An amazing thing happens when the federal government tells the light bulb industry that their products need to be more efficient. Scientists go to work to make their products more efficient. While it’s true that the incandescent bulbs that we are used to will be phased out over the next two-to-three years, all the major producers of incandescent bulbs are introducing new, more efficient models. In other words, no one has banned the incandescent bulb, and they aren’t going away. They will have more upfront costs, but that will be offset by much greater efficiency and a greatly extended use-life. But, for some strange reason, right-wingers are convinced that the federal government is going to take our light-bulbs away.
One of the leading Republicans in Congress, Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), appeared on the G. Gordon Liddy Show yesterday and discussed this notion of an “innovation economy.” After Liddy peddled the ludicrous claim that House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) had implemented a ban on incandescent light bulbs in the United States, McCotter used the opportunity to scoff at liberal efforts to improve the incandescent light bulb, a product that was first invented over 200 years ago. He called the irony “striking” that liberals would “prais[e] the end of the incandescent bulb at the very time they’re talking about an innovation economy”
It’s like one half of our country is suffering from cerebral hypoxia.
It’s like one half of our country is suffering from cerebral hypoxia.
That’s what happens when one party(and part of the other to be honest) lose touch with reality. Or are paid to lose touch with reality.
It is ironic for them, b/c for them the incandescent light bulb is a recent invention and the wave of the future.
The EU adopted strict labeling standards for household cleaning products (we have none). Our products will have to conform to what will actually sell over there (regardless of the US packaging). I’ve already seen the beginnings of Wingnut One World Order freak outs starting. Stock up on phosphates before they’re banned!
Nikola Tesla decried the waste in light bulbs a hundred years ago. He also designed the first forerunner to the fluorescent lighting we have today. But Morgan was backing Edison, so efficiency was swapped for profits. Waste power? Great. Charge the customers at both ends – for the bulb AND the power.
Until we remove the profit motive from energy, we’ll always be wasting it.
Your estimated percentage was altogether too kind.
Most of us operate at a pretty low cognitive level all the time. It’s an energy saving device like a screen saver. It’s only when the Bear is chasing us or there is a hottie smiling at us or we have some other ‘important test’ of our existence to contend with that we jiggle the mouse and light up with out full capacities.
The Trick with Americans is getting them to pay attention and inform themselves before some politician/shill grabs them by the collar and says, “By God!! Don’t you know they are cramming socialism down your children’s throats and forcing you to pay more taxes than ever so that you will be made a slave or killed in then next 2 to 3 years?!!?” and the conversation is poisoned from the start.
A major problem with the American Left is that they are convinced this sort of lying and coercion is not necessary for them because they are correct morally and effectively and that they will be recognized for this if they stick to their guns. As a result, they are too often surprised by bomb throwers, their own failures and the strength of parochial (meanings one AND two) and entrenched interests over the greater good.
They are constantly asking, “Why in the WORLD would/woudn’t you DO THAT?!!? What about obviously the ‘right thing to do’ don’t you understand?!!?” This is as much a symptom of their own myopia as the irrational nature of their opposition. “Constructivist Liberal Surprise” aside, what other possible form would the antagonist of the Rational take?
A major problem with the American political right is that they could care less about truth or silliness like that and will basically say anything that the highest bidder pays them to. [The whole religious right thing is this crass mercenary group paying the church a plenary indulgence in order to hide this original sin: ‘See? We totally have moral centers.’] The Steven Colbert Rule of Markets: he who attracts the most money is correct. Speech is free-est when it costs the most.
This philosophy, a gross expression of Capital over Labor, is hugely empowering and enriching. As long as they always front for the highest bidder they are always ‘correct’ and will have the most likely writers of ‘history’ on their side: piles of money being a defining characteristic of history’s ‘Winners.’ Reagan worship being just one manifestation of this.
They don’t care what happens to ‘the car’: sell it, drive it, race it, abandon it or bet against it and crash it for the insurance money while blaming it on the black guy and calling him a secret Muslim. Which ever path produces more money for the next election.
Unfortunately, there is a LOT more destructive money pointed at anyone who, like the Republicans, are willing to trade favors/inattention for taking it.
“It takes a second {and pays more} to wreck it. It takes time to build.”
It is my assertion that as the strength of the Left in America rises, so rises the probability that the Repugs will be compelled to take more and more destructive money just to keep up. And they aren’t going to blink an eye. Hey maybe this has already happened. Hey, maybe to both sides.
We MUST get the money out of political races or face demise at our own hands. It is a simple thing for an outsider to bring down a system that will freely destroy itself if you input enough money.
