In the recent post How about A GOP Pauline Ticket?, parvenu wrote a fine analysis of the current state of Republican affairs.

There are three major groups striving for control of the Republican Party. There are (1) the Christian Evangelicals/Southern Baptist group, (2) the Plutocratic Corporate Oligarchs, and (3) the Libertarians.

The piece goes on to make a strong case that Ron Paul…non-person that he is in most current media coverage of the Goofy Old Party…is the strongest Republican opponent currently in the race to depose Barack Obama from the presidential throne on which he now sits.

I agree.

Read on for why I agree if you are so inclined.
Parvenu continues:

Make no mistake a GOP Pauline presidential ticket would really give President Obama a tough run in the general election, simply because Ron Paul currently has a LOT OF SUPPORT among INDEPENDENT white male voters. I’m definitely keeping my eye on the New Hampshire GOP primary. As I write this MSNBC is showing a clip from the Jon Stewart show where Jon is raising a similar question over the way that the MSM has ignored Ron Paul’s tight second place finish in the Iowa straw poll. Hmmm do great minds think alike?

OH yes!!! Ron Paul will resonate big-time in New England. Bet on it.  In “Live Free Or Die” country?



When is the NH primary again? February or earlier, I believe.

They’re on it already.



If the corporate media do not manage to freeze Paul out by then…not a likely occurrence because he is too well financed and too well organized to just disappear no matter how blatantly the MSM ignores him…New Hampshire will change the race. In fact, it will define the race in my opinion. Bet on it.

I have some strong New England roots and a great deal of respect for the working people of that area. They are not very forgiving of tweety bullshit and they like being addressed honestly. Perry’s ranting, pushy style will not go over big in NH and they will relegate Bachmann to the status of the local strange lady. (Every town has one.) That will leave Romney and Paul. Paul will shred Romney in a head-to-head confrontation.



P.S. That Paul poster above? That is some stylish graphic work. The subtle transposition/suggestion of “evol” to “love” by the change in color, angle, direction and outlining? The font that looks like it came from a down-home stencil followed by the “Live free or die” thing in a totally different, hand written-looking font? The relatively small picture of Ron Paul? (No egotistical pol he!!!) The use of black background and color? Totally different from the usually clomp-clomp-clomping RatPublican disinfo machine and much, much better. Better than anything that I have seen from the Dems as well. There is some real advertising talent working for Ron Paul and advertising is what wins elections in the United States of TV Commercials.


Remember the Burt Lancaster movie, “Valdez Is Coming?” (From an Elmore Leonard novel. Elmore Leonard can write!!!) Lancaster plays a humble Mexican-American sheriff who over the course of the movie goes from ineffectively trying to talk some sense to a powerful rancher right on through taking down the rancher’s whole crooked operation singlehandedly.

Well…Ron Paul is coming, too. Even the mighty MSM disinfo machine is going to have to acknowledge that, and soon. It will take a massive fail of some kind on the part of his campaign and/or some successful, high-level dirty tricks operations to derail him this time.


American elections are all about mojo. As of now…in both parties…Ron Paul is the only candidate evincing any real mojo power. Last time it was Obama. This time? I think Obama has worn out his mojo thing fairly thoroughly. He’s looking more than a little…used up. I really don’t think that he has the stomach for a hard campaign this time.

In fact, by the look on his face as he watched the bin Laden murder (Remember that little photo op?) I really don’t think he has much stomach left for the responsibilities of being president.

Do you?

It’s about to get interesting, folks.


P.P.S. I know that the following is bound to fail here in knee-jerk Leftiness Land, but I’m going to try anyway.

I am not a Ron Paul “supporter,” any more than I was a Hillary Clinton supporter four years ago. I am acting here only as an electoral and political observer. I neither believe nor disbelieve in any particular form or philosophy of government. They all work well in some instances and not so well in most others. I like to think of myself as a nonarchist and/or panarchist. Having no particular political axe to grind except the “Don’t Tread On Me” concept…I simply want to be left to my own devices as much as it is possible to do so…I sometimes see things that other, more partisan observers seem to miss.

Agree or disagree, I really don’t much care. But don’t misunderstand where I am coming from or you’ll miss some valuable information. If you are an Obama supporter, remember…Valdez is coming, only this time he is wearing a Ron Paul face. If you do not like that idea? Prepare.

Thank you and good night.