I could probably get a bunch of unwanted attention by simply advocating that someone torpedo this ship. I wonder how much damage that would cause to the Mighty Republican Wurlitzer. But, you know, who am I kidding? They could rebuild in a month or two. It’s not like anyone on that manifest has much true talent. In fact, I’d be worried that putting that much stupid in a ship on the high seas might create some kind of vortex that would pull everyone down to the ocean floor. Maybe torpedoes won’t be required.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Is it wrong that I’m a little bit tempted to go on this? I feel like as an early 30’s, clean cut white guy I could infiltrate this event pretty easily.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure my sanity would make it through the voyage intact.
Or, they’d sniff me out and dump me off at one of the ports.
C’mon, imagine being regaled with the collective wisdom of Jonah Goldberg, Mark Steyn, John Yoo, and Rich ‘Starbursts’ Lowry.
Sure, but what would I do for the other 7 days?
Spy on them. Set your iPod to record conversations. Transcribe it all and get an article published in The Nation or something like that when you get back.
Pretty risky, I’d say. For example, what if the succubus Coulter showed up? Poor ej could be scarred for life or turned to stone, even!
I feel like as an early 30’s, clean cut white guy I could infiltrate this event pretty easily.
I mean you could, but why?
On the one hand you’re giving money – hard-earned money – to the National Review. Where they will piss it away by being the National Review.
On the other hand this gets you a week trapped on a ship with 3 dozen conservative blabber-mouths and surrounded by a few hundred true believers who ponied up money to be near those blabber-mouths. It sounds like a missing chapter from Dante’s Inferno to me.
(OTOH – if you could somehow arrange it so that ALL of the participants on the cruise were liberals so that the conservative blabbermouths were outnumbered 10 to 1? Now THAT would be worth ponying up for.)
Or, you could surreptitiously tape everything and then publish it.
Yeah, I’m not saying it would be pleasant. Anything but. But it would be a great opportunity to get some dirt.
Unfortunately I’m not in a financial position yet where I could blow a couple grand on getting my brain beaten into submission for over a week. If that’s what I was going for, buying a couple bottles of booze and watching Fox News for a few days is more in line with my budget.
Put that on your Bucket List. I’m unemployed, broke, and going through a divorce, but I’d kick in $20 for your expenses.
Nonsense. Cruises of these type would always involve a lot of alcohol. So there’s that! I think it would be entertaining.
It’s taken me a while, but after a lot of debates with people in person it’s not hard for me to just sit back and laugh. The first time I was practically screaming. Now it’s not that big of a deal. So for me, I’d drink some booze, sit back, and enjoy the show. Maybe even goad some of them into saying things they’d regret. “Off the record,” of course.
Given the demographics of cruises in general (who can take off work), you are likely to be the most popular guy on the boat.
Absolutely zero damage.
In fact such a thing might HELP the Mighty Republican Wurlitzer by knocking out some dead weight and legacy hires and opening up some of that precious, precious Wingnut Welfare for some folks with more talent and slightly fewer connections.
In a related development…,
So, what’s the back story on the Daily Kos racial problems? I have a recommended diary over there and I spent some time on the site today. I caught some kind of negative vibe but I don’t understand it.
I still don’t get it. I know Markos banned a few people, I don’t think permanently, about a week or so ago. I have no idea who he banned. So why the uproar? Is it that most of the banned aren’t white? I haven’t been on TGOS much lately so I missed all the pie fights.
some permanent bannings, some people lost ability to rate comments because of uprating obnoxious stuff from the banned.
the boycotters assert that the punished (both groups) are disproportionately black.
How boring would this trip be? Dear Gawd. Maybe one of these people has a cocaine or hooker habit to liven the boat party up.
it’s cruises like these that brought us sarah palin!
Like minds being attracted to like and all, I hope the participants aren’t too bothered by masses of amorous sea cucumbers.
It’s like a conservative summer camp at sea (except not during summer). What right-minded person wouldn’t take a little joy from it somehow sinking at sea?
The Republican Party should have a presidential debate cruise.
Alright, who’s gonna watch the “tea party” debate on CNN? I’ve given up on CNN a long time ago, so I won’t be watching it.
I was just wondering who would be a good place to read a synopsis about what’s going on?
I’ll be following updates on twitter, but that’s it.
I do have some predictions though. Perry will be just as bad as he was before and Romney will be as wooden as he usually is, but I suspect Bachmann is gonna try to go for the jugular. She needs to because as of the last debate and since Perry’s entry Perry has sucked up all the oxygen on her side of the tea party church. The media is literally calling her the “disappearing candidate”. She’s got to do something to get her mojo back. Hell Newt freakin’ Gingrich is polling better than her in CNN pre-debate poll!
ugh, I read gawker sporadically, but are they credible? Cause if this is true, then WTF NYT!
Is Barack Obama Depressed?
Really? someone is gonna have to tell me what is the point of a story like this?? Isn’t it just Druge/Rush/FauxNews bait? Or is it just another notch in the Obama is so weak…meme that popular now
Your liberal media……..
Back to the cruise, anyway to reroute the ship to off the coast of Somalia?