Month: June 2011

Serious Question

Al Gore did have a bit of a problem with exaggeration, although I think it was blown out of proportion. He really did tend to keep to a tenuous line that separates exaggeration from outright lying. Not so for Michele Bachmann....

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43 is a Very Scary Number

I love numbers. They bring a precision to information that language often lacks. Like the number 43. Here, allow me to let Mattheiu Ricard, a Buddhist monk and a scientist living in Nepal to explain the importance of numbers. In...

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Wanker of the Day: David Brooks

David Brooks must have some kind of point, but I’m not really sure what it is. He seems to be saying that different leadership styles can be equally effective. But that’s certainly not his point. He says being led by...

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SCOTUS on Video Games and Abu Ghraib

. Gee, reading Booman’s story and comments, my first thought was the SC ruling seemed logical. Desensitizing youths and adults can’t start soon enough at the earliest possible age. So why not expose children to the...

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