I’d like to enjoy this slapdown the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) delivered to the Indiana legislature and Governor Mitch Daniels, but I worry that it will just instigate another holy war in Congress, complete with hostages. Indiana banned Planned Parenthood from its Medicaid program. You can’t do that. It’s against the law to ban a legitimate medical provider from the system just because you don’t like their scope of services. Indiana has to comply with the law or they’ll face penalties, possibly including the rescinding of all the money they receive from the Federal Government to cover Family Planning. Yet, since they only receive $4 million for Family Planning, most Republican legislators may prefer to just pass on the money. Women shouldn’t take contraceptives anyway, as it gives them a false sense of freedom and let’s them let down their guard of their naughty parts.

I’m beginning to think that Democrats, progressives, women, reasonable people need to take back the Don’t Tread on Me flag from the wackos.

Also, too, do you think a Republican-run HHS would issue such a ruling?