Hey, I guess even though the Glenn Beck show is due to leave the foul Faux airwaves in the “not too distant future, can’t come soon enough future,” Beck still can’t resist taking a few shots at President Obama. Or, to be more accurate implying that people who watch his show take a few shots at Obama (and the head of the Office of Regulatory Affairs Cass Sunstein). Here’s the video from Media Matters:

One would think after the attempted assassination of Gabriele Giffords, Fox would have done a little something to rein in Mr. Beck, a TV personality known for pondering such weighty questions as whether he could kill Michael Moore (he concluded he could), and pretending to give Nancy Pelosi poisoned wine.

Yet here is is again, blaming Obama again for civil unrest, food shortages, and of threatening to take your guns away. Then he asks his rhetorical question “Why would you get a gun” and guess who pops up on his TV screen but the President and close adviser Cass Sunstein to whom he immediately points with arm outstretched and answers his own question, stating “To prepare for tough times.”

Then he continues his anti-Obama screed by suggesting that high energy prices are part of Obama’s own plan to bring about those tough times. One has to wonder if there is any line Beck and his employers at Fox News (home to the next Beck in waiting, Eric Bolling).

Coming mere days after the release of photos of a recovering Gabrielle Giffords, its a stark reminder that the conservatives who control so many media platforms in this country are hell bent on demonizing Obama, Democrats (just ask Janice Hahn) and liberals before the next election. And no, there is no line they won’t cross, even the one that suggests you need to buy a gun to “prepare for tough times” while displaying pictures of our nation’s president.