Why should we spend money on museums or the preservation of historic sites? Let’s eliminate all federal funding for such nonsense, shall we?

Congressional Republicans may be opposed to President Obama’s call for new infrastructure spending, but House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) is pushing an idea that he says would free up funds for critical transportation projects.

In a statement responding to Friday’s disappointing jobs report, Cantor highlighted a proposal to eliminate a rule requiring states to set aside 10 percent of federal surface transportation funds for “museums, education and preservation.” Scrapping that provision, Cantor said, “would allow states to devote these monies to high-priority infrastructure projects, without adding to the deficit.”

Let’s create some jobs and build some infrastructure by taking money away from highway beautification projects. Why don’t we do that? That seems like a great compromise.

I swear, there is no dealing with these people. Search as long and hard as you want, you still won’t find a hint of decency in them.