This is a notice that if you are living in the Pacific Time Zone, the Rapture will actually begin at 11pm tonight. I know it is supposed to occur on May 21st, but the truth is that it will happen at 6pm in every time zone. So, you know, it’ll start at the international time zone out there somewhere in the Pacific Ocean and then just kind of wind its way around the globe. When the first tremors are felt in Pago Pago it will be 2am on the east coast and by the time we all wake up China and India should already be gone. I wasn’t sure how it was all going to go down, but I’m glad I had it explained to me. It sounds like I’m going to be doing a road trip. California, here I come.
The end of the world will be at exactly 6 p.m. on May 21, 2011, says [Harold] Camping, who along with his organization, Family Radio, are behind those billboards across the country forecasting the Rapture this Saturday. The Rapture, the Last Days, Armageddon and the Final Days of Judgment are all interchangeable. It’s when God will destroy the Earth to show his love for humanity.
Is that Eastern Standard or Pacific Standard Time?
Neither, says Camping, whom I interviewed recently for my online news show TYT Now. The Rapture is at 6 p.m. on May 21, 2011, where ever it’s 6 p.m. first, with the “fantastically big” world-ending event taking place on a time zone by time zone basis.
That means we can expect the Rapture to start when it hits 6 p.m. at the International Dateline at 180 Longitude — roughly the [sic] between Pago Pago, American Samoa, and Nuku’alofa, Tonga. We’ll know it’s Judgment Day because there will be an earthquake of previously unprecedented magnitude, Camping predicts.
So, according to these calculations, the Rapture will actually begin like a rolling brown out across the globe at 11 p.m. PST on Friday, May 20th. “Everyone will be weeping and wailing because they’ll know in a few hours it’ll come to their city,” said Camping.
The nice thing about this is the forewarning. I don’t have to worry that I’ll die suddenly at 6pm. If people haven’t been dying for sixteen hours already in time zones to my East, I’ve got nothing to worry about. Feel better?
La’ chaim.
I’m trying to remember the last time atheists promoted something this ridiculous, and it went viral in the media. I’m not coming up with anything.
At least Camping isn’t burning a Koran or anything. Nobody will die over this*.
*With the possible exception of a few suicides, and I’m sorry, but that’s just more proof that Darwin was right.
I was thinking of buying some M-80’s and other loud explosives to set off at 6pm and freak out my neighbors.
And when it doesn’t happen, we can just tell the Christians that either they didn’t pray hard enough or that God was feeling mavericky.
Don’t forget the traumatized kids:
1914 wasn’t a bad guess, since that’s the year World War One broke out.
The traumatized kids are the real tragedy. There was a story in the Boston Globe a few days ago about a family in which the mother and father blew the kids’ college funds because they were sure the rapture was coming. Also told the kids they weren’t going to Heaven.
It was like somebody had written a script for a Christopher Hitchens documentary or something.
Fortunately, the kids seemed pretty sharp and were shrugging it off. But I suspect they’re among the best-adjusted to their parents’ idiocy.
So it’s going to be just like New Years Eve, huh? THAT IS SO COOOOOOL!
We can watch the dead start rising at 2:00 AM somewhere in the South Pacific and follow it around the globe as it gets closer and closer to us. Is Dick Clark doing a Rocking Rapture Show? Gotta check that schedule before I hit the sack. Maybe he can interview some of the people who are left behind to suffer through the torment of the next few months until the actual end of the world comes later this year!! That would make for some killer TeeVee.
Hey, there’s a cemetery about a mile down the road from me. I think I’ll pack a cooler and a video camera and head down there late tomorrow afternoon to make sure I get a good look at this once in a lifetime experience.
Since Halley’s comet was such a bust when it came through a few years ago, I’m sure this will more than make up for that disappointment. If there’s one thing that fundie Christians stress to we heathen infidels, it’s that god doesn’t disappoint.
Bring on the show!!! Jeebus, strut your stuff!!!
You know, we all joke about Harold Camping and his small band of looney followers, but the fact remains that there are tens of millions of people in this country who are members of Christian denominations which believe that the rapture will actually occur. They are no different than the Harold Camping’s of the world. They simply state that only god knows the time of the rapture. That is all that makes them different from Camping. Not much of a comfortable distinction there, now is it? But their belief in it’s reality is no less fervent than that of Harold Camping. They are just as delusional and irrational in their beliefs, and many times are much more fervent in their insistence that we accord this crazy view with respect and deference, in the same way that we respect proven scientific theories.
