Going to My 1st Gay Pride Parade Today

I’ve never gone to or marched in a gay pride parade before, but this is a good one to make my first. The state of New York passed marriage equality legislation this Summer, so it should be an especially joyous occasion. I will be marching with a group of fellow Unitarian-Universalists from the surrounding area (yes, I go to a church, and if you’re interested, here’s a website with information about UU’s as we refer to ourselves).

Unitarian-Universalists have been and continue to be at the forefront of many social justice issues (the Civil Rights Movement, feeding and sheltering the homeless, programs to aid children in inner city schools, ecological and economic sustainability, climate change, ad infinitum). Their focus is on doing good in this world as an active means of expressing individual spiritual growth. They were one of the first churches to fully accept women and LGBT people as members and ministers. I’m proud to be a member.

My only regret is that my daughter, a very active member of her High School’s Gay Straight Alliance club could not join me, but she is off visiting her best friend in another state. Participating in the parade would have been a great experience for the two of us, but maybe next year.

Times are bad, but for all the evil in the world, there is also good. This year the arc of history curved further toward justice for LGBT people in New York. Hopefully it will continue to do so as more states follow New York’s example. I plan to take a few pictures and hopefully someone I know will help me figure out how to download and post them later today or tomorrow.

Meanwhile, it’s time for me to get going. See you all later.

Author: Steven D

Father of 2 children. Faithful Husband. Loves my country, but not the GOP.