Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Month’s Theme: Summertime and the living is easy.
Link of the Month: Amazing black and white photography by Hengki Koentjoro.
AndiF’s Summer Ease
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Just Rolling Along
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Just Enjoying the View
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Just Sitting in the Shade
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olivia summer
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Soft breezes in the grass
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Next Theme (Friday August 12, 2011): Street, concept, or abstract courtesy of BobX. (Working down through the list of topics.)
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Andi & Miss Olivia: These images are all just great! Love ’em.
Hope to drop something by later, but the livin’ ain’t real easy around here ..
Hope you do too. I’m sure there are some critters and buidlings and forests that are finding the summer easy-going if the people don’t have it so lucky — at least that’s the way it seems to go in our woods. 🙂
Hi ww – hope so too!
I have to agree. I especially like Andi’s “just sitting in the shade” – very mellow – and Olivia’s “soft breezes in the grass”. Fantastic work!
AndiF & Olivia,
Here, the fish are jumping,
& the cotton is high. (me too)
I`ll be back later with some images.



Wow. Jim, I love these photographs! The metallic look of the water (it is water, yes?) in the first pic is amazing.
The watershield grow in large mats so even small ripples in the open water are dampened (Hmmm, leaves dampen water.). I think the surface tension created the metallic look. As time went by, and the afternoon heated up, the leaves began to curl more and those shots weren’t as interesting.
These are just fun to look at! Love the tugging in the last shot.
She works hard for her honey.
Gorgeous! Love the colour tones of these photos Jim. Agree with ww about the metallic sheen to the water – neato. Love that last photo of the bee. 😀
Did you see any frogs sunbathing?
They’re pretty vocal until we get down to the pond, and then they go into stealth mode. I’ll get over to the park this summer. There are a couple of pretty reliable frog ponds tucked away off the beaten path.
truly spectacular photos. the first one is my favorite as well.
Canada looks to have more colors in the summer than Indiana.
Love that shelter at the lake shot, Andi.
Olivia, the grass looks as soft as the breeze.
It takes a bit of time to get going, but once the warm weather hits everything grows full speed while the summer months are here. 😉
Here’s another colourful example:
Spotted lady beetle, click for larger
Fantastic photo, Miss O! Not unusual for you.
However — quite different than what passes for a lady beetle down here — which is a ladybug. Rounder, much different throat parts.
Now’s a good time for…
Nectar slurping

Cloud gazing

Dr. Seuss characters blooming

Love those clouds. The limited view of the sky is the one downside to living in heavy woods. I like to take photos of bees but make sure to keep a safe distance since I swell up like crazy if I don’t. Is the pink flower a mint?
I’ll jump in here to say no, it’s not a mint. It’s known as Bee Balm, Monarda or Oswego Tea ’round here. Butterflies & hummingbirds love it! Definitely an image of summer for me.
Hey, maybe we’re both right.
Bee Balm = Lemon Mint Herb – Heirloom-Organic
This one has a squarish stem like a mint, so always assumed it was mint family. I’m certainly no expert, tho.
Mrs. ID deserves a tip for yelling inside for me to get out there with a camera, as she was putting clothes on the solar drier and spotted the fingerlike formations.
The bees don’t usually seem to take much notice of me, but wasps and hornets are another story. I figure their fear is directly proportional to mine;-)
Wow — interesting! The plant at the link is nothing like the monarda/bee balm we have here. Our plants only have one flower, for example. Hmmm .. let’s see if the Latin matches up.
Nope. Ours are a different plant: monarda didyma instead of monarda citriodora.
Lovely capture on that cloud shot. I love bee close-ups, they are always seem so thoroughly intent on whatever they are doing. And cool flower, whatever it is.
They are really, really cool. Such great food for wildlife!
The flower is milkweed that volunteered at the corner of one of the flower beds and I just left it there. When they came into bloom, we were rewarded with a sweet odor much like honeysuckle that filled the back yard for several days. Although I’d played with milkweed seed parachutes many times as a kid, I’d always ignored them at blossom time. What a nice surprise!
Oh, love the clouds! Beautiful. And great detail on the bee. I like the idea of being able to sip nectar … sounds like something to do on a warm, lazy summer day. Though the bees seem to be too busy to enjoy it, don’t they. 😉
love the flower photo. wonderful!
There’s something satisfying about the big hay rolls all packaged and ready for the winter and the soft outdoors of Canada gives a feeling of serenity. Nicely done, both of you!
Having put up hay the old-fashioned way, I think that “something satisfying” is not being hot, sticky, and itchy. 🙂
I`m trying something a little different today.
These are some summertime images from different areas at my house.
If it doesn`t work, I shall size the images & post them as I would normally do.
If anyone knows how to post the video slide show, speak up now, Please.
Have a great weekend.
<iframe width=”425″ height=”349″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/2CJH3n_Gs44?hl=en&fs=1″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Bummer on the music but it was still a great slide show and a very grand tour. Thanks for inviting us over.
My favorites:
. the wide view of the house at 0:31.
. the driveway view at 3:37.
. that very cool John Deere Tractor. Was it
restored or just kept in pristine condition?
Thanks AndiF,
I do have a few more side yards that I didn`t shoot.Maybe next time.
The John Deere is a 1931.
It runs great & was restored about 10 years ago, by my friend who owns it.
He keeps it at my place.
It has quite a long history here in Malibu, especially as the lead tractor, pulling the trailer in the local Point Dume christmas parade.
Point Dume is a small enclave in the part of Malibu where I live.
Besides it being a special place, the people here are very very polite & friendly.
Good show and a neat idea. You certainly have some lovely surroundings to hang out in!

