Passing my teevee about an hour ago, I heard Sarah Palin say that we created no jobs in August (true) and that this was the first time that had happened since World War Two (so untrue that I”m shocked that God didn’t smite her on the spot).
It must be nice feeling completely free to tell the most massive lies without any fear of consequences.
How many jobs did we lose in the months between September 2008 and whenever the Stimulus kicked in? Palin might remember that John McCain put their campaign on hiatus so he could race to Washington and contribute nothing to a meeting in the White House on how to prevent every job in the world from being destroyed.
I noticed that too. I also noticed that CNN was the only one of the three to show Palin’s speech. Even Fox was ignoring her.
With CNN hosting the first TParty debate they were probably boxed into that particular coverage corner.
The fact checkers will need to open up a whole new website when the TParty debaters open fire, God may want to have a shot of JD in preparation of that one, course they’ll all be forgiven Sunday.
I heard that this was the first time since World War 2 that Sarah Palin gave a shit about jobs.
there was a very interesting and far ranging q and a with robert reich yesterday on reddit.
interesting comments throughout, although it sometimes wanders.
recommended reading, imo.
vis-a-vis, job creation, legalization of marijuana, obama’s re-election, and much more.
Sarah who?
You remember, Sarah the Plumber.
Atrios notes that there will be a very rare occurrence early tomorrow morning.
There will two, living, breathing liberals on the same Sunday morning bobblehead show to talk about the economy and jobs.
I am going to go and write this down in my diary right now.
It really doesn’t matter what Sarah Palin says or does.
President Obama seems to be intent on destroying the EPA pre-emptively.
I am rapidly losing hope that this country can stop its decline into madness. And yes, I tend to be a get-out-there-at-the grassroots-and-fight sort of person.
But to announce that ozone decision before the “big speech” tells me the big speech is going to be handing his sword to General Cantor.
And the Republicans smell blood in the water; their next stunt is to completely paralyze the NLRB by having the Republican resign, leaving it without sufficient members to do business.
So tell me again how Sarah Palin matters.
Don’t worry. A Republican Senate — after Manchin changes parties, the open Virginia seat occupied by George Allen, and without Stabenow, Casey, Brown, and Tester, will fix all that. There’s no political downside in the Midwest, and in Appalachia, to being tied to unilateral EPA action on emissions.
And when the GOP say that their only beef with the EPA is that what they do via regulation should instead be done via legislation, I take them at their word.
President Perry’s first signature piece of legislation will be Senator McConnell’s carbon-cap law.
Only Nixon could go to China.
Well, I can’t say it’s the last straw for me, because the last straw happened a while ago. But I’m finding it hard to express my disgust and dismay here. So, Obama is adopting the Bush Administration’s environmental policies, and in the process ignoring the scientific consensus.
What was it, just last week, we were wondering why the House would waste its time trying to prevent EPA regs from taking effect? Because, certainly, such bills would be DOA in the Democratic Senate, and surely the White House would back its own people at EPA. Well, that isn’t how it’s playing out, is it?
The regs in question will cost as much as 90 billion dollars, which is presumably the biggest number that an industry economist was able to say with a straight face. The actual cost would have been far less, and the actual actual cost, meaning the cost of the regs minus the money saved in medical expenses, would, I imagine, be a negative number.
Like I say, this isn’t the last straw for me. But from the people I’ve spoken with today, I get a sense that it could be the last straw for many.
Uh, one might say he’s worse than Bush on this front. Bush’s rules were going to go in place, but Obama directed them not to because they were reviewing the rules themselves to come up with tighter restrictions.
But now that they’ve been waived off completely, we’re back to 1997 restrictions. So yes, worse than Bush on the environment. Arguably. Fuel standards by 2020 do not cut it. Coal > oil.
Instead of focusing on Palin trivia, why not post something about the Tar Sands Protest?
I mean seriously BooMan, how can Obama claim to be against global warming when he is green-lighting a pipeline for what all Gore calls: “The Dirtiest fuel on the planet.”?
And why did Bill McKibben spend three nights in jail? Did that order come from Obama himself?
I don’t know who Boll McKibben is.
Obama didn’t green-light the Tar Sands project, he green-lighted a pipeline. Talk to Canada about the carbon output. Talk to Obama about the potential damage to our aquifers.
Canada is sitting on untold wealth. Obama can’t make them give it up. But he can make sure we benefit from that wealth, too. It’s not an easy call, but truthfully it isn’t a subject I have studied carefully. I don’t know, for example, what would happen if we refused to refine their dirty energy. Who would do it instead?
