About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
How is everyone this morning? The weather here is picture perfect, and Finny and I are heading out for a long stroll around the “block’ (4 or 5 miles, depending how we go), which I really need after all the cucpcakes and twizzlers we ate during the hurricane.
Actually enjoying this whole staycation thisng this week, although I would like a day at the beach before it’s over, if there is any beach left at the Jersey shore. Sushi dinner Sunday, scrubbed the bathroom yesterday, got partway through knitting the sleeves for Finny’s sweater, going to treat myself to a trip to the yarn shop this afternoon. And my mom is going to babysit so BooMan and I can go out for a childfree date. awesome.
Oh, and naps. yum. Now if only BooMan’s computer would arrive so I don’t have to share any more…
BooMan knits. Who knew! 😉
It’s too bad I know you’re just logged in under Booman because I rather enjoy the image of him knitting a sweater for Finny. 😉
Also, I like the “around the block” thing because I have walks I call the Long Around the Block (about 3 miles) and the Short Around the Block (about 1.5 miles). We also have To the Corner and Back for a very quick (under 1 mile) leg stretcher but that is actually a walk to a corner (of our 40 acres).
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That’s a very inviting path. Time for a walk?
Very nice indeed and not at all slippery at present.
I sure wouldn’t mind if it was slippery — having droughts for three summers in a row is really taking a toll on the woods.
I’ve noticed the drought stress in some of the trees evidenced by the early leaf color. I’d think it was an early fall except for the 90 degree temps.
Quite a few young trees in the woods have started turning and a few of the large ones have gone straight to brown (or maybe they’ve died).
End of summer celebration ~ Bug Rave!
Is that the Burning Ant festival?
Burning Beetle, they say.
No white eggs sacs after Labor Day.
Good morning!
A week back at work and ready for another vacation…
Hope you had a fantastic time.
Got some picture for us?
Didn’t take that many this year and they are still on the memory card. Don’t know if my dying laptop will run long enough to transfer files and then upload to Photobucket. Will give it a try this weekend.
But it was relaxing as always.
I’m look forward to maybe getting to see them — the cabin and environs always look so lovely and peaceful.
Oh no! Isn’t the relaxed peaceful state supposed to last a little longer than that?
I’m wrapping up my “staycation” week now…and never want it to end. We had a lovely day in NYC with all the boys and my mom yesterday. I just need to squeeze in a beach day now. 🙂
Like Andi, I’m looking forward to some cottage pics.
Hi CG,
Well, the stress is mostly unrelated to work. Sorting out tuition fees, applying for fin aid, etc. for both kids is a job in itself. Mostly sorted out now.
Saw Martin’s comments about the CP trip, you must have had a great day there in the park.
It will probably be late October before my next NY-trip…
Meanwhile, curly will be here in a week, for a week.
We did have an awesome day! The weather was perfect, and everyone had a good time. Nice to get to do something with my whole family, too.
I was thinking about curly and wondering how she is – it’s been so long since we’ve seen either of you. Do you two have any exciting travel plans while she’s there, or are you sticking close to home?
If you’re planning a NY-trip in late October then maybe we can manage a little meet-up (and see if we can get Mr. Gilroy to attend.. – others for that matter).
No major excursions this time, but we’ll probably be doing something like this:
That looks awesome. Can I come along?
If you can be here by Sunday next week…
BTW: Is this Booman or CG on the new Mac? Kind of difficult to keep track of you guys lately.
It’s Boo. We should many fewer log-in cross-ups now.
I want to come too. 🙂 But a meetup in October seems more likely…
You came to NYC and didn’t call me? I only get to Sweet Revenge with you guys – we need to do a yearly or bi-yearly pilgrimage there – it’s not only good for family vacation – it makes for a great family tradition!
We were with my mom and all the boys, and it was pretty last-minute (and we didn’t even make it to Sweet Revenge). I think we may be up your way again in a few weeks – I will definitely call next time!
I know that feeling. We’re just finishing our vacation.
Another trip to the southwest?
I could do without the first two, but the last one sure is welcome. Hope other parched folks are getting some too.
It’s pouring down here in Geneva. Mild and muggy all weekend. Young asklet is returning to mom today after 2 months in Sweden and Norway.
I managed to import and upload pictures. A few to follow below.
Straaholmen is a small island right at the edge of the open sea. A tiny community of ship pilots centuries ago, it is now an idyllic getaway for sailors and the lucky few who inherited the cozy small houses out there. A twenty minute boat ride from the cabin.
A four-person swing.
Local residents.
Ocean fog drifting in from sea, time to return.
so beautiful!
This little island is like a place out of fairy tale – someplace between imagining Little Bo Peep emerge or seeing Jane Eyre climbing on the rocks when the wind blows on the ocean side. It is truly a beautiful spot.
Thanks, I put a few more up at my FB page.
