There comes a time in every society for the people to rise to a station to which the laws of nature intended them. This elevated station is based on the following obvious truths, that we are all equal under the law, that as humans we have certain rights that are incorporated into our person. Among these are the right to life, the right to be free from restriction of movement, the right to speak freely and the right to pursue what ever it is that we believe will add to our happiness. We here and now affirm that because of these rights governments derive their permission to govern from the people and that governments are created by people to protect these rights. When any form of government acts against these rights, it is the privilege of the people to change its government to a new government that affirms its commitment to preserving these basic rights.
For practical reasons government that satisfies their responsibility should not be changed for ephemeral reasons. However, it is up to the people to decide what reasons are weighty enough to warrant change. As our history has shown us, people are more apt to tolerate suffering as long as the suffering is not too great. We are more apt to go on suffering rather than change the things which we have become accustomed to. But when we suffer many abuses and face a callus disregard of our rights, all designed to subjugate us under dictatorship, it is our right, it is our duty, to throw off that government and make provision for a new government that is committed to protecting our freedoms and liberties.

The present leader of our country has many times violated our rights.  He has worked his way to what he is now, an absolute despot over us. We have awakened to the realization that we live under tyranny. With this awakening we have also realized that it is time for us to change our current system of government and what we want is a political system based on genuine democracy and social justice.

To this end we demand:
The resignation of the current president
Free and fair elections involving all Egyptian people be held expeditiously
That there be judicial oversight of the whole election process
That local and international groups be brought in to monitor the elections
That all Egyptians must be free to run for and win any office without interference
That there be fair and equal access to media for all candidates
That the right to vote is extended to even Egyptians living abroad
That the president’s term in office be limited to two terms
That all who hold the National ID be allowed to vote.
That all sectors of the population be free to organize and assemble
That all political detainees be released
That the government may not hinder the expression of religious belief
That the government protect religious freedom for all religions
That the government may not encumber free expression and the press

We, the people of Egypt, assembled here on Tahrir Square and in other cities around our nation, solemnly declare that we are free of tyranny; and to the support of this declaration we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

(Get this to the people on Tahrir Square)