Apparently, the Republicans are doing one of these stupid Straw Polls in Florida today. The problem is, the base hates all the candidates, which makes picking someone in the Straw Poll a bit of a challenge. Byron York speculates that Herman Cain might do better than expected because no one feels like voting for Rick Perry after he called them heartless. This makes sense to me because the most obvious thing to do if someone calls you out on your heartless hatred of Latinos is to vote for the black guy. ‘See? I’m not a racist who thinks minorities are biting into too much of my paycheck. I’m color blind.’
Can you feel the Cainmentum?
It is difficult to project how many wingnut heads would explode across the nation if they walked into a voting booth and saw two black dudes at the top of their ballot.
Kind of like a Southern Baptist looking at a Romney-Huntsman ticket.
Herman Cain just won the straw poll, per CNN.
So awesome.
Interesting results indeed.
Wow. I wonder what his fundraising looks like. It was shit before, which is why I had Bachmann > Cain. In fact, the fundraising factor is the only reason I had Bachmann as a contender at all.
I wonder why the results were the way that they were…Cain did get the biggest intro applause, and he had that long-lasting applause for “I woulda died with Obama!”
In some sense, the same fact that makes Cain our best candidate also makes him our worst…
He has never held elected office…
If I had magic wand that I could use to appoint the next President…it would be a tough choice between Cain and Gingrich…
These guys get it…they understand what is required to “get America working again”…
But, from my business experience, I also know that Experience Counts…that being a CEO is qualitatively different that governing…
The best prerequisite for the Chief Executive of the United States is being a Governor…or maybe Vice-President…
I would love if Cain won…being from Atlanta, I listened to his show every night..I love his passion…and, of all the Republican candidates, except for Gingrich, he is the most likely to mop the flooor with Obama in a debate…plus the bonus fact that you Progressives can’t use your god–n racist card (sorry, Maxine Waters)…
But experience does count…
Go Romney Go!
Cain a fascist racist moron, like all you repukeliscum turds. Teabagger traitors are racists, and I don’t care if he is black. He’s a racist too. Certainly and absolutaely a fascist.
I hope he wins. I hope little Ricky the coyote killer wins. You know he shot that coyote in the back?
Awww, be nice to our conservative friend. The Republican field is so weak that of course they have to delude themselves.
In 2000 they chose Bush, who they knew to be a buffoon, in order to avoid McCain. Then in 2008 they chose McCain, who they knew to be a doddering old fool, to avoid Romney. Now they will choose Romney, who they know to be a Massachusetts faux-conservative Plastic Man to avoid the rest of the clown car being offered up.
I don’t envy them.
I am really really tired of listening to fascist crap from racists. Really tired.
I hear you. He may be a fascist, sure. But probably not a racist. I’m careful about throwing that charge around.
And he does provide some fun around here, doesn’t he?
How could someone who wants Government to be as small as possible be a facist?
Progressives, please…drop the racist and facist charges. Give me your definition of Facism, then demonstrate who reducing the size and scope of government is facist. Please.
By the way, I do not think Obama is really a “Socialist”, or at least not a full-blown one, because he does not advocate, for the most part, state-ownership of the means of production.
Kind of like the Michael Steele phenomenon …? or the Putney Swope phenomenon …?
This is the verdict of the People about “Social Security is a Ponzi scheme”. This is the suicide position, and this is what the TeaMorons want.
Go, Ricky, Go!! Shoot them Coyotes!! Talk about Social Security!! Tell the people the uncomfortable truth, that you will put them on catfood!! That’s a winning position.
That’s the ticket.
Boo, This may be a good time for me to send you the Godfather’s pizza alice I brought for you when I was traveling in August. on second thought, I may wait until he wins the nomination. you can sell it on ebay to support boo tribune if you don’t want to keep it
I love the Bravado…
Obama is doomed…in every recent poll, he loses to a Generic Republican…
Look at history…an incumbent generallly wins against a specific opponent, as they generally have less name regognition…
At this juncture, the result against the “generic” opponent is a much more accurate predictor of the outcome of the general election…
Barring a miraculous turnaround in the economy, which will not not happen because the wealth and job creators in this country know that Barrack Obama has us in his crosshairs, we are assured of Republican controll of the House, and Senate, and White House.
We will turn this country around! We will take our country back! We will create opportunity and wealth for all who are willing to work for it!
I love your spirit. Really, I do. Yet at the same time, I think you may be a bit off-compass.
Right now things look bad for Obama. In fact, they look absolutely terrible. But once the R’s find their candidate, they will regret it, regardless of who that is. Because then we will get a real education about them.
And we will be faced with a (binary) choice.
Thank you!
I agree that the Binary choice is critical…
I recall in 2008, when Barrack and Hillary were still fighting it out, and polls comparing McCain vs. Hillary and Barrack showed McCain leading…
The minute that Hillary conceded…Democrats pulled rank, and Obama led in general election polls…
You are dead right…the Binary choice is key…independent will not vote for a man who is destroying our economy…
Central Planning does not work…Keynesian “pump priming” does not work…
Limited Government, Less Regulation works….it allows the weath producers to improve the standard of living of every citizen in this country…
Please, Progressives…let us get this country working and producing again…you can still tax us to pay for your welfare state!
Dude, you’re totally lost in the woods, aren’t you? We’re still living in the results of just what economic principles you’re describing. We need to return to Keynesian… desperately. Obama is starting to realize that just now and I think the case can be made during the campaign.
So we disagree. But I do enjoy the debate. Beats having to agree with everyone around me for fear of being called a troll like would happen at many other blogs.
BTW, “Wealth” is not “produced” or “created.” It is transferred or stolen. Wealth, on an individual, national or world-level, is a zero-sum game. There is only so much money (wealth) and by becoming a millionaire or billionaire, you are just taking it out of someone else’s pocket. Often it is those who can least afford to spare it.
Think about that.
You’re statement represents the single biggest error made by Progressives…
Randy, imagine that you, and me, and Thurston Howell (the rich guy on Gilligan’s Island that had a trunk load of cash) somehow washed up on a desert island.
No food, no shelter, nothing…
Howell has plenty of cash, but it is worthless, because HE CAN’T BUY ANYTHING!
On the day 1 of our misadventure, the total GDP of the island is zero.
Now, let’s say that I am good at farming, and you are a carpenter…I grow food for you, in exchange for you building my hut…
OMG…the GDP of the island just increased! We went from zero, to the value of the crops that I grew, and the value of the hut that you built! We created wealth where none existed before!
BTW…unless you and I agree that the Federal Reserve notes owned by Thurston Howell will be our means of exchange…Howell still has no wealth, even though he has money!
All Wealth is created.
Just keep chanting this crap, bud. Remember, Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. That worked out super for little Ricky in Florida, didn’t it.