Right on. Nothing wrong with a pipeline for oil to flow through. But if you have a problem with the way that oil is harvested, talk to the harvesters (Exxon, Shell, The Canadian Government, etc.)
there’s the problem of where the pipeline is going – through the Sandhills; that’s what Bill McKibben, etc is about – save a few pennies by endangering the Midwest’s water supply, the livelihoods of ranchers and a sensitive ecological region that is in very good condition and produces a significant % of usa beef
I saw the Palin speech in its entirety, completely by accident. I just happened to be flipping channels and stopped on CNN just moments before it started. So I watched.
She has the Disenfranchised White Voter locked, eating out of her hand. She spoke to them like I’ve never heard anyone do before. I don’t know what she’s up to but she belched out an economic program that makes absolutely no sense at all and the press is so afraid of her that they won’t scrutinize it one bit. ALl they can say is “will she run or won’t she?” She talked about “her plan” to fix the economy. But she made no announcement. She blamed Obama for everything and she railed against “Crony Capitalism,” (CNN analysts say this means she’s talking about Rick Perry. Whatever, but she didn’t name names) suggesting that if we just made all corporations free of any kind of taxation that the lobbyists would just disappear. ANd then we’d all be rich somehow. Right.
I don’t know what to do about this crazy lady. But she could be trouble. She makes that connection with the know-nothing crowd like no one else can. And we’ve got way too many of these folks.
First of all, the crowd she is appealing to is not that big a proportion of the electorate. OK. in some places it is, but not in national election terms. Second of all, she’s got a lot of competition. Third of all, she’s just a big mouth, she’s not even a declared candidate. Where is her organization?
I want to stay positive. Silly me, I’m actually hoping that Obama’s team realizes that he’s in deep shit (I’m beyond hoping that they will ever give a crap that the country is in deep shit, but at some point they will realize that when Perry starts beating Obama in polls that he’s in real trouble) and decides to go for a hail mary in his speech next week. You know, the sort of WPA/CCC jobs program that he should have passed – LIKE HIS LOYAL PROGRESSIVE ECONOMIC ADVISERS WOULD HAVE TOLD HIM THE COUNTRY NEEDED IF HE’D ACTUALLY APPOINTED ANY OF THEM – back in early 2009.
I’m also trying to stay positive about the large number of bad environmental decisions of the Obama administration — couple with the non-decision to do nothing about climate change. After all, the EPA has in fact passed numerous minor regulatory improvements under Obama that Bush would probably have wiped out.
I guess that none of those minor EPA regs was important enough for Obama’s big campaign contributors to care about. Oops … there goes my attempt to stay positive.
Still have no idea what to do come the November 2012 election. Not vote at all? Vote while holding my nose for Mr. “No we can’t – not even with 60 Democratic Senators”? Vote my usual straight Democratic ticket, but ignore the top race on the ballot? Not that one vote will ever matter, even in a swing state like Colorado, but one likes to think that when they vote they are voting for something good for the future.
HE HAS NO JURISDICTION OVER THE CANADIAN PIPELINE!!! What do you want him to do? Invade Canada for their oil!?!? Stupid firebagger.
**meanwhile, Obama stabs enviros in the back over EPA regs**
Well they’re going to be looked at again in 2013, AFTER the election. He’s just CYA the Senators in coal states who have tough races. After the election he’ll not only put the regs he was supposed to put in place after he got the environmentalists to drop their initial lawsuit, but even tougher ones! You’ll see!!!!
see my comment above
I think you just misunderstood her. What she meant was that this is the first time since WW2 that NO JOBS WERE CREATED IN AUGUST 2011. You can’t argue with that.
Tar sands.
I believe that technically speaking this was the first time that there was exactly zero jobs created in a month per that report. There have been positive and negative results, but never zero.
Now, if she’s a typical wingnut, and she is, she will hear that statistic and misinterpret it in her party’s favor. And you’ll never, ever be able to correct it. It will be a zombie lie, one that will be retold 10 years from now – “Obama was the first president to have no jobs created in a month, every other month there have been jobs created.”
Just like Al Gore claimed to have invented the internet. And Janet Reno caused Ruby Ridge.
The best choice for the economy is to ditch the environment and harvest the filthiest fuel on the planet, right?
And his name is actually spelled Bill McKibben although I know you and the administration you shill for who like to forget about him entirely.
What a huge disappointment you turned out to be BooMan.
PS Check Obama’s poll numbers lately? Looks like next year you will have to start looking for a real job.