MSNBC is announcing that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will appear on television tonight and announce that he is stepping down. But they are also reporting that the there was been a military coup. It’s obviously too early to tell what is going on. But it sounds very much like Mubarak will be gone by tomorrow morning. The details, however, matter quite a lot. Use this thread to provide any updates you can find.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’m somewhat worried that all this celebration is premature.
it looks like you got that one right, booman!
I dunno BooMan. I read a lot about how much the Egyptian military has been trained by the USA, and that the higher ups have had long relationships with their Generals. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that they’ve told their friends in the military- he’s got to go. if you want to save your country, he’s got to go.
No doubt.
The protesters interviewed by Al Jazeera English (now amidst a wild and possibly premature celebration in Tahrir Square) have been adamant that Mubarak’s resignation is only a first step – what they want is a systemic change, not simply swapping one authoritarian leader for another. And they’re right, of course.
In other words, if “meet the new boss” is what the military or the remnants of the NDP attempt, they’ll face the same uprising Mubarak has been confronted with.
With all those caveats, let’s not lose sight of any Mubarak resignation as a tremendous victory for democracy. A leaderless, youth-dominated movement is on the verge of toppling a brutal dictator of three decades who’s been backed up by ten of billions of dollars in military aid from the world’s most powerful company – and did it without initiating any violence. That’s an amazing accomplishment. Amidst all the speculation of what this means for Israel or US Middle East policy, let’s not lose sight of that. The rest of the world won’t.
Premature indeed, I’m sure.
Al Jazeera editorial on Suleiman.
US likes Suleiman, Israel likes Suleiman, Eqyptians better like Suleiman.
You write:
You got that right!!!
Bet on it.
To all the people who are “worrying” about a same-old same-old situation, all’s I’ve got to say is:
What’dya expect?
There is a great deal of spin on now in the media about how “The Muslim Brotherhood is not a threat,” etc., etc., etc. And…that may be true.
But while involved in (at least a two-front war with Islamic fundamentalist groups, do people actually expect the US, Israel and the rest of the oil-dependent NATO nations to take even the smallest chance that within a year or two or three the Muslim Brotherhood might be able to mobilize the Egyptian Islamic faithful…most of whom are dirt poor, by the way, permanently pissed off about it and madder than hell at the US for propping up Mubarak for 30 years…into voting in or otherwise installing a fundamentalist Islamic government?
So to whom do the controllers turn?
Why…the military that they trained and armed, of course.
The military did not fire on the people during the last few weeks. It acted as a moderating force, if anything. It also acted as a buffer between the demonstrating people and the ravening, huge (Several times the size of the Army in numbers. Bet on it.), primarily badly trained and badly paid police forces who see their meal ticket to power and graft about to retire to Saudi Arabia 80 billion dollars richer while they possibly lose their positions on the totem pole of power and have to go deal with the population that they have brutalized for 30 years.
Watch what happens if…after Mubarak is outta there and another puppet is placed on his throne…the demonstrations continue.
Either the army will start shooting protestors and/or they’ll retire to a neutral corner and allow the various thug police forces to do their worst. One way or another the demonstrations will stop.
Or…maybe the Muslim fundamentalists among the poor will be able keep the dust rising and it will eventually turn into another Iraq.
There’s a lovely thought!!!
P.S. Anyone who objects to my view that here is a real Islamic fundamentalist movement in ERgypt that resides in the poorest areas of the country simply hasn’t been there for a few years. I was there a couple of years ago and whenever I saw this sort of scene in great numbers:
Such a scene was invariably accompanied by poverty, either in garbage-strewn slums or in the sparse areas of the desert between Cairo and Alexandria where no one would live and work by choice. hey’re not werring those burkhas as a fashion statement, no matter how hard the NY Times tries to spin it.
All we are seeing on US disinfo TV is interviews with nice young people who went to college and speak English. Of course. Go out into the slums and what happened to Anderson “Blondie” Cooper will seem like a semi-polite Homeboy Security nut check in comparison. The reporters and camera people? They ain’t going out there. Trust me.
More than three minute’s quick, motorized retreat from their western hotels?
They’re not there to die, they are there to make some money!
James Clapper testifying this morning in front of Congress made statement that Muslim Brotherhood is ‘largely secular’ which was reported by Andrea Mitchell, overheard by Richard Engel, whereby he came back on and asked for her to repeat that and then said it was a head snapping moment because if that is the read then it is a ‘wildly misunderstanding’ of the faction.
These are big stakes here.
Dutch Egypt watcheers noted the cryptic use of the Arabic terms: “the protection … the achievements of the great Egyptian people.” This refers to the 1952 coup by Nasser and not today’s aspirations of the people. I believe the military will take over control leading to democratic elections over one or two years. The people’s opposition groups are too weak to participate in ordened elections. The Muslim Brotherhood realised the fear for Islamic rule declared just a day ago they would not be part of any presidential election nor seek (absolute) power.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
will this speech ever effing happen?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Stays in power until elections in September 2011. Crowds have become angry chanting: “He shall leave!” Mubarak offers minor concessions to his people. Talks as a father to his children. Draws on the emotions the people have for the people. Reminds everyone of his military career. Delegates some authority to his VP Omar Seleiman.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The Egyptians want ‘REAL CHANGE’ Unlike what we got with the lying sack of shit Obama.
Best blog on ME politics. He grates me sometimes, but what blogger doesn’t?
BHHM just posted his stats…more unique visitors than dk.
A familiar but hopeful world: by Paul Amar , Associate Professor of Global & International Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Why Egypt’s Progressives Win
Read the article – interesting stuff about police and military. “A Cheshire Cat is smiling down on Suleiman’s tea party.” We are all Egyptian now.
Pinned it!!!
Thank you.
Not 10 minutes after I wrote the above:
Like I said…
It’s gonna get nasty.
Very nasty.
You’re right. Best case scenario is than the military splits in half and refuses to shoot a million people with American weapons.
Saudi king said he would replace aid to Egypt if we withdraw it.
We shall soon see.
It’s almost exactly midnight in Cairo.
Daylight will tell the tale of the night’s activities.
If I were al Qa’ida and other anti-American, anti-Israeli militant groups I would have been shipping people in for days already. A tipping point could be reached that would completely stall the entire system there, and do not think that Islamic fundamentalist fighters from all over the Muslim world do not understand how badly that would bode for the US, both for its forces in Iraq + Afghanistan and for the nascent economic recovery that’s being hyped here. It’s big business gong on in Egypt right now, although you are not going to hear it from the US hypnomedia.
Big, big business.
The Islamists took down the Soviet Union by breaking its monetary system with war and terrorism. That’s still the plan.
Same plan, healthier opponent.
It’s just taking longer.
20 trained fighters with adequate armament could take Egypt right to the brink.
Hell…two assholes in a Chevy Caprice with one rifle almost stopped the US from functioning a few years ago. Remember the gas station shootings around DC?
Like dat.
Spinnnnnning, spinning.
Love this comment:
`If Mubarak does not leave, it will show all arabs in the ME that peaceful revolution does not work’
…and of course, if the Egyptian military starts shooting, also shows peaceful revolution/change does not work. Catch 22 from the beginning.
Bet Zionists wish they had settled with Palestinians earlier.
Mubarak digs in. this is gonna get way more ugly.