Here’s a galling quote from a New York Times article on the Republicans’ plans to hold the government hostage again in May over the federal borrowing limit.
“If I were still Treasury secretary, it would worry the hell out of me,” said James A. Baker III, who served in that office for President Ronald Reagan, during a time when the total federal debt nearly tripled over his two terms. “But it doesn’t worry me as a good Republican, and one who wants to finally see some fiscal responsibility in this country.”
James Baker served as Ronald Reagan’s chief of staff in his first term, which was when Reagan destroyed the economic soundness of the American economy with his massive tax cuts that were not accompanied by corresponding cuts in government spending. He served as Secretary of the Treasury in Reagan’s second term. People these days probably remember him best as Bush’s attorney during the 2000 recount battle in Florida that ended with a sham Supreme Court decision and gave us eight years of Bush/Cheney and a financial meltdown for the ages.
I’m glad the eighty-one year old Baker is still a good Republican. What happened to Country First?
You had me when you used the modifier “Evil” in front of “James Baker”.
Seriously, it’s long past time to drop any pretense of “reaching across the aisle”, “bipartisanship”, and “centrism”. Reading the definition of “Evil” in the various classic dictionaries and you pretty much have covered the entire GOP base — the Racists and the Rich. This isn’t the Republican Party of the 1950 who mostly bought into the general principles of the common good. Today’s Republican Party are really the Confederates.
In the 19th century we had the Stars-and-Bars. In the 20th century we had the swastika. In the 21st we have the “Nobama” bumper sticker. They are all the same thing — pure, unadulterated evil.
Excellent points here, Green Caboose. I too feel that Baker and company are true evil. The BooMan is right on the button and I admire him speaking out so clearly on these despicable hypocrites. Money and power are their gods and the country comes in a dim second when compared to these nefarious deities.
Country First…these mofos have NEVER been Country First…the entire rotten lot of them.
just really wrong.
Their idiot fascist agenda is going to slow or stop the recovery. They don’t want a recovery anyway, it would be bad for them politically. Got to keep the masses hurting and in crisis mode so you can shove a fucked up right wing agenda down their throats. God forbid the rich and the corporations get a tax increase. Lets gut Medicare and Social Security instead of making rational choices on taxes.
If Bastard Baker were still the Secretary of the Treasury, there would be no United States.
I say let the Republicans keep this up.
Calling people in this country stupid is self defeating. Most are not. The true believers will always be with us.
Once the facts are known and they do seem to be coming out sooner than they used to, people can judge for themselves what’s going on.
Go for it Republicans.
The evil bastard Republicans want to reinstall the policies that got us in the fiscal state we’re in. Their sole interest is in seeing Obama fail even if it means America fails.
So why, oh why, is Obama cooperating with them?
Baker was on GPS this morning. His first rant was crisis in the Penninsula and I had to finally laugh because as he ranted, and Fareed pointed out, he came more and more attuned to what Obama is doing.
One thing about Baker, as he was ranting about the economy and the Dem’s Entitlement obsessions he is expert at booming ahead on the ideology without lifting narry a finger to talk about tax revenues.
Had to choke when he said if Reagan was alive he would love the TParty and probably lead the charge.