Jamelle Bouie points us to the results of some of Public Policy Polling’s analysis of the South. Here’s how Southerners feel about the fact the Confederacy lost the Civil War:
In Georgia 47% of Republicans are content with the Union victory, while 31% wish the South had won. Democrats (58/17) and independents (54/19) are both strongly supportive of the North, making the overall numbers 53/23.
In North Carolina GOP voters are almost evenly divided on the outcome of the war with 35% glad for the North’s victory, 33% ruing the South’s loss, and 32% taking neither side. Democrats (55/15) and independents (57/14) have similar numbers to Georgia but due to the greater ambivalence of Republicans about the northern victory, overall less than half of Tar Heel voters (48%) are glad the Union won to 21% who wish the Confederacy had.
In Mississippi no group of the electorate seems all that enthused about the North having won. Republicans, by a 38/21 margin, outright wish the South had won. Democrats (39/22) and independents (49/15) side with the North but compared to those voter groups in North Carolina and Georgia they’re pretty ambivalent. Overall just 34% of voters in the state are glad the Union prevailed to 27% who wish the rebels had been victorious.
Make of this what you will. I am less interested in what it says about the South than what it says about Republicans. In fact, I’d like to see them poll New England and see what percentage of the population is bummed that the South lost. And I’d like to see that broken down by party.
Who are these 25-30% in all these cases that have no opinion either way on the outcome of the civil war? If you have to think about it/aren’t sure, either you’re completely fucking ignorant of the causes and outcomes of the war itself, or you can’t bring yourself to admit your confederate sympathies.
Also, it really seems like Mississippi is just a complete lost cause. It’s its own third-world country, completely divorced from even the broader southern narrative at this point, let alone the nation as a whole.
ah, another anti South bigot, who obviously has never lived there for any appreciable length of time, and is prone to believing any anti southern stereotype / cliche (like this poll, which I doubt had any blacks respond to it), that passes through his TV.
Let me clue you in, skippy, it ain’t like they say it is in the media. I’d say NH is a lost cause, for sure…
I’d guess about 35%, based on the number of Confederate flag bumper- and rear-window stickers I see around here. (Rural Maine).
The interesting question — out-and-out racism or just épater les liberales?
Speaking only for myself:
Would you like to know what this New Englander thinks about the South losing the Civil War?
I don’t.
I got a PPP automated call the other day and I can guess why they get such a high percentage of people who say don’t know/not sure–they called me just before dinner time! I was cooking and walking around my kitchen with my cell phone, wanting to be represented in the poll but also only half listening/wanting to hang up. I imagine a lot of other people are also busy with something else and don’t want to think too deeply about their replies.
I’ll add this, too: The call I got was about my position on gay marriage and it was kinda rigged because the guy sounded like Kurt on Glee, by that I mean, obviously gay. If someone were homophobic, they would have hung up just hearing the way that guy sounded. I was actually disturbed that the voice wasn’t nondescript. So when they called these Southern states, did they use a guy with a Yankee accent? Were a lot of these undecided people just uncomfortable expressing an opinion to an “outsider”?
Polls… Percentages… Statistics… Lies by other names. But, yeah, do this same poll in New England using someone with a Southern accent; I’d like to see those results. How many people would be influenced by politeness to say they don’t want to take a side?
that is, how many black folks did they ask, and at what percentage? My bet is that in this pool they asked only white people to respond, and, in the case of MS which is 50 / 50, the pollsters are omitting half the population..
I have to concur with the poster who asked how many Black folks participated.
I think it is too bad the south lost. Just imagine… we could have a real progressive country right now without having to deal with the southern strategy.
Of course I kid… sort of.
Hang every son of a bitch that rebelled. The main problem was that we let them off too easy at the end.
At this point, I am more than happy to let the South go. Charge them for all federal property that is fixed in place, remove all US property that can be moved, and kiss them goodbye. Charge the living shit out of them to cross into American territory, and severely prosecute illegal aliens coming into the actual United States.