These churches are on every street corner in every little nook and cranny of this country. And they preach the same nutty rapture doctrine as Camping. They are considered respectable within their communities and, for some reason, we obligingly look past this crazy doctrine that they hold. So we can all have a good laugh tomorrow when we wake up, still, to a world full of fundamentalist Christians. But we should take a minute to consider that this rapture doctrine will still be held as fact within a large segment of many mainstream Christian churches. And in many cases, the members of these churches are the ones getting elected to positions within local and state governments and on local school boards. And that, I don’t find at all funny.
Here’s a sweet list of fail.
Well for one thing, my understanding is that most Christian denominations do not actually believe stuff Camping says will happen will literally happen. But even assuming they do, you still have an obligation to be responsible to the world around you and not abuse it or ruin it for future generations, same as ever.
My brother, who is not a dummy and not a fundie (he’s an engineer with a law degree) but he does believe in the existence of ghosts, in ESP, in past lives, in alien visitations via UFOs, and in the possibility of a world-ending disaster (in descending order of wackness). People believe all sorts of crap with little evidence. In my brothers case, I think he likes to think about this stuff because reality is boring, so he spices things up a bit.
Also, water witching. And maybe ESP should come after past lives….
If it rains any more here I am going to start believing in a Second Deluge.
I say, whatever floats your boat. Which you may need.
Frankly, I think it’s really all about sexual repression.
Sun Ra sez: “It’s after the end of the world. Don’t you know that yet?”
The rapture is in the same league as the “72 virgins”.
Wingnut fundamentalists are the same in every religion. Nucking futs.
Seriously, I was trying to explain this to my teenagers and I said “well, these people imagine that they will be swept up into a heaven with every imaginable comfort while the rest of us (to my wife’s annoyance my 4 kids have all decided the whole God thing is a con game — I swear I didn’t tell them this, they got to that conclusion on their own) will be left in unimaginable hell for 6 months or so until the world ends, then we go to real hell.
After describing this to them I suddenly realized just how incredibly selfish and self-centered those rapture assholes are. It’s just like the extremist muslim assholes who believe in the 72 virgins shit (as noted above). I mean, these people are thrilled with the idea that they will lord it over the vast majority of the people on the earth who will experience (in their theory) unimaginable tortures.
Yeah. That pretty much sums up your Republican base right there.
Now, after this fails I home some enterprising Democrat comes up with some way to convince them all that the REAL rapture day is, oh, November 4, 2012. So there isn’t any need for them to vote or send in an absentee ballot or anything.
After NPR spent way too much time bending over backwards to treat these loonytunes as if they were sane, they owed it to their listeners to give the self-styled prophets some more interview time on May 22. I’d enjoy hearing about how some computer bug spit out the wrong date.
Also about how the truest of the true believers intend to get along now that all their stuff is gone. I know, we should be compassionate and all, but when you think about it, the arrogance of folks so sure of their own righteousness, and the unworthiness of just about everybody else in the world, is astonishing. Especially in a cult that makes such a fuss about “humility”.
See ya all tomorrow. Or alternatively, have a nice trip.
Actually I think the most ridiculous part of all of this is that people believe that God cares about time zones.
Or that a prediction including a provision for time zones is based on a book written almost two millenia before they were invented.
I know – like God has to pace himself or something…
well, if he created them, why wouldn’t he care about them?
Wait, people actually think God created time zones?!?
It’s 1 AM here on the West Coast. Does that mean I missed it?!
Probably. It’s six o’clock in a lot of places already and no rapture.
“… It’s six o’clock in a lot of places already and no rapture. “
Oh, I don’t know .. I’m feeling pretty good. 😉
And it’s five o’clock somewhere, so drink up.
But don’t forget, USA Number 1. Surely we, as God’s chosen people would get to be first in line. It’s hard to give up on the hope that the neighbors might get scooped up.
maybe even the braindead who believe in the Rupture weren’t holy enough, so no-one floated out of their boots. damn…
god’s just too fussy to take up anyone from this ship of fools. we’re all hellbound together, ain’t that the cutest thing?
18 minutes to go. Since I was saved in a fundamentalist church as a kid and once saved always saeved, I just want to say “Goodbye, Nice to know you. Hope I don’t get a nosebleed passing Pluto”.
Damn! 6:03 and I guess I’m not on the way to Jupiter and Beyond. Could Jesus’s watch be off?
Hey! You heathens still here?
I couldn’t resist. Just couldn’t. 🙂
Hey AP, where ya been so long? You been missed.