Did you watch the Republican CNN/Tea Party debate tonight? I thought it was pretty awesome. I have no idea who can be said to have won the thing. I don’t live on the same planet as those people. I thought Rick Perry showed some Reaganesque flashes, which I thought was a little frightening. But he doesn’t seem to be in political shape. He ran out of steam about halfway through. Romney put in a typical performance. He came across as geeky and too easy to bully. His sense of humor is still flat. No one can envision him pleasantly surprising anyone in bed. Huntsman seemed to be convinced the way to win is to be the biggest jerk (which is not a terrible operating strategy). Bachmann was convincing as the most unelectable. Ron Paul did what he does. Herman Cain was entertaining. Gingrich had some good applause lines. Santorum brought his frothy mix of ideas to the table.
I could make more substantive observations, but my mind is melted from such close exposure to the Crazy/Stupid. It’s very hard to picture any of these ass-clowns winning the nomination, let along the general election, but we have to take this phenomenon very seriously. I like to make fun of them, but I know they could be having the last laugh. Our country embarked on a crazy train ten years ago, and it’s still chugging along.
What did you think? Is Death to the Comatose a good campaign slogan?
Were we supposed to try?
You’re a weird guy, Booman.
Coming up empty, too, are we?
It cannot be unseen now. And here I thought I was being so clever by not watching the damn thing.
I thought it was a hilarious line, and oh so true, BooMan.
CAM. His new MacBook seems to have brought back the old Booman, albeit with Apple’s notorious spellchecking. 🙂
I actually thought it was quit witty. I was planning to steal, I mean borrow it.
I was busy watching Lawrence O’Donnell talk with Reagan’s daughter about last week’s debate. She made a keen observation…we all are so disgusted by the lack of respect for Obama in the office of President…but she made the observation that they are disrespecting her father, and did so under his roof so to speak, by claiming all sorts of distortions in his name. Would they dare if he were still alive she asked.
She partiularly was disgusted by the applause at Perry’s 200 executions and said her dad was particularly affected by the executions he had to sign off on.
I thought Perry did much better this time around, but only in the beginning. Again, he continues to show what I’ve thought from the get-go: he doesn’t have it. As you said, he seemed to lose his steam.
Romney you could tell that he wanted to get off the crazy train when it came to the Fed and the Fair Tax.
Ron Paul was Ron Paul, and to anyone who thought the GOP is “changing course on foreign policy,” you better start eating some crow. They booed the shit out of him when he tried speaking truth to power over our occupations.
Bachmann and Cain got the largest applause lines when they came on stage. Bachmann did better this debate than last, and as Tarheel pointed out, she’s found a kink in his armor with the vaccinations (I think she’ll also hit him on immigration).
In a sane world Huntsman would be on the far-right spectrum of the Republican Party, but someone with whom I could have a serious debate with and we might actually come out with a policy to sign into law. He’s still very conservative, he’s not a moderate, but he actually believes in GOVERNING. That and the fact that he accepts science is the only difference between him and the rest.
Gingrich is one of the nastier ones up there when it comes to Obama. I think that’s all he sees himself as. He knows he’s not going anywhere, so he’s taking up the mantle to attack the media and the president. He also had a nice racist slur in there with Obama scaring everyone.
Good summation. I am a bit disappointed that no one suggested Death Camps for illegal Messican immigrants though. If anyone had the balls to do it, they would have blown Perry out of the water.
This is a vicious crowd.
…and they claim to be Christians. So sad. So sad.
So, no predictions as to the winner yet?
I think Perry won on the Teabaggers’ scale. But he was kinda soft on immigration. But who can pass up a Bush-clone with all that swagger? They’re in love. They’ll overlook his Texas views about those dirty Brown People.
That’s kind of my sense of how things are going. Admittedly, I’m not watching these clown shows for the sake of my own mental health. But it’s really hard for me to imagine that the Teabaggers aren’t going to go for the gold this time. If they can’t have Palin, Perry is the next best thing. Why on earth would they choose Romney, who is most certainly not one of them? Who cares about “electability?” These people are completely delusional. I don’t see Perry losing the nom absent two wetsuits and a dildo.
The debate? I’d say Romney won again, but less so than he did last time. Perry had fewer applause lines and he definitely has a weak spot on immigration (less so on vaccinations, but that will still hit him). Also, I think Bachmann stayed alive in this debate, so I wouldn’t count her out yet.
It’s basically a wash because no one but us is watching these debates lol. They probably had less than a million views.
Wasn’t there a big football game on a major network opposite the debate?
I look forward to any of those yahoos being on stage in a debate with President Obama.
I dunno. I remember Gore absolutely mopping the floor with Bush to the point in (iirc) the latter half of the first debate there was a moment when Bush literally reeled and staggered for a moment and started talking vague nonsense about how “everyone would be happy” under his presidency. It actually looked for a moment or two as if he might fall down.
Then the craptastic media went to work and had Gore solidly declared the loser although later, when it no longer mattered, several of them agreed that he actually won and claimed to have said so at the time.
They propped up Palin against Biden too. Essentially debates only matter during primaries, and when a Reepub uncontestably beats a Dem.
The media already tried, and failed, to spin Pres. Obama to debate losses. EVERY SINGLE debate he had with McCain, the pundits immediately after tried to say McCain won or that it was basically even.
But insta-polls showed how much Pres. Obama destroyed him on the stage, and it broke the narrative almost instantly.
“Ship of fools
on a cruel sea
Ship of fools
sail away from me”
You know, I never could understand why I don’t like The Grateful Dead like so many of my peers do. I just don’t get it. I should love them. Yet, for example, I LOVE Jimi Hendrix’ stuff because he was just WILD with that guitar and his music was very freaky and thought-provoking (when you’re high) but the G.D. just sort of make me sleepy.
Nothing personal, Dead fans. Please don’t flame me. I just thought I’d confess about that.
Ship of Fools in not one of their livelier tunes.
Try this:
Yeah, that would be great LIVE music at the casino or casual club. I could get into that 13 MINUTE song in that kind of situation. But it didn’t totally BLOW MY MIND, you know.
The Grateful Dead aren’t BAD, but if I were sitting alone listening to them, it would put me to sleep.
Also, too. The Doors. Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin… so much more out there. Fucking awesome music from before my formative years. Love it all.
I never cared about The Dead until I was thirty years old.
But I did love Garcia’s “Sugaree.”
I saw the Dead in concert way back in 1969 and I didn’t care for them then. They’re a jam band, but they don’t jam as hard as the really good jam bands do or did. Like the early Santana and the Allman Brothers. Both who I’ve seen, too.
They just don’t rock hard enough.
I went from begrudging respect for Huntsman to really disliking him.
What does it say about the President’s political advisers that they were so frightened of this guy running against them in 2012 that they would appoint such a conservative to be ambassador to the second most important economic nation on the planet?
Having now seen him in action, this is a guy they were worried about?
I think what it says it that they thought the Republican Party would look a lot more like the GOP of 2008 than it actually does today.
They thought Huntsman would be a threat the way McCain was a threat in ’08 and they sought to neutralize it. While they should have predicted that the GOP would move to the right somewhat after their loss in ’08 (it’s what they do – conservatism cannot fail it can only be failed), they probably didn’t quite predict how openly nuts they would become. Also there was always a small chance that they might moderate themselves, and Huntsman would be the obvious choice for a slightly more moderate GOP than the one that ran in ’08.