Did you watch the Republican CNN/Tea Party debate tonight? I thought it was pretty awesome. I have no idea who can be said to have won the thing. I don’t live on the same planet as those people. I thought Rick Perry showed some Reaganesque flashes, which I thought was a little frightening. But he doesn’t seem to be in political shape. He ran out of steam about halfway through. Romney put in a typical performance. He came across as geeky and too easy to bully. His sense of humor is still flat. No one can envision him pleasantly surprising anyone in bed. Huntsman seemed to be convinced the way to win is to be the biggest jerk (which is not a terrible operating strategy). Bachmann was convincing as the most unelectable. Ron Paul did what he does. Herman Cain was entertaining. Gingrich had some good applause lines. Santorum brought his frothy mix of ideas to the table.

I could make more substantive observations, but my mind is melted from such close exposure to the Crazy/Stupid. It’s very hard to picture any of these ass-clowns winning the nomination, let along the general election, but we have to take this phenomenon very seriously. I like to make fun of them, but I know they could be having the last laugh. Our country embarked on a crazy train ten years ago, and it’s still chugging along.

What did you think? Is Death to the Comatose a good campaign slogan?