Month: May 2011

Minn. Gov. Vetos GOP Voter Suppression Law

Finally, some good news on the Republican voter suppression front. The unnecessary Voter ID law (unnecessary because actual cases of “voter fraud” are essentially non-existent) passed by the Minnesota Legislature was...

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Casual Observation

One probably unintended side-effect of tracking down and killing Usama bin-Laden is that Congress is getting really serious about buggering out of Afghanistan. The Democrats voted tonight 178-8 to hurry up and leave. And...

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What If… ?

Here’s an interesting question, I think. What if people selected their leaders more like sports clubs pick their rosters, or even like major corporations pick their CEO’s? Many of the best soccer players in the...

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GOP To Sell Us Malaise

Karl Rove provides his party with some bad analysis and some even worse advice. Steve Benen did a completely adequate job of explaining why, and I encourage you to read his piece. But, I want to focus on something else. The...

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Evidence Climate Change is Misunderestimated

Yes the tornadoes have been very, very bad over the past few months. And over the past year so have the tropical storms, floods, droughts, heat waves, and so forth in places as diverse as Tennessee, Iowa, the Mississippi river...

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