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- Day 45: I Explain Trumpism to Justin Trudeau
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
Yay, it’s Thursday! I am so glad to be home today…Finny woke up at 4 am, which was good because it alerted me to the big thunderstorm rolling in and we got the stroller inside before the rain it…but bad because I’m a wee bit tired now (he never went back to sleep, just played with his choo-choos and snuggled with mom). I guess the upside is that he slept for 6 hours in a row for the first time in memory. 🙂
I’m kind of sorry we got all this rain, since we’re planning on heading up to the Philadelphia Folk Fest on Saturday. CBtE is already up there camping and volunteering, and I have to keep my mama hen tendencies under control, since I’m hoping he didn’t get drenched this morning. Oy.
I’ve been doing county budget hearings all week. Got home at 11:00 last night after a very grueling session – ack! One more night to go. Hope it clears for the Folk Fest this weekend.
It’s rained here every day, except yesterday. I can’t wait for the humidity to end.
More storms later today. At least I haven’t had to water the plants very much.
We had a massive storm here tonight – I was on my way home when it kicked up, and it was coming down so hard and with so much lightning that Finny and I had to sit in the car for about a half hour before it slowed down enough to make it into the house.
I decided to read the latest from Kurt Vonnegut, in honor of the morons on the school board of Republic, MO.
Anybody find a good read this summer?
Best book I’ve read this summer is Once Upon a River by Bonnie Jo Campbell.
Or if you’d like some non-fiction to cool off the summer heat, try Magnetic North by Sara Wheeler
Those both look interesting.
I’ve been reading some fantasy and light stuff this summer. I’m saving the pithier stuff for the fall.
I’ll have to add that to the reading list.
Btw, I was re-reading The New Left Reader for the first time in probably ages and was struck by just how little things have changed in some respects. Apparently, my contention that we don’t have much of a “Left” in the US is one that would have apparently been made a half century ago.
The more things change…
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MOre like light at the end of the tunnel…just have to make it to noon on Friday, and then it’s vacation time!
Yay for vacation — the best kind of light there can be at the end of the tunnel.
Light like that is the only good thing about days with high heat and humidity.
Beautiful shot. Looks like a good setting for the next installment of Avatar.
Bebo would never hang out in that world — nary a squirrel or chipmunk in it.
I wouldn’t be surprised to run into a dryad or two, though. Looks like perfect habitat for enchantments and demigods/goddesses.
That is gorgeous. Wish I were there right now… 🙂
Come on over — I’ve got some great spots where you can pitch your tent. 🙂
Freaky – we just had an earthquake here at the office, and I read on FB that it was a 5.8 in DC…
It rattled the dog cages and the windows and it felt like I was falling out of my chair. The I stood up and was a little wobbly for a moment.
How did it feel in the office?
It was creepy enough up here on the third floor that I made the pregnant people stand in doorways. 🙂 It felt like it would never stop, een though it was only a brief event.
No climate change, right.
Glad everyone is ok out your way. Didn’t feel a thing here.
Glad everyone is okay. Facebook and twitter have been having a field day with it of course.:)
”BREAKING QUAKE NEWS: S&P just downgraded the Virginia earthquake to a 5.9. The House Republicans will not permit an upgrade until the president agrees to cuts to Social Security/Medicare and a further round of tax cuts for the super rich. The Tea Party is suspicious that the president is not in Washington at the time of a rare earthquake. FAUX NEWS is now demanding his impeachment.” Wilson E. Allen
Howdy RF! Glad to see drop by … and with such a funny bit too. 🙂
I remember the one during the 80s. Scared the crap out of me one Saturday morning. Glad you’re okay.
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Oh, I LOVE this! Can I pitch my tent there?
Funny you should mention it — someone already did. 🙂
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There’s nothing like wildflowers!
We’re pretty much past most wildflowers blooming now so it was especially nice to have a whole bunch of late season ones to enjoy.
Being a late bloomer myself, I can appreciate that. 🙂
Here’s hoping that the weather gods are kind to everybody along the east coast.
I’ll second that!
Thanks. May it be so.
Is a lot of rain and wind forecast in your area?
It’s damp and cloudy here, but no rain yet..and it’s CBtY’s 19th birthday today. 🙂
Happy birthday to CBtY! Hope your power stays on and the sogginess is minimal.
Doh! I meant CBtE, CBtE. 🙂 He’s here, and as soon as we get our last bit of battening down done, I’m baking cake. We had planned to go out for dinner at the Japanese steakhouse, but it looks like the storm might move in too quickly for that.
Well then, I hereby amend the CB birthday wishes;-)
“I’m baking cake”
My mom would always make my birthday favorite, spice cake with mocha icing, from my grandma’s (icing) recipe.
That sounds yummy! We usually do carrot cake for CBtE, but are deviating from tradition this year because of the storm. (ps, this is me, CG, still sharing my latop with booman and too lazy to log booman out and me back in)
Happy birthday to CBtY. and I’m going to think about the Cabin birthday cake, always one of my favorite thoughts.
We’re making Sweet Revenge Pure cupcakes, with the recipe from Marlo’s appearance on Martha Stewart. 🙂
How delicious!!! the Cabin is clearly the place to be today!!
Fine way to celebrate a fine birthday. 🙂
Mmmm. Birthday wishes to him!
And they’re fine for now. Trees are down (one fell while we were talking) but they’ve all fallen where they wanted them to. They’re without power and internet and the highest winds are expected this afternoon.
Good to hear they (and you) are ok. Wishing the same for our friends further north.
very good to hear. between midnight and noon is the predicted problem period for us in the NY area
Glad to hear to this. I wish a loss of power and internet was going to be the limit of the damage from this storm.
My cousin in Virgina Beach posted on facebook about an hour ago that the eye had moved through and so far it hadn’t been too bad but they still had the backside to move through.
Glad you’re okay.
went outside a while back, can’t sleep. there is so much rain; wish I could send some to TX – was outside when it suddenly got worse around midnight with a rain band arrival, now getting worse again. , worst of storm between now and noon, I’m fine, have electric and no flooding on my block. wondering what’s happening elsewhere in the NY area. following everyone’s good advice, thanks!!
Take care. I hope you and my niece and all the other eastcoasters get through Irene without too many problems.
Eye just passed here (2 hours of almost sun and no rain), winds are picking up again and rain starting up a bit. wind was less intense than anticipated but flooding seems to be about what was expected though we won’t know for a while. no flooding in my immediate neighborhood and no power outages in my immediate neighborhood. Hudson came up pretty high (8 ft?) but I guess my block is higher ground than I thought.
We’re doing pretty well here; hopefully NY will make out as well as we did. We’re still running the pump in the basement intermittently as more water runs off and seeps in, but we didn’t lose power and only small bits of tree fell down. We’re thinking about taking a ride to survey the damage in the area after Finn wakes up. Followed, of course, by the birthday sushi that was postponed yesterday. 🙂
Hope everyone else is doing okay. I’m hoping we get another report from sjct letting us know they’re okay.
Excellent news. Sounds like NYC got through it without anything major and Marlo said it wasn’t too bad.
good to hear that!!
She got Sweet Revenge reopened on 4 p.m. yesterday so that was even better news. What would NYC do without cupcakes? 😉
Lots of rain, but no damage or loss of power. Things could have been far worse.
Good news.
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Heh. Great shot.
yes, very expressive
Thanks to both of you.