I don’t know how often people aim laser pointers at the cockpits of airplanes, but it is often enough that the Senate passed an amendment making it a punishable crime. The amendment passed 96-1, with only Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) dissenting. Here’s his reasoning:
The younger Mr. Paul said he thought it was a bad idea to point lasers at pilots, but “there are a lot of states that already have laws, and I think the states ought to take care of it.”
Now, this amendment is attached to the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act, which obviously regulates the Federal Aviation Administration. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Constitution gives the U.S. Congress the power “[t]o regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes”. It’s hard to think of a better example of commerce “among the several States” than domestic air flight. But Rand Paul thinks even this is a state’s rights issue.
I doubt Sen. Paul has any strong libertarian opposition to banning the pointing of lasers at the eyeballs of air pilots. He just doesn’t think the federal government has, or should have, the authority to regulate any element of air travel.
I wonder if that includes the job of screening passengers and crew for possible links to terrorist organizations. Is that a job for the Kentucky government?
At least he didn’t force a cloture vote (filibuster).
He also called for ending all foreign aid to Israel.
Of course, he knows that ending aid to Israel has zero chance of passing the Senate, much less the House. But he also knows he is a Tea Party favorite and a lot of that crowd is none to friendly either toward Israel or Muslim regimes in the Mideast. So, he’ll keep playing the last “principled” Senator for all its worth.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see him run as a third party candidate for President under a Tea Party banner someday.
You’re kidding, right? I think it’s more likely he’ll attempt to run for president under the Republican banner someday. The Israeli aid thing will bite him in the ass then, but it may not matter. It’s the kind of thing that would be a death-knell for a Democrat but looks like a “principled stance” for a Republican. Especially when the lobbyists know that no matter what he says when push comes to shove he’d fold.
Erm…I gotta disagree. Sure, some sects of Tea Parteria will enjoy sticking it to Israel (the David Duke types).
But by in large, his constituency is the same as Mike Huckabee’s: Christian Zionist.
Christian Zionists in my mind are the worst of the antisemites. They’re not outwardly malicious, but they seek Armageddon in the region in order to bring about their second coming. You can’t get much more antisemitic than supporting Israel for your own purposeful religious bigotry no matter how many are killed in the process.
See Max’s shortclip:
Maybe he’s attempting to earn the mavericky mantle from McCain.
Yeah. The mantle of Stoopid.
No analysis, curiosity or depth, the answer to everything is state’s rights and if that isn’t the answer then there’s something wrong with the question.
Yes, it makes so much more sense to fight this battle 50 times instead of once. <snark>