Harry Reid urges Nevada to outlaw prostitution:
“So let’s have an adult conversation about an adult subject,” he said. “Nevada needs to be known as the first place for innovation and investment, not as the last place where prostitution is still legal. When the nation thinks about Nevada, it should think about the world’s newest ideas and newest careers, not about its oldest profession.”
It’s a local ordinance. Nevada’s two biggest counties do not allow legal prostitution, even though Las Vegas is certainly known for its prostitutes. And it’s a state matter, not something that a federal officeholder like Harry Reid has any say-so on. So, why is he talking about it? Apparently, he feels like Nevada’s reputation for debauchery is preventing it from attracting new businesses.
Personally, I have mixed feelings about prostitution. I’m not sure it should be illegal. Yet, I don’t want brothels opening up in my community either. It just seems like it is a waste of resources to prosecute it, and the sex-workers probably are treated better in Nevada than anywhere else as far as being protected from harm, having access to ongoing medical monitoring, and so on. I guess it’s not an issue I care strongly about either way, but I’m pretty sure that Nevada’s tax codes have more to do with their ability to attract business than their prostitutes. And the education level of their work force. That, too, can repel potential businesses.
And Reid is worried about this, why? Is this what Nevada residents want him to be focusing on? I doubt it. Besides, did some one ask him if he wanted to outlaw all forms of prostitution?
I have mixed feelings, but not because I don’t want a brothel opening up in my community. I have mixed feelings because I think prostitution should be legal, yet there is too much of a problem with human trafficking for it to be viable in my opinion. We have a few models to observe:
1.) The United States
2.) The Netherlands
3.) Sweden and other Nordics
4.) Lawlessness
The first is horrible. As you’ve stated, it’s a waste of resources to prosecute it, but it also makes it a profitable venture for human traffickers. It doesn’t really interrupt, either, which is the key to stopping it.
The second was my old position. Make it fully legal, prices drop, it stops being profitable, you can regulate it, etc etc etc. Upon further review, and a good deal of debates over the years, my position has changed over the years. The Netherlands is rampant with sex slaves, and despite regulations, it’s still relatively easy to game. It’s also attracting a lot of crime around the area.
The fourth is obviously the worst of the worst. Not only is it lawless, but the police officers are often the most frequent customers to sex slavery. Kinda hard to stop it when the very people who are on guard are the ones doing the consuming.
The third model is my current position. Make prostitution illegal to buy, but make it legal to sell. Furthermore, offer prostitutes education and other choices. Human trafficking to Sweden has practically come to a halt as a result of this change.
It would be nice if all brothels could be like the ones in Nevada and at the Bunny Ranch, but it just doesn’t seem likely. If it were, I’d go back to supporting the legality of prostitution. But that’s just not what we see. Maybe there will be a time when I think we can legalize it, but that time isn’t now.
The problem with prostitution being illegal is that prostitutes get beaten up and killed.
I don’t think making prostitution legal will necessarily end all violence towards prostitutes, because it will always operate at the margins of society where creeps hang out. But legalization will reduce violence, as prostitutes will no longer be inhibited by having to reveal that the violence occurred during the course of another illegal act.
Oh good grief. Our country is going down the tubes fast, sooner I hope than later we’ll have a flat out revolution in the name of our rights, the rethugs are going bat shit crazy with their legislation all over the country and Harry is worried about prostitution??? Come ON. He needs to be marching in the streets of Madison along with other dems and progressives.
Good Lord the man is clueless.
What happened to professional courtesy?
A member of Congress attacking prostitutes.
!!! : ) ๐ ๐
Maybe it’s his way of saying we should abolish the Senate.
I’ve always felt prostitution should be legal.
Essentially, making it illegal is the government making a decision as to what is or is not a valid reason for having sex. Since it involves 2 consenting adults, and we know sex between consenting adults is fine, the only reason it is illegal is because money changes hands which is the reason the sex is happening.
Who the hell is the government to tell people what are or are not good reasons for having sex.
Having sex for love? That’s fine. For procreation? A O.K. Haveing sex for money? You’re going to prison.
It also never made any sense to me that sex is something that if given away for free, it is fine , but illegal if you purchase it. It’s almost like having a law that if a friend puts up aluminum siding on your house for free, that’s fine, but if you paid him to do it, then you’re going to prison.
I also think back to that great Carlin observation that you can purchase a gun at a Wal-Mart, but you’ll go to prison for purchasing an orgasm.
I probably wind up at the same place that you do, but I think it is overly simplistic to see prostitution as a simple transaction. If you’re an independent call girl, then sure. But a lot of women are in the control of pimps, and many are not free to leave. Human trafficking is rampant. But even the simple pimp/whore scenario can be incredibly coercive. Frankly, those are reasons that push more towards legalization. The prostitutes working in Nevada’s brothels are free to leave, make a fair living, have excellent protection from their clients, and have good access to health care. At least, I believe that to be the case. And that seems a better situation all around than what goes on on the streets of Philly.