Someone asked New Jersey Governor Chris Christie if he believes in evolution or creationism. His response?

“That’s none of your business,” Christie said.

I kind of like the answer. I wish that was the default answer for all politicians when asked if they believe in God or if they practice any particular religion. So long as politicians don’t try to enact their religious beliefs into law, why should we care about them?

But, more realistically, this question was really more along the lines of “are you a fruitcake looney-tune, or not?” And I think the answer to that question is my business.

Specifically, the debate is over whether or not public schools can teach Creationism. The governor says they can. So, I wonder, does he think they can because he believes it’s the truth? Or, does he just want to appease his wingnutty base? What else does he believe can be taught in public schools? Can they teach that Conan the Barbarian is an historical figure? Can they teach that leprechauns and unicorns actually exist? How about a theory where Joseph Smith looked into a hat and…