
The Jewish Agency and the Law of Return

According to the Law of Return, the interior minister may deny a Jewish person the right to immigrate if they have a criminal record, endanger public health or state security, or if they “work against the Jewish people.” The High Court of Justice has in the past upheld the decision not to grant immigrant status to a Jewish person who has been proven to have converted.

The Jewish Agency released a statement saying the Interior Ministry determines individuals’ right to immigrate according to the Law of Return.

“The Jewish Agency, which assists the Interior Ministry in examining the right to immigrate, referred Mr. Streisand to a meeting with representatives of the Interior Ministry, who were not persuaded that he bears the right to immigrate.”


The Interior Ministry and the Jewish Agency rejected a request from singer Barbra Streisand’s cousin to come and live in Israel.

Dale Streisand, 57, was reportedly refused new immigrant status on the grounds that his Facebook profile indicated he had been involved in Christian missionary activity in the past.

Last August he submitted a request to live in Israel. Streisand told Haaretz he had been thinking about doing so for three years, but his wife is now pregnant and he wanted the baby to be born in Israel.

In November, he was told his application was under consideration but that there was a problem because he had married a citizen of the Philippines. He was then told that there was not any problem with his wife, but that his application had been rejected because he believes that Jesus is the messiah. Evidence of this, they told him, was found on his Facebook profile in the form of a link to a Christian missionary website.

When is a Jew Not a Jew?

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."