So, our leaders are either doing crazy shit that has little to do with the greater good or driven crazy by the shit that their peers are up to while they are ‘just trying to do their jobs’. And in the end they are almost all whores who would sell us out for a few bucks, with the media-for-hire that poses as a free press will cheer them on for a cut and repeat known falsehoods until they are accepted truth.
One no longer wonders why the people aren’t thinking clearly about things.
Well, one of the problems is that the current fluorescents replacements for incandescent bulbs really are not ready for prime time.
I bought a bunch of the fluorescents equivalents for the 65W can lights 3 years ago. All were advertised for a 5 year life — only 1 of 18 lasted 2 years, none lasted 3. Half were dead sooner than an incandescent. When I asked an expert why I was told that they don’t do well in situations where they are turned off and on in a short period — they are best for being left on for 10-15 minutes at least. So what the hell are we supposed to use for rooms where we go in for only a minute or so? I was also told that these bulbs need lots of air, because heat can shorten their life. Remember these were bulbs supposedly designed for recessed can fixtures. So I tried the non-can fluorescents in those fixtures but they typically lasted 1-2 months, apparently due to overheating.
So, they don’t last nearly as long as advertised except under ideal circumstances. And if you want to extend there life you keep them on much longer than you normally would, thereby destroying the supposed energy savings.
Those weren’t the only problems. You can’t dim them. They start out dim then after a minute get warm enough to give their normal light. The can bulbs make a loud buzzing sound. And finally, their ratings are wrong — the ones that say “28w – equivalent to a 100w normal bulb” are actually noticeably dimmer than a 100w — maybe equivalent to 80w.
So, I use them where they are suited. The “100w” replacements in the garage and work areas work fine — although only 2 of 8 have survived 3 years (still well below the advertised life span). The “100w” replacements also work very well in the floor lamps in my home office, where heat is not a problem and the lights are typically on for hours.
But the idea of mandating the phasing out of incandescents before there are suitable replacements on the market is insane. I have to hope that if the phase out date nears and we still don’t have suitable replacements they will extend the date.
much better color rendition.
Which is why there isn’t a mandatory phasing out of incandescents. There is merely a mandate that light bulbs must meet certain efficiency requirements, and it was previously thought that incandescents would never meet them. But lo and behold, researchers have found a way to make a better light bulb after all. That was the whole point of Booman’s post and the article he linked to.
Also, I’ve never had problems with buzzing sounds, and my bulbs are just as bright as advertised on the packaging. The light bulbs in my bedroom have been there for four years and counting. Maybe I’m just lucky or maybe I’m buying a better brand of CFL.
Off topic but good luck to the Obama administration with that whole managed transition in Egypt. I mean, if you look at our track record you see a country that has quite a record as a fair referee for regional democratization and “modernization”.
For some reason the Obama admin reminds me more and more of a possibly satirical political slogan I learned in France: “Des amenagements plutot que les bouleversements.”
Ah, but you don’t remember like I do when the government came for my 8 track player.
It was brutal, I tell you. Tyranny at it’s worst!
Don’t look now. They’re coming for your magnetic hard drive. And then there is the Blu-Ray conspiracy by the FCC.
I’m still bitter about my quadrophenic stereo. And my AM stereo radio, too.
What the morans hear:
“Yeah, and when they’re done with that, they’re coming for yer guns!”
The greatest threat to US national security is deliberate deception parading as stupidity. It keeps democratic processes from making reality-grounded decisions. And that failure results in disaster over and over again. Economic disaster and foreign policy disaster. And disaster in individual corporations and institutions (see Church, Roman Catholic).
It has become so pervasive that it is unremarkable. It’s time we called these folks out for trying to play stupid. It is so widespread now for it to be clear that it is not a personal failing, it is a political strategy. Republicans are in a competition to call attention to themselves through use of ridiculous and hyperbolic statements that always end as an attack on the President, the Democratic Party, liberals, or progressives.
It also seems to work to divert progressives from serious conversation about principles, policies, and strategy.
We have bigger fish to fry. Let’s move on.
there’s a reason for this….there’s profit in denial. You’re given space to play in people’s collective Id, where all sorts of fears, hatreds, fetishes, lusts, and other illusions reside. Pull enough of those stings hard enough, and you’ll make even the most staid red-blooded white-skinned MurKan jump through whatever hoop you care to place before him.
I feel that I’m still seeing the paroxysms of terror from these folk for having an African-American elected to our highest political office….”Don’t want no darkie tellin’ me what to do, or how to live…” Every time I thought we were more grown up than this, I’ve been proven wrong….
“Well, of COURSE the light bulb ban is going to kill American innovation! Innovators won’t have light bulbs over their heads any more! It’s a commie plot!”