My father was an abused child. His Dad hit him when he didn’t do his chores fast enough or was late getting home from a one room school house to work on their small farm in the 30’s and 40’s. But at least my grandfather never claimed that God was the reason he beat my father. Nor did my grandfather beat any of his children to death because the “Lord” demanded children be subjected to strict discipline, like this Christian Fundamentalist couple claimed:

Just so you know, I go to a Universalist-Unitarian Church. In our community we have an interfaith network that includes churches of all denominations who cooperate to help homeless people by offering them shelter and food while they look for a place to live. The name of the group is RAIHN. Last Saturday my daughter and I along with volunteers from our church and a local Catholic church fed three families and eleven people (I made pizza and others brought salads and desserts). This is what our faith teaches us. That these brutal sadists claim any God instructed them to torture the children under their care is not only obscene it is false and has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the enjoyment they took from beating their children. Child abusers always will find a reason why they have to brutalize innocents. It is a shame that so many so-called Fundamentalist Christian Churches promote authoritarian doctrines that permit child abusers to justify their crimes.

There is a difference between those who practice the teachings of their faith and spirituality and those who make excuses for their violent and deadly acts against helpless children. These people can claim to be whatever they wish. They can claim to be believers in Jesus. They can claim God instructed them to commit such atrocities. But what they are is simply murderers of children, and no amount of God-talking bullcrap can change that fact.

As for the people who wrote that damned book mentioned in the video, I hope the guardians of the children sue them for everything they are worth.