Thank you so much for these pictures and the ones below (wow that ski jump could give one vertigo) — they are all wonderful and it’s very hard to pick any favorites but the second from the top is just the essence of bucolic (now there’s a word whose meaining is all of sync with its sound).
Thanks Andi – I need a new camera, no proper focus.
That island looks so inviting, but I’ll bet November to March it has a different look.
You’ve got that one right, Jim. Winters are rough along the coast. But there are summer storms as well, you may recall I posted about Full City which ran aground in a July-storm 2 years ago – only a few miles from the cabin (and Straaholmen). At the map in the link above, the ship ran aground just about 2/3s of the way between the Straaholmen marker and the town marked Langesund. The cabin is 3 miles NNV of Straaholmen – at the close to fully enclosed fjord.
Brief visit to Oslo to visit two of my sisters + a bit of sightseeing.
Here at the top of the Holmenkollen ski jump. Holmenkollen was the arena for the 2011 World Championship in skiing
View of Oslo from the top. The city centre behind asklet’s back.
Back at the cabin – cleaning the catch.
Unstable weather conditions.
The view is the same.
What a beautiful place!
I’m addicted to it.
I bet you have seen some lovely spots out west as well.
I know the feeling. We just got back from New Mexico last night. I’ll have to post some new photos in the next few days.
Thanks for sharing your vacation photos with us. Such lovely spots!
It is so beautiful there, I never get tired of seeing the pictures. That ski jump looks pretty scary, though.
to all who celebrate it. May you find the most enjoyable way to unlabor.
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Hm, I’m feeling like doing exactly what the dog does…
But – it is not Labor Day in Europe.
On the other hand we have Jeûne genevois coming up on Thursday.
Have a piece of plum pie and the liquid libation of your choice for me.
Ah – you cheated and actually read the link…
I’ll have to buy the plum pie at the local patisserie (click Carouge-tab). Trusting curly to bring a decent wine from the tax free store when she arrives Thursday morning.
Waves to all. DSL is back. For now. Sigh. Happy Labor Day to all.
Hey. b2. Howdja do last week? We’re all just cleaning up here. Finally have power back as of Saturday. Some pictures of Irene’s impact at our town website. Quite amazing. Look for ‘Red Hill’, where I live.
These events only offer a little glimpse of what Nature can do. Almost impossible to comprehend.
And now, back to cleaning! Happy Labor Day.
WW, you’re back!
Glad you made it through. Did the water get into your house?
Hola, Jim! No, we’re up on the mountain; flooding occurred down in the valley. Our friends & neighbors there caught it pretty badly. Luckily, no loss of life.
Up here we lost food due to the outage. Plus, I now have a very sticky keyboard. That’s about it.
Hope the weather’s been treating you well.
Yep, Nature is not to be messed with. The photos are great. Glad you’re powered up & back running. Sorry about the cleaning.
Thanks, ID. I’m sorry about it too.
I’ll tell you a secret, though: I didn’t mind the outage all that much. After 5 days I was actually getting used to it.
My 87 year old housemate feels differently, unfortunately. The strangeness of it doesn’t suit her at all.
Yeah, the older and less willing to be adaptable I get, the more I find outages and inconveniences a personal affront.
Those pictures from the paper are stunning — in the most literal sense of the word.
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No thanks.
I’m headed down the mountain today & will check out the cleanup. I’m so glad I can get through town!
Hope all’s well in your woods today.
I imagine it will take quite awhile to get everything cleaned up.
All is pretty good here. The temps dropped from 100 degrees on Saturday to 65 on Monday and we even had a very good rain on Sunday. Unfortunately, it’s way too late for a lot of the trees which were stressed by the drought.
100 to 65? Holy cow!
Well, they say that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Here’s hoping it’s true for your trees.
Yeah, that was quite a drop … and quite a welcome one too.
We lost power for almost a week. Fridge contents were a total loss. Still no DSL. Glad you’re okay!
We still don’t have DSL either.
Glad you’re OK as well. Let’s hope there’s not much more flooding this week!
Refrigeration is the thing I miss the most when the power goes off here. We have a couple of big coolers we load up when we think its going to be off for awhile and are able to keep the cold stuff a little longer that way.
The food storage thing is the only reason I like a power-out more in winter than in summer. Put the coolers in the woodshed & that’s that. We might lose the ice cream, but that’s it.
I’ll say it again: some day I’ll be off the grid & I won’t have to deal with this crap. Neighbors & I agree that we’re now looking at the new normal & we’d best figure out how to make these events less traumatic.
Regional radio reports a flood watch for the listening area ’til tomorrow night. National Guard troops are still heading into some Catskills towns to help clean up. The news continues to come in & it’s bad. Local farms destroyed, lack of food resulting. Local municipal offices destroyed. Compared to these other locations, we did very well.
Our DSL is still out. And I discovered that my faithful clock-radio is another victim of Irene. It is now doing wacky things. Time to shop for a replacement.
Good morning, boran!
Looks like you accidentally uprated a spammer…
Oops! Fixed!
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