I am so tired of wingnut logic. The president “railed six times…against a tax break that exists in law today because of his signature.” What is he talking about? He’s talking about an accelerated depreciation provision for “corporate jets” contained in Obama’s Recovery Act. The tax break for fat cats was in existence prior to the stimulus bill, and the Recovery Act merely extended it. So, yes, the present existence of this stupid and needless tax break for ludicrously rich people is the president’s responsibility.

And what is the president saying? He’s saying he doesn’t want that responsibility anymore because we can’t afford it and it isn’t fair to cut social services and research and development and money for transportation and schools, and keep a moronic, senseless, and basically immoral tax break for corporate bigwigs.

So, what difference does it make that he signed off on this ridiculous tax giveaway two years ago? He wants it to go away now. That’s the only point that matters.