Christine O’Donnell has declined an invitation to appear on Dancing With the Stars, proving that she isn’t as low class as the Palin family.
If Jane Harman has a preference on who will replace her in Congress, you can be sure that I’ll support the opponent in the primaries. Can we get a proud Democrat to serve Venice Beach please? Preferably, one with rollerskates, dreadlocks, and an electric guitar…
It’s going to be a grim and pointless decade for Pennsylvania Democrats.
Eric Holder rightly blasts Congress for keeping Gitmo open and admits it might be open through 2012, meaning Obama would not have fulfilled his promise to close it.
It’s worth a click for the Charlie Brown headline.
If Ruth Marcus suddenly sounds like Jane Hamsher, maybe both of them are wankers.
Clarence Thomas continues to get his ass kicked by Think Progress.
Why is everyone racing to say that Mike Huckabee is not a birther? Yes, he is. Birthers aren’t defined by where they think Obama was born. They’re defined by why they think it matters. It’s not an offense against the Constitution that concerns them, it’s the vague whiff of Islam and anti-colonialism they detect. Huckabee fits the bill.
What are you reading this morning? What should I be reading?
looks like the roberts court just smacked down AT&T’s claim to “personal privacy”.
Thank you for this good news. I love that he called them “artificial entities.”
Hopefully this estimate is more accurate than last month:
ADP Sees 217,000 Payroll Rise, But Planned Layoffs Jump
Try taking a look at Kairos
On the Harman Replacement, the dreads, skates, and guitar visuals are stunning. Also hilarious, considering who’s running.
It’s going to be a grim and pointless decade for Pennsylvania Democrats.
You can thank that clown of a former chair T.J. Rooney, though I don’t see that Burn has done anything to change things. As I said before, Democrats here in PA win despite the party.
TJ Rooney is a fucking idiot.
That’s from The Hill’s Charlie Brown article.
Read an interesting bit on Marx and music. The author doesn’t understand Marx’s representation of commodity production but it’s interesting nonetheless.
Well, Ohio Senate Bill 5, which would trash collective bargaining rights for 350,000 teachers, cops, firefighters and many other state employees, has moved out of committee. Of course, this only happened after the Republican leaders here removed one of their own, Bill Seitz, from the committee. Seitz was poised to vote against it. It would have died in committee had they not removed him. It passed 7-5 after GOP leaders handed Seitz his hat.
That’s they way things roll now here in Kasich-land. If you won’t do what we want, we kick your ass out and get somebody else. Better get used to it, Ohioans. Cause that’s they way we’re heading for everyone in the state. It’s called “freedom” in their world. Others, I suspect, might call it something entirely different.
If you care to read the gory details, go here.
Have you seen this?
well done. A nice idea and well put together.