Redistricting season is upon us and legislatures are beginning to draw up their maps and allow public comments. The Democrats peaked two years too early, and losing everywhere in the 2010 midterms means that the Republicans are in the driver’s seat in way too many states. However, one state, Illinois, offers the Democrats the opportunity to do the same kind of damage to incumbent Republicans as the Republicans are going to do to us in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and many other states. Just reading about how we can screw the Republicans in Illinois makes me uncomfortable. And then another side of me says, “What? Are we going to unilaterally disarm?”

Some states have adopted progressive reforms that allow an independent commission to draw up the maps. The details vary from state to state, but I think we really should be fighting to have independent commissions do the redistricting in all 50 states (even states with only one federal seat in the House have many more in their legislatures). However, in the meantime, we have to fight back in the states where we have the power to do so. Illinois is one of those states. I don’t like it at all, but I’m not stupid.

What state has the best model?