Month: May 2011

Wanker of the Day: Ted Poe

What we really need is to have half-witted bankbenchers from Texas setting our foreign policy. So, if Rep. Ted Poe wants to withhold foreign aid from Pakistan until they can prove they weren’t harboring bin-Laden, then we...

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Fun Morning

So, I’m driving Finn to his music class this morning when some idiot forces me off the road and nearly causes me to flip my car. We live near the top of a pretty large hill. I’m driving down the steep hill and a...

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The Bullhorn Man Afraid of New Yorkers

Graciously, President Obama extended an invitation to former President Bush to attend and participate a ceremony at Ground Zero, the former sight of the Two Towers, this Thursday. Yet for some odd reason, the man who once stood...

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Bin Laden unarmed when shot

The Obama Administration’s image has been badly dented by the quick revelation that Osama bin Laden was unarmed when he was shot in the face.  It looks much more like an assassination and it is now hard to picture how...

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