Isn’t this Angry, Angy Bird’s time about up? Weinergate? Really?
I hope Shirley Sherrod’s or Rep. Weiner’s and others’ lawyers takes him to the cleaners.
It’s clear that no one in our so-called liberal media will do the “hard (not all that hard) work” bloggers have done time after time to expose this fraudulent smear merchant.
Breitbart is the perfect example of how a serial failure in real life can suddenly achieve the great American Dream simply by hitching his wagon to the right wing disinformation circus to become “the pus that infects the mucus that cruds up the fungus that feeds on the [conservative media] pond scum.” Too bad no one in our elite beltway punditocracy is willing to state the truth that he’s a con man, pure and simple.
If I was a Republican and had any principles or conscience at all I’d be embarrassed that this blowhard has been let loose by the people who control the agenda of that party to help them destroy our Republic. But I suppose that’s asking a bit much from people who not so long ago worshiped at the feet of Glenn Beck.
Once I saw who the source was, I knew it was likely more of the fraudulent “journalism” Breitbart is notorious for. At this point I doubt anyone outside the usual set of true believers is buying it. On the other hand, the behavior of those true believers – including stalking – is awful. If those assholes got a taste of their own medicine, you know they’d be crying foul.