You’d think that a First Lady that sticks to supporting veterans and promoting healthy eating and children’s health would be immune to criticism. You’d be wrong. For example, studies show that kids who breastfeed longer have less chance of being obese. There are also studies that show other health benefits from breastfeeding. But if the First Lady tells you about these studies she is creating a nanny-state.
Appearing on “The Laura Ingraham Show” on Tuesday, [Rep. Michele] Bachmann, a Republican, said the first lady’s agenda is “very consistent with where the hard left is coming from.”
“For them, government is the answer to every problem,” Bachmann said. “And so government got us in this problem, and so they think government is going to get us out of the problem. Clearly they’re wrong.”
Bachmann, a mother of five, said she nursed all her children. But, “to think that government has to go out and buy my breast pump for my babies? You wanna talk about the nanny state, I think you just got a new definition,” she said.
Bachmann is referring to this:
A Harvard Medical School study published last spring in the journal Pediatrics estimated that if 90 percent of American women breastfed, 900 premature infant deaths would be prevented and patients and hospitals would see savings of $13 billion in lost wages and saved health care costs – so you might assume that doing so would be a tax write-off.
Until recently, you would have been wrong. As of this fall, the IRS position was that breastfeeding didn’t have enough medical benefits to qualify as tax exempt.
Last week, the Internal Revenue Service finally agreed to allow 2010 taxes to reflect the costs of pumps and milk bags, as all the myriad ways in which to maintain breastfeeding while working or on the road can make “free” suddenly cost quite a bit of cash. That means women with flexible spending accounts can use their pre-tax dollars to pay for nursing supplies. Those who itemize can add them in to their health care costs.
How is that socialism?
You know what else is socialism? Michelle Bachman getting subsidies:
Anyway, how about giving people free birth control while we’re at it? 🙂
So breast pumps are fine, so long as they’re for cows? I really don’t understand the winger mind sometimes…
The stupid burns, but it also distracts.
Consider this. Michelle Bachmann is a tax lawyer. Yep, she got a law degree from Oral Roberts University. Figures. And she attracts attention to herself and her positions by using outrageous statements.
And the folks who are her fans love to hear about how she upsets the libruls.
It’s time we stopped falling for all of these actors. It’s a shtick; that’s all it is. And it has worked. We spend more time discussing these folks than how to get them out of office.
And the hook this time are the words “breastfeeding” and “nanny state”. The government “buying a breast pump” distracts from the government “requiring carrying a fetus to term”. Now, which of these actually is the nanny state? Which of these actually is an infringement on freedom?
But the shtick is: I don’t want the government talking about breast pumps in tax law. That’s getting too close.
And what it does for Laura Ingraham and Michele Bachmann is bring in the big conservative bucks.
What a country!
if breastfeeding isn’t important, then why did SHE do it?
I’m so sick of these muthafuckas, I could scream.
and that stupid, parasitic, leeching on the government with her farm subsidies heifer needs to go somewhere, sit down and STFU.
And did you know the guvmint is coming for you garden?
“Basic right” to garden protected by House bill | The Salt Lake Tribune
Giving money to anyone except rich, old, white guys who vote republican is socialism.
Don’t you know anything?