Here’s a galling quote from a New York Times article on the Republicans’ plans to hold the government hostage again in May over the federal borrowing limit.

“If I were still Treasury secretary, it would worry the hell out of me,” said James A. Baker III, who served in that office for President Ronald Reagan, during a time when the total federal debt nearly tripled over his two terms. “But it doesn’t worry me as a good Republican, and one who wants to finally see some fiscal responsibility in this country.”

James Baker served as Ronald Reagan’s chief of staff in his first term, which was when Reagan destroyed the economic soundness of the American economy with his massive tax cuts that were not accompanied by corresponding cuts in government spending. He served as Secretary of the Treasury in Reagan’s second term. People these days probably remember him best as Bush’s attorney during the 2000 recount battle in Florida that ended with a sham Supreme Court decision and gave us eight years of Bush/Cheney and a financial meltdown for the ages.

I’m glad the eighty-one year old Baker is still a good Republican. What happened to Country First?