in the A-class leading man roles, so relatively speaking he lost less when his career went dry because he had less to lose. He partly compensated with activity as SAG prez for a couple of stints.
Then, after a stint speaking for GE and hosting their tv show, he found something — jumping into the political arena — where he could again do some acting, read scripts written by others, show up before the cameras well-coiffed and made up, and get handsomely paid for doing some fairly light lifting. Sure beats sitting around the house year after year half-depressed, no longer in youthful prime, waiting for the phone to ring with some lousy B- or C-class movie or made-for-tv offering.
Due to diary limit of 2 .. tomorrow a follow-up: U.S. CIA Terror Bombing in Lebanon
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The beatification was apparent when they dragged his stinking corpse through the streets for a week before the burial — an actor to the very end. Damn his ass to hell.