If I hold my breath long enough, will the Anthony Weiner media frenzy go away? We get it. A loud-mouthed liberal got his pants in trouble (in a virtual way, of course) and now we have to pile on and pile on and pile on until he is dead (politically speaking, of course).

Again, why didn’t the media do this to John Ensign? John Ensign’s story had everything: actual sex, adultery, betrayal of top staff, improper use of office, unethical efforts to pressure corporations into hiring unqualified people, hush money, another senator who acted as a bagman. The parents engaged in the conspiracy. There was a frat-house full of ostensibly Christian congressmen who were engaging in extramarital affairs, How much can you ask for in a political scandal?

By contrast, Rep. Weiner had sex with no one outside of his marriage, didn’t improperly use his office to try to cover up his stupidity, and hasn’t used Sen. Coburn as a hush-money negotiator.

Furthermore, Rep. Weiner enjoys nowhere near the power or influence of a U.S. Senator.

I’ve said before, I have no use for the guy. I don’t care what he does, but I don’t need to see him in public life ever again. But the same has been true of David Vitter for five years now. Are you telling me that hiring prostitutes to dress you up in a diaper and offer you lollipops is less of a problem than sending out twitpics of your junk? I mean, David Vitter is supposed to be a family man.

I’ve tried to avoid writing about this story but it just won’t go away. And, the fact that the story just won’t go away is the only really interesting and revealing thing about this story.

When someone finally gets the hard goods on Boehner’s extramarital affair, I expect less time to be spent on it than was spent on Weiner.

And, you know, August is coming, so it is almost time for our annual Rite of Stupid. Shall it be mocking purple hearts? Shall it be stalking Gary Condit? Shall it be another round of Reverend Wright (or Hoodlums in the Hizzouse)? Can we bring the Tea Party back in force?

If history is a guide, we might have a quiet July, but August brings something so stupid that no one could have anticipated it.