Thank you.
Our house is the only one on our street that is not up by the road.
The long curving driveway allows for much more privacy & quietness.
We love it here.
From the ocean side, with the shots from the yard looking up at the house, we can hear the seals barking down on the beach, the buoy bell clanging, & the pounding surf.
Then there are the sunsets from my deck.
Whoa — that is amazing. Love it.
I really like the alternative view. 😀
Nice treat getting to see your world. 🙂 Agree with ID – beautiful spot you have there. I love all the points of interest you have in the gardens – everywhere you look there’s something to catch the eye, whether it’s flora, fauna or treasures.
Good morning Olivia,

It really is a bit of paradise here.
I see you mentioned these three things.
Here they are in pictures.
Thank you! 🙂
love the photo of the iris. the colors are great and i like that you also captured its shadow.
Looks like summer is in full bloom. Lovely place.
The accompanying music to the slide show was disabled as I could not get in contact with Dire Straits for permission to use their song, Brothers In Arms.
This is a wonderful theme, searching for the photos to post here a lot of good memories came back 🙂
Dümmer Lake, Germany:
Ilha Grande, Brazil I:
Ilha Grande, Brazil II:
Pontal do Sul, Brazil:
Paraty, Brazil:
Mannheim, Germany:
Ilha do Mel, Brazil:
Conil, Spain:
Hamburg, Germany:
Pirenopolis, Brazil:
Best in show for the theme! And that last one is the best of the best — I salute it with one of those tall, cool drinks above.
thanks, Andi! the tall red drinks above are called “tinto de verano” which literally translates to red wine of the summer. it’s a mixture of red wine and casera (a lemonade) on ice with a slice of lemon. It’s very refreshing and can be found in Spain, especially in Andalusia. this one and the last one were actually taken by my husband (we share our flickr account). I’ll let him know about your comment 🙂
That drink sounds like it could almost make a hot day go away. And yes, please tell him that I am mightily impressed and hope we get to see more of his photos.
Another wonderful set, Sven. The flip-flops by the pool is a wonderful composition. I like the surf walker in Brazil too.
Echoing Andi and Jim’s comments. I like the couple in Hamburg as well.
Agree with everyone. You’ve definitely ‘captured’ summer in those photos, Sven. Beautiful colours. I love the blues in the flip flop photo.
In the spirit of humor & to thank you about your nice comment, I have to say that had I known sandals/flipflops would win the day, I`d have given you a challenge with this shot.
I love all your shots, & not just in this diary.
A theme within a theme!
Love the horsetail rushes (that’s what we call them, but not sure if that’s what they are) – the tall green plants on the right.
Way late to the party, but have some excellent new material after our annual trip.
Hi Bob – nice to see you!
Someone had some fun playing … cute. 🙂
Exciting – glad you had a good time. Looking forward to your photos.