This is what happens when you pay someone to write because they used to be important instead of because they have something interesting to say. William Bennett served as Ronald Reagan’s education secretary. Then he developed a gambling problem that undermined his self-appointed mission of lecturing us about our morals. The truth is, his brother is a big-shot lawyer. William is a has-been. CNN should save its money. I think it would be impossible to say less in a column than Bennett managed to say in this offering. Let me summarize: Rick Perry is running for president. He’s ahead in the polls. He’s competing with Mitt Romney for establishment support and Michele Bachmann for Tea Party support. If he’s going to win, he’ll need to tone down the Texas act and stop threatening to kill Ben Bernanke.
Gee. I learned exactly nothing I didn’t already know.
Translation—-“Here’s a puffball article I wrote for my friend to help him burnish his rough edges, polish his image and make you forget about all the crazy things he has said and done”.
He should let us know if Perry has a good popover recipe.
Right. But he got paid to write it and he didn’t write it for the Weekly Standard or the National Review. He wrote it for CNN.
Do you find that surprising? I’m sure you don’t. I gave up on CNN long ago. Like most of corporate media, they over-represent the conservative viewpoint, in spite of what conservatives claim. Empirical data show that is pretty much the default position across the board when it comes to our national news corps.
Yeah, but don’t you wonder what Donald Trump thinks about it? Stay tuned….
CNN sucks. That is all.
At long last, a perfect home being built for the Bennetts of the airwaves.
If these people are also of the climate change denier crowd, they may find themselves with wet feet a few years down the road after more of the ice pack thaws.
How about in over their heads?
Seems quite possible:-)