France and Britain were so keen to intervene in Libya and now they’re stuck with a stalemate and are reduced to bitching at NATO to do more to try to oust Gaddafi. I’m sorry, jackasses, but I told you so. I also told our president not to put our prestige on the line or involve our troops unless he was going to make sure Gaddafi was removed from power. This half-ass intervention isn’t solving anything and it just makes everyone look ridiculous. Meanwhile, Gaddafi’s former intelligence chief who defected to the UK has a request:

“I ask everybody to avoid taking Libya into a civil war. This would lead to so much blood and Libya would be a new Somalia,” Mr. Koussa said in his statement late Monday, according to a translation from Arabic provided by the BBC.

That’s exactly what we risk doing to Libya if we refuse to do the hard work of removing Gaddafi and instead just start arming the rebels. I also warned about that.

I’m not some expert on North Africa. But it wasn’t hard to see that the rebels lacked the strength to oust Gaddafi. Air cover does nothing to solve that problem, and it isn’t humanitarian to turn a country into Somalia just so you can pretend that you don’t have any boots